snow patrol一直在尝试改变,但同时他们一直都保留着一些不变的东西,我觉得这是一种最好的状态,既不枯燥也保留本真。第一张《Songs For Polar Bears》,做了近十年只卖出6000张的《When It's All Over We Still Have To Clear Up》,令人难忘的《Final Straw》,动听非常又过于流行的《Eyes Open》,温暖的《A Hundred Million Suns》。当突然听到《Fallen Empires》,听到好多snow patrol变化的声音,好多某大团流行化雪警反其道变另类低调的说法,我只是觉得snow patrol只是回归了,这张里我听到了太多一二张清新低调轻吟浅唱的痕迹了。
很难说,对snow patrol的这次回归是该喜悦还是忧虑,如果流行到令人发指(他们很会掌握,从来没有),是铁杆粉最不愿意看到的,如果又回到小众时代,铁杆粉总愿意死心塌地的追随,但我们还是希望gary在唱的时候,底下可以一齐仰望同声合唱。有一块黑板,我会画一下类似于偏离市场均衡的曲线- -,流行乐是一条水平线,而snow patrol的专辑是一条波浪线,前两张距离水平线很远,第三张开始靠近,第四张最为接近,五六张再次偏离水平线。
而对成熟来说,以前的gary lightbody的声线总是干净可爱,带点讨人喜欢的腼腆,你能在前两张听到明亮近似天真的声音对你唱“firelight”,也可以恬不知耻的唱着“make love to me forever……”。你总会感觉到snow patrol那时候虽然艰辛,但依然纯真饱含深情。这张gary的声音有了变化,你偶尔可以听到沙哑的声音,带着点沧桑,但总算深情依然。用一个老套的比喻就是男孩→男人,上张就能看出,但这次是完全的蜕变。
《This isn't Everything You Are》出来的时候,对这首歌表示不解,看上去很明显走的是副歌主歌的路线,但是主旋律部分来的这么晚,又不像我们所期盼的那样,所以会摸不着头脑。Anyway,吉他部分其实挺出彩的,我更愿意理解成主旋律是吉他,gary的声音是附和吉他的伴奏。这是一首令人印象深刻的歌,你会记住强烈节奏下gary的呐喊,This isn't Everything You Are!
《The Garden Rules》"oh,you will never know,how much i love so…"能听懂里面的歌词,当你知道它讲述的是什么故事,知道花园下只有我们俩知道的秘密规则,你能听到一去不复返的童年往事,逝去时光的淡淡忧伤。gary给我们展示的是爱尔兰乡村最美的风光下曾经的两小无猜的青涩心动,也拉回我们纯真的记忆。
《berlin》来讲完全是个惊喜,一开始独唱,八音盒灵巧地闪烁着,后半段加上的节奏感,轻声唱和的人逐渐增多,背景音乐随之富有层次,结尾是散落一地的水晶。短短两分钟,就能让人快乐起来。同样的八音盒,能否想起曾经的《you could be happy》?
《New York》是一首思念之歌,简直是封情书。"If our hearts had never broken.Well there's no joy in the mending.So much this hurt can teach us both"gary的歌词依然可爱能够让你会心一笑。孤独漫长的纽约之夜,我渴望你能来到我的身边,当gary唱着"come on come out come here come here"请自行脑补撒娇表情(>_<),当思念到达最深尽头,呼喊声伴随着强烈的钢琴节奏响起了清亮如流水般的单簧管声,你仿佛能看到繁华灯光华丽下的纽约城,站立着那个孤独想念你的身影。在高潮下截然而止,所有过往的思绪回归现实,你依然不在我身边……
《The President》带着跳跃的俏皮,电子声蹦着,点缀恰得好处,会让人情不自禁的舞起来,和《Called Out in the Dark》相似,不过我觉得后者更加性感,声线性感,编曲性感,mv也挺性感,gary以后要是走这种路线,我完全不会反对。
ps:学谁不好学大米,和声的菇凉是谁,婚否?差不多就行啦,早就看出你对家庭的渴望,等你找好了姑娘,我们会在远方默默流泪并祝你幸福~This is all you ever wanted from life.
