我多半会选Album (原谅我,placebo)
Girls 的Album 恐怕不止是我09年最爱的唱片,Girls百听不厌的首张专辑Album (专辑的名字就是《专辑》,和Album整个的大白话精神同步)是我一辈子都会热爱的唱片之一。刚听完第一遍的时候就迫不及待想把耳机摘下给旁边人戴上,可惜周围大部分人不配听 (咳咳,不好意思了我的优越主义作祟),我总觉得Girls是根本不需要做广告的,一听就上瘾的人都是因为听的懂吧。
Girls 是我心目里当代的旧金山精神转世--contemporary San Francisco spirit reincarnate. They are simple, smart, sweet, bloody forthright, anything and everything to me.
Girls 是 NOTHING QUITE LIKE IT, 就好象乐队缔造者加主唱Christopher Owens 的个人传说一样 (Pitchfork上有篇写的很传神的Album 乐评,可以去搜搜),ONE OF A KIND. Amazing, lucky bastard.
The 60s faded; The Beach Boys died; Chris brought us the Girls.
Damn you Girls, damn you so awesome, damn you so sad and beautiful, pass the headphones!
Girls 的Album 恐怕不止是我09年最爱的唱片,Girls百听不厌的首张专辑Album (专辑的名字就是《专辑》,和Album整个的大白话精神同步)是我一辈子都会热爱的唱片之一。刚听完第一遍的时候就迫不及待想把耳机摘下给旁边人戴上,可惜周围大部分人不配听 (咳咳,不好意思了我的优越主义作祟),我总觉得Girls是根本不需要做广告的,一听就上瘾的人都是因为听的懂吧。
Girls 是我心目里当代的旧金山精神转世--contemporary San Francisco spirit reincarnate. They are simple, smart, sweet, bloody forthright, anything and everything to me.
Girls 是 NOTHING QUITE LIKE IT, 就好象乐队缔造者加主唱Christopher Owens 的个人传说一样 (Pitchfork上有篇写的很传神的Album 乐评,可以去搜搜),ONE OF A KIND. Amazing, lucky bastard.
The 60s faded; The Beach Boys died; Chris brought us the Girls.
Damn you Girls, damn you so awesome, damn you so sad and beautiful, pass the headphones!