Dirty Old Town

奥巴马访问爱尔兰的时候,我刚好在都柏林,也去演讲现场去凑了凑热闹,虽然不用卖票,但是因为过安检要等很长时间(中午1点就开始排队,好像演讲要到下午5,6点),所以放弃进入会场,选择隔着一条街观赏,会场里有个大屏幕,大概下午3点钟的时候,放了这首dirty old town的MV,很好听,印象很深。推荐给大家。
Dirty Old Town ( The Pogues )
( Intro vers ) ( D )
I met my love by the gas works wall
Dreamed a dream by the old canal
I Kissed my girl by the factory wall
Dirty old town
Dirty old town
Clouds are drifting across the moon
Cats are prowling on their beat
Spring's a girl from the streets at night
Dirty old town
Dirty old town
( Solo vers ) ( C )
I Heard a siren from the docks
Saw a train set the night on fire
I Smelled the spring on the smoky wind
Dirty old town
Dirty old town
I'm gonna make me a big sharp axe
Shining steel tempered in the fire
I'll chop you down like an old dead tree
Dirty old town
Dirty old town
I met my love by the gas works wall
Dreamed a dream by the old canal
I kissed my girl by the factory wall
Dirty old town
Dirty old town
Dirty old town
Dirty old town
Dirty Old Town ( The Pogues )
( Intro vers ) ( D )
I met my love by the gas works wall
Dreamed a dream by the old canal
I Kissed my girl by the factory wall
Dirty old town
Dirty old town
Clouds are drifting across the moon
Cats are prowling on their beat
Spring's a girl from the streets at night
Dirty old town
Dirty old town
( Solo vers ) ( C )
I Heard a siren from the docks
Saw a train set the night on fire
I Smelled the spring on the smoky wind
Dirty old town
Dirty old town
I'm gonna make me a big sharp axe
Shining steel tempered in the fire
I'll chop you down like an old dead tree
Dirty old town
Dirty old town
I met my love by the gas works wall
Dreamed a dream by the old canal
I kissed my girl by the factory wall
Dirty old town
Dirty old town
Dirty old town
Dirty old town