from AMG by Bruce Eder
Six months had elapsed since the release of Beatles '65 in America, and the powers that were at Capitol Records recognized that some new product was needed, especially as the group was about to tour the United States. The result was Beatles VI, using the remaining tracks off of the British-released Beatles for Sale album (going all the way back to the fall of the previous year), among them that album's highlight, a cover of Buddy Holly's "Words of Love," and four new songs, two of them from the second side of the soon-to-be-released U.K. Help! album. The result was as much of a mish-mash as any album of Beatles songs ever assembled by Capitol Records, although -- thanks to the quality of the performances and the songs -- it was still eminently high-quality material, song-for-song, and outclassed virtually all of the competition. And as long as the group's singles held up in quality, albums like this would continue to scale the top of the charts with ease.
美国佬粗制滥造的又一张专辑:披头士6。。。有4首非原创歌曲,很多B面歌曲。一气听下来感觉还是挺好的,这个四人帮基本没录过什么特别差的东西。选口水歌选得也挺聪明的,Buddy Holly的那首可能是四眼最EASY LISTENING的歌了,不过翻唱得毫无特色啊,模仿秀么?
美国佬粗制滥造的又一张专辑:披头士6。。。有4首非原创歌曲,很多B面歌曲。一气听下来感觉还是挺好的,这个四人帮基本没录过什么特别差的东西。选口水歌选得也挺聪明的,Buddy Holly的那首可能是四眼最EASY LISTENING的歌了,不过翻唱得毫无特色啊,模仿秀么?