打开CD附的褐色歌词内页,密密麻麻的手写字迹散落在一个浮水印的侧面肖像上,左下角有几张模糊的录音室照片,旁边是一行印得古意盎然的字:Neil Young。2003年整个夏天我就把这张歌词内页贴在房间的墙壁上,不时在纸张上若隐若现的朦胧痕迹里回顾一段消逝的年代。于是在炎热的七月,每到黄昏我房里会悠然响起young温文的嗓音,诉说着年华无声,他平静地吟唱,像一位和气的老人对着晚霞呢喃低语:「People come,seasons go, we got something that'll never grow old.」(人们来来去去,季节推移流转,但我们总还能把握着些永远不老的东西)。
在「Silver & Gold」的开场白里,他如此唱:「Good to see you/Good to see you again/Good to see your face again」,单纯的句子做了无数次反复,正如那不断回旋的吉他声,韵律十足地带出专辑里接下来一连串对生命的反刍。
「Now at last I'm home to you/I feel like making up for lost time」(终于我还是回到了你身边,让我来弥补那已逝去的时光),他说。专辑同名歌曲〈Silver & Gold〉是最深沉的对生命的追叹,古拙的旋律透着斗室般的沉静,young唱着唱着声音就好象要消失不见了似的。歌曲最后明快地曳然而止,仿佛是要在重重疑惑中为生命下个暂时的注解,好让我们能继续坚定地走下去吧!
Workin' hard every day
Never notice how the time slips away
People come, seasons go
We got something that'll never grow old
I don't care if the sun don't shine
And the rain comes pourin' down on me and mine
'Cause our kind of love
Never seems to get old
It's better than silver and gold
I used to have a treasure chest
Got so heavy that I had to rest
I let it slip away from me
Didn't need it anyway.
So I let it slip away.
I don't care if the sun don't shine
And the rain comes pourin' down on me and mine
'Cause our kind of love
Never seems to get old
It's better than silver and gold
I don't care if the sun don't shine
And the rain comes pourin' down on me and mine
'Cause our kind of love
Never seems to get old
It's better than silver and gold
在「Silver & Gold」的开场白里,他如此唱:「Good to see you/Good to see you again/Good to see your face again」,单纯的句子做了无数次反复,正如那不断回旋的吉他声,韵律十足地带出专辑里接下来一连串对生命的反刍。
「Now at last I'm home to you/I feel like making up for lost time」(终于我还是回到了你身边,让我来弥补那已逝去的时光),他说。专辑同名歌曲〈Silver & Gold〉是最深沉的对生命的追叹,古拙的旋律透着斗室般的沉静,young唱着唱着声音就好象要消失不见了似的。歌曲最后明快地曳然而止,仿佛是要在重重疑惑中为生命下个暂时的注解,好让我们能继续坚定地走下去吧!
Workin' hard every day
Never notice how the time slips away
People come, seasons go
We got something that'll never grow old
I don't care if the sun don't shine
And the rain comes pourin' down on me and mine
'Cause our kind of love
Never seems to get old
It's better than silver and gold
I used to have a treasure chest
Got so heavy that I had to rest
I let it slip away from me
Didn't need it anyway.
So I let it slip away.
I don't care if the sun don't shine
And the rain comes pourin' down on me and mine
'Cause our kind of love
Never seems to get old
It's better than silver and gold
I don't care if the sun don't shine
And the rain comes pourin' down on me and mine
'Cause our kind of love
Never seems to get old
It's better than silver and gold