音乐:天堂,现世 or 地狱?

There are endless kinds of music, which expresses out tons of emotions. But the most fundermental, distinct, or amazing catagories to me, are the music is from heaven? reality? or hell. People may like some of each groups, whereas most fans will be extremely crazy about only one of them.
It's never about strict grouping, because there are tons of crossovers existing. It's very general.
The sissel music, which being weightless in the cover, strong inside, is my love. The voice is clear, pure, cheerful but not too excited, steady, and smooth. Hayley, Enya, Declan, new age, even some Sarah are belonged to this group. They impress us with the inner power deep down in the sound. Yanni is also a master, but he is more likely a master in music of the world's grandness. The feeling while we listening is what we call, cure.
Britney Spears was my most loved pop star years ago. She may not my favorite musician now but she is still my idol and always will be. Realistic music cheers you up not by their voices, but by their emotions. Most people are not quiet enough to feel the inner voice but to touch the diverse moods in these music. Musicians are euncountable. Pop, jazz, R&B, and so on, they are the most popular forms now simply because they are the most human-like. The flow while we listening is what we call, mainstream.
What kind of music that people either love the most or hate the most? Music from hell. Death metal, some hard rock can be put in this group. We all have bad desire that needs relief and sin as well, to confess. They are just being another side of the coin. I don't like them, though, but I believe someone can be touched in them. The scene while we listening is what we call, indulgence.
Rock music is hard to define cause there are so many kinds.
This little passage is never about classification, hundreds of books already did that. It's just
a way that I see so many kinds of music, and try to find a way to enjoy the beauty inside. And I hope you do, too.
It's never about strict grouping, because there are tons of crossovers existing. It's very general.
The sissel music, which being weightless in the cover, strong inside, is my love. The voice is clear, pure, cheerful but not too excited, steady, and smooth. Hayley, Enya, Declan, new age, even some Sarah are belonged to this group. They impress us with the inner power deep down in the sound. Yanni is also a master, but he is more likely a master in music of the world's grandness. The feeling while we listening is what we call, cure.
Britney Spears was my most loved pop star years ago. She may not my favorite musician now but she is still my idol and always will be. Realistic music cheers you up not by their voices, but by their emotions. Most people are not quiet enough to feel the inner voice but to touch the diverse moods in these music. Musicians are euncountable. Pop, jazz, R&B, and so on, they are the most popular forms now simply because they are the most human-like. The flow while we listening is what we call, mainstream.
What kind of music that people either love the most or hate the most? Music from hell. Death metal, some hard rock can be put in this group. We all have bad desire that needs relief and sin as well, to confess. They are just being another side of the coin. I don't like them, though, but I believe someone can be touched in them. The scene while we listening is what we call, indulgence.
Rock music is hard to define cause there are so many kinds.
This little passage is never about classification, hundreds of books already did that. It's just
a way that I see so many kinds of music, and try to find a way to enjoy the beauty inside. And I hope you do, too.