听Bright Eyes《Fevers and Mirrors 》

Nebraska's Bright Eyes are graduates from the Midwestern school of Britpop. With FeversandMirrors being their third full-length release, a strong adaptation of Radiohead, Blur, and Suede is conveniently wrapped up in a neat lo-fi package. But without completely ripping anyone off, Bright Eyes feature their own cadence of loose indie and shaky, emotional vocals. The results amount to a catchy collection of elaborate pop that's been perfectly captured on a nickel budget.
Nebraska's Bright Eyes are graduates from the Midwestern school of Britpop. With FeversandMirrors being their third full-length release, a strong adaptation of Radiohead, Blur, and Suede is conveniently wrapped up in a neat lo-fi package. But without completely ripping anyone off, Bright Eyes feature their own cadence of loose indie and shaky, emotional vocals. The results amount to a catchy collection of elaborate pop that's been perfectly captured on a nickel budget.