
I'm sitting here in a boring noon
It's just another rainy sunday afternoon
I'm wasting my time
I get nothing to do
I'm hanging around
And I'm waiting for you
But nothing have happened and I wonder
I'm driving a run in my car
I'm driving too fast
And I'm driving too far
I'd like to change my point of view
I feel so lonely
I'm waiting for you
But nothing have happened and I wonder
I wonder how,I wonder why
Yesterday you tell me about the bule blue sky
And all that I can see
这是本张专辑额主打歌,lemon tree。其实首先听到的是苏慧伦的,那个声音十分甜腻的女生。欢快的歌声中其实流淌的却是柠檬酸酸的滋味。上次有看到一位豆友说,其实去过最美好的地方不是那些大家极力推荐的地方,而是他心里,所有的美好都想与你分享。是的么。
而英文版本来自德国小城Magstadt 的一支五人的乐队,由男生来演唱,歌声中带有一种坚定的勇气,lemon tree 是一种象征,对爱情有美好的憧憬,当然也会有许多酸涩。嗯,lemon tree 会长大,正如对爱情的看法也会一点一点改变。
It's just another rainy sunday afternoon
I'm wasting my time
I get nothing to do
I'm hanging around
And I'm waiting for you
But nothing have happened and I wonder
I'm driving a run in my car
I'm driving too fast
And I'm driving too far
I'd like to change my point of view
I feel so lonely
I'm waiting for you
But nothing have happened and I wonder
I wonder how,I wonder why
Yesterday you tell me about the bule blue sky
And all that I can see
这是本张专辑额主打歌,lemon tree。其实首先听到的是苏慧伦的,那个声音十分甜腻的女生。欢快的歌声中其实流淌的却是柠檬酸酸的滋味。上次有看到一位豆友说,其实去过最美好的地方不是那些大家极力推荐的地方,而是他心里,所有的美好都想与你分享。是的么。
而英文版本来自德国小城Magstadt 的一支五人的乐队,由男生来演唱,歌声中带有一种坚定的勇气,lemon tree 是一种象征,对爱情有美好的憧憬,当然也会有许多酸涩。嗯,lemon tree 会长大,正如对爱情的看法也会一点一点改变。