new york
If you were here beside me,
Instead of in New York
If the curve of you was curved on me
I'd tell you that I loved you
Before I even knew you
'Cause I loved the simple thought of you
If our hearts had never broken
Well there's no joy in the mending
So much this hurt can teach us both
There's distance and there's silence
Your words have never left me
They're the prayer that I say every day
Come on come out come here come here
Come on come out come here come here
Come on come out come here come here
Come on come out come here come here
The lone neon lights
And the heat of the ocean
And the fire that had started to spark
I miss it all from the love to the lightning
And the lack of it snaps me in two
If you were here beside me
Instead of New York
In the arms you said you'd never leave
I'd tell you that it's simple
And it was only ever thus
There is nowhere else that I belong
Come on come out come here come here
Come on come out come here come here
Come on come out come here come here
Come on come out come here come here
The lone neon lights
And the want of the ocean
And the fire that had started to spark
I miss it all from the love to the lightning
And the lack of it snaps me in two
Just give me a sign
There is end in a beginning
Til the quiet chaos driving me mad
The lone neon lights
And the want of the ocean
And the fire that had started to go out
fallen empires
You called my name in the dark
Called me back to the start
The condensation is building tension
A stubborn silence is formed
Around our bodies it's warm
The cool wet grasses as summer passes
Frightened under attack
Fallen flat on my back
Arms and legs I'm too scared to beg
You haunt me most when it's light
The thought of you don't sit right
I need the darkness a death grip embrace
Fallen empires
Raising cities to dust
Faces dripping in lust
Fallen empires and raging bush fires
All your words confounded
Secret lives bound and hid
Living backwards in tangled back woods
You ruined everything right
So good I can't see the light
From my cave I can see the wave
Fallen empires and raging bush fires
We are the light, we are the light [repeat until end]
Run to the fire [repeat until end]
the weight of love
Your engine threatens, I can hear it from the garden
I can see it coming, I can see it come for miles
What you're thinking right now, ‘cause I’m sure that I can guess
If we set off now, we’ll have the highway to ourselves
If you love the little signs of life, you love the wind it clears our minds
You love these little wars of words, you love it when they call your name, your name
A new empire bred, a kingdom in the distance
No gods are present, just the sky, the earth, and us
No wings, no halo, nor thunder in the footsteps
Cause fear and anger, they are a law unto themselves
And you love the little signs of life, you the wind it clears our minds
You love these little wars of words, you love it when they call your name
It’s the weight of love in your arms
It’s the weight of love in your arms
It’s the weight of love so gentle in your arms
It’s the weight of love in your arms
It’s the weight of love in your arms
It’s the weight of love so gentle in your arms
It’s just like you told me, that you learned to let it all go
Just took ‘til now, for me to get just what you meant
Our heart is thumping, I can feel it in my fingers
No fear, no anger, we are a law unto ourselves
It’s the weight of love in your arms
It’s the weight of love in your arms
It’s the weight of love so gentle in your arms
It’s the weight of love in your arms
It’s the weight of love in your arms
It’s the weight of love so gentle in your arms
It’s the weight of love in your arms
It’s the weight of love in your arms
It’s the weight of love so gentle in your arms
很难说,对snow patrol的这次回归是该喜悦还是忧虑,如果流行到令人发指(他们很会掌握,从来没有),是铁杆粉最不愿意看到的,如果又回到小众时代,铁杆粉总愿意死心塌地的追随,但我们还是希望gary在唱的时候,底下可以一齐仰望同声合唱。有一块黑板,我会画一下类似于偏离市场均衡的曲线- -,流行乐是一条水平线,而snow patrol的专辑是一条波浪线,前两张距离水平线很远,第三张开始靠近,第四张最为接近,五六张再次偏离水平线。
而对成熟来说,以前的gary lightbody的声线总是干净可爱,带点讨人喜欢的腼腆,你能在前两张听到明亮近似天真的声音对你唱“firelight”,也可以恬不知耻的唱着“make love to me forever……”。你总会感觉到snow patrol那时候虽然艰辛,但依然纯真饱含深情。这张gary的声音有了变化,你偶尔可以听到沙哑的声音,带着点沧桑,但总算深情依然。用一个老套的比喻就是男孩→男人,上张就能看出,但这次是完全的蜕变。
《This isn't Everything You Are》出来的时候,对这首歌表示不解,看上去很明显走的是副歌主歌的路线,但是主旋律部分来的这么晚,又不像我们所期盼的那样,所以会摸不着头脑。Anyway,吉他部分其实挺出彩的,我更愿意理解成主旋律是吉他,gary的声音是附和吉他的伴奏。这是一首令人印象深刻的歌,你会记住强烈节奏下gary的呐喊,This isn't Everything You Are!
《The Garden Rules》"oh,you will never know,how much i love so…"能听懂里面的歌词,当你知道它讲述的是什么故事,知道花园下只有我们俩知道的秘密规则,你能听到一去不复返的童年往事,逝去时光的淡淡忧伤。gary给我们展示的是爱尔兰乡村最美的风光下曾经的两小无猜的青涩心动,也拉回我们纯真的记忆。
《berlin》来讲完全是个惊喜,一开始独唱,八音盒灵巧地闪烁着,后半段加上的节奏感,轻声唱和的人逐渐增多,背景音乐随之富有层次,结尾是散落一地的水晶。短短两分钟,就能让人快乐起来。同样的八音盒,能否想起曾经的《you could be happy》?
