
一直都把IAMX归于英伦,昨晚在现场看到到处是长发中分,黑衣铁钉的装束时,还以为误入了gothic party。9点入场时,台上有一男一女的Vorband在吟唱,非洲女的嗓音中性饱满,但奇怪的是他们没有乐队,而是靠录音带伴奏,真是很罕见的卡拉ok乐队。
10点IAMX登台了,果然是黑色系打扮,Chris的妖异不需多说,其他成员也都是涂得惨白的脸上幽深的黑眼圈。还好我的皮衣和柳钉包倒是歪打误着地应了景。开场就一连唱了两首新专辑的歌Music People和Volatile Time,可能3月中刚出的新专辑歌迷还需要一段时间消化,下面附和的不是很多。而我觉得恰恰前几首的音色还比较干净,能基本听清楚歌词,到后面就越来越多的鼓点和电音,high是很high,但每首歌听起来都有点大同小异了。今天又特意听了一遍live in Warsaw,同样的妖冶,但的确要比科隆的这场清爽,更英伦(话说Chris的嗓音让我想起Placebo,所以把IAMX归于英伦也不是没有道理的)不过鉴于Chris现在已经是半个柏林人,说着几句德语和有德国口音的英语,他自己也更倾向于dark,在这块黑色音乐的沃土上演出,当然只有更黑,听众也投以疯狂的回应。
IAMX=I AM X,附一段非常有意思的访谈:
Fairy cake: You seem to enjoy playing with gender roles in your lyrics, and we have noted your penchant for wearing ladies clothing… has anyone ever questioned which team you bat for and, if so, what was your response?
Chris Corner: I love the English. Only you could ask a direct question in such a vague way…
Fairy cake: Hahahaha…
Chris Corner: I’m used to German. It’s so direct. I think to begin with people were a bit “oo-err”, but then in my experience, when they go with the project, they see the art of it, and hopefully realise that it’s not just about cross-dressing and being outrageous. However I have been asked, and my response is this : basically, I’m a very liberal and open human being. It’s not really about the gender for me; it’s about what’s going on inside…and hopefully outside as well. If I really connect with someone, they can be animal, vegetable, mineral.
Fairy cake: Probably best not to dwell on animal.
Chris Corner: Indeed.
10点IAMX登台了,果然是黑色系打扮,Chris的妖异不需多说,其他成员也都是涂得惨白的脸上幽深的黑眼圈。还好我的皮衣和柳钉包倒是歪打误着地应了景。开场就一连唱了两首新专辑的歌Music People和Volatile Time,可能3月中刚出的新专辑歌迷还需要一段时间消化,下面附和的不是很多。而我觉得恰恰前几首的音色还比较干净,能基本听清楚歌词,到后面就越来越多的鼓点和电音,high是很high,但每首歌听起来都有点大同小异了。今天又特意听了一遍live in Warsaw,同样的妖冶,但的确要比科隆的这场清爽,更英伦(话说Chris的嗓音让我想起Placebo,所以把IAMX归于英伦也不是没有道理的)不过鉴于Chris现在已经是半个柏林人,说着几句德语和有德国口音的英语,他自己也更倾向于dark,在这块黑色音乐的沃土上演出,当然只有更黑,听众也投以疯狂的回应。
IAMX=I AM X,附一段非常有意思的访谈:
Fairy cake: You seem to enjoy playing with gender roles in your lyrics, and we have noted your penchant for wearing ladies clothing… has anyone ever questioned which team you bat for and, if so, what was your response?
Chris Corner: I love the English. Only you could ask a direct question in such a vague way…
Fairy cake: Hahahaha…
Chris Corner: I’m used to German. It’s so direct. I think to begin with people were a bit “oo-err”, but then in my experience, when they go with the project, they see the art of it, and hopefully realise that it’s not just about cross-dressing and being outrageous. However I have been asked, and my response is this : basically, I’m a very liberal and open human being. It’s not really about the gender for me; it’s about what’s going on inside…and hopefully outside as well. If I really connect with someone, they can be animal, vegetable, mineral.
Fairy cake: Probably best not to dwell on animal.
Chris Corner: Indeed.