《New York》是一首思念之歌,简直是封情书。"If our hearts had never broken.Well there's no joy in the mending.So much this hurt can teach us both"gary的歌词依然可爱能够让你会心一笑。孤独漫长的纽约之夜,我渴望你能来到我的身边,当gary唱着"come on come out come here come here"请自行脑补撒娇表情(>_<),当思念到达最深尽头,呼喊声伴随着强烈的钢琴节奏响起了清亮如流水般的单簧管声,你仿佛能看到繁华灯光华丽下的纽约城,站立着那个孤独想念你的身影。在高潮下截然而止,所有过往的思绪回归现实,你依然不在我身边……
《The President》带着跳跃的俏皮,电子声蹦着,点缀恰得好处,会让人情不自禁的舞起来,和《Called Out in the Dark》相似,不过我觉得后者更加性感,声线性感,编曲性感,mv也挺性感,gary以后要是走这种路线,我完全不会反对。
ps:学谁不好学大米,和声的菇凉是谁,婚否?差不多就行啦,早就看出你对家庭的渴望,等你找好了姑娘,我们会在远方默默流泪并祝你幸福~This is all you ever wanted from life.
new york
If you were here beside me,
Instead of in New York
If the curve of you was curved on me
I'd tell you that I loved you
Before I even knew you
'Cause I loved the simple thought of you
If our hearts had never broken
Well there's no joy in the mending
So much this hurt can teach us both
There's distance and there's silence
Your words have never left me
They're the prayer that I say every day
Come on come out come here come here
Come on come out come here come here
Come on come out come here come here
Come on come out come here come here
The lone neon lights
And the heat of the ocean
And the fire that had started to spark
I miss it all from the love to the lightning
And the lack of it snaps me in two
If you were here beside me
Instead of New York
In the arms you said you'd never leave
I'd tell you that it's simple
And it was only ever thus
There is nowhere else that I belong
Come on come out come here come here
Come on come out come here come here
Come on come out come here come here
Come on come out come here come here
The lone neon lights
And the want of the ocean
And the fire that had started to spark
I miss it all from the love to the lightning
And the lack of it snaps me in two
Just give me a sign
There is end in a beginning
Til the quiet chaos driving me mad
The lone neon lights
And the want of the ocean
And the fire that had started to go out
fallen empires
You called my name in the dark
Called me back to the start
The condensation is building tension
A stubborn silence is formed
Around our bodies it's warm
The cool wet grasses as summer passes
Frightened under attack
Fallen flat on my back
Arms and legs I'm too scared to beg
You haunt me most when it's light
The thought of you don't sit right
I need the darkness a death grip embrace
Fallen empires
Raising cities to dust
Faces dripping in lust
Fallen empires and raging bush fires
All your words confounded
Secret lives bound and hid
Living backwards in tangled back woods
You ruined everything right
So good I can't see the light
From my cave I can see the wave
Fallen empires and raging bush fires
We are the light, we are the light [repeat until end]
Run to the fire [repeat until end]
the weight of love
Your engine threatens, I can hear it from the garden
I can see it coming, I can see it come for miles
What you're thinking right now, ‘cause I’m sure that I can guess
If we set off now, we’ll have the highway to ourselves
If you love the little signs of life, you love the wind it clears our minds
You love these little wars of words, you love it when they call your name, your name
A new empire bred, a kingdom in the distance
No gods are present, just the sky, the earth, and us
No wings, no halo, nor thunder in the footsteps
Cause fear and anger, they are a law unto themselves
And you love the little signs of life, you the wind it clears our minds
You love these little wars of words, you love it when they call your name
It’s the weight of love in your arms
It’s the weight of love in your arms
It’s the weight of love so gentle in your arms
It’s the weight of love in your arms
It’s the weight of love in your arms
It’s the weight of love so gentle in your arms
It’s just like you told me, that you learned to let it all go
Just took ‘til now, for me to get just what you meant
Our heart is thumping, I can feel it in my fingers
No fear, no anger, we are a law unto ourselves
It’s the weight of love in your arms
It’s the weight of love in your arms
It’s the weight of love so gentle in your arms
It’s the weight of love in your arms
It’s the weight of love in your arms
It’s the weight of love so gentle in your arms
It’s the weight of love in your arms
It’s the weight of love in your arms
It’s the weight of love so gentle in your arms