
在曹方和Sophie Zelmani苏菲珊曼妮后终于等到第三位我超爱的声音。如果说Sophie Zelmani已经是冷门,Katie Herzig恐怕更是大冷门。 Katie Herzig在中国(甚至于港台地区)的人气估计不高,因为我在百度搜索的时候,发现她连个中文翻译名都没有(香港的CD一般不要求要有中文标示,但是台湾的一般都有翻译为繁体中文),而且也没有百度百科,在中国她显得那么陌生,甚至歌迷连她的名字怎么读都不知道。
一定会有人觉得奇怪,为什么我老是喜欢找这些冷门的音乐来听。可是,真的对我而言,我觉得我听的音乐很普通。可能有些比较不能跟流行挂钩,可是它也不是什么极端歌曲——可能跟不喜欢摇滚的人觉得为什么会有人喜欢摇滚一样,有时候喜欢音乐跟谈恋爱一样,没有道理。前面三位歌手的歌声都彻底打进了我的心底(也许又是我隐藏的感性基因在作怪),相比较下,曹方跟Katie Herzig的曲风已经偏流行,偶尔会听到轻摇滚,Sophie Zelmani则是爵士味重一点,三个都是清新的民谣风格。基本上三位所有的歌都推荐,入门的话曹方可以听听看她两张专辑的同名主打:《遇见我》和《比天空还远》,Sophie Zelmani则是《GOING HOME》比较有名(我也是因为这首歌认识她,后来知道王菲有翻唱成《乘客》),Katie Herzig则是《wish you well》。以上歌曲酷狗都有得下载,除了曹方是大陆本地歌手,能够买到内地版的正版专辑(基本上也很难买),Sophie Zelmani05年出的一张精选终于迟于5年引进中国大陆。
Hey Hey!
Katie here, hoping this finds you well, enjoying the beginnings of summer.
I've been home in Nashville recording my next record the past few months. For those that don't know -- I absolutely LOVE making records!!! And this one is no exception.
What a wonderful undertaking -- creating music that will be recreated for years to come. I've loved hearing from you all over the last few years what the songs from Apple Tree meant to you, so I find myself thinking of you guys as I write and record these new ones!
These summer/fall tours will be the last of the tours we'll do supporting Apple Tree. Claire and Jordan and I are really looking forward to these shows. If you find yourself in one of these cities, please come say hi and we will do our best to not suck. If you wanna keep up with our shenanigans on the road come follow me on twitter!
much love,
Updated Summer/Fall Tourdates
Use ticket links below to reserve your tickets in advance.
July7, Lafayette, CO - Nissi's
July 8, Denver, CO - The Walnut Room
July 9, Fort Collins, CO - Everyday Joe's
July 10, Colorado Springs, CO - The Loft
July 11, Salt Lake City, UT - Red Butte Garden (w/Brandi Carlile)
July 13, Seattle, WA - Triple Door (w/ Ben Taylor)
July 15, Portland, OR - Doug Fir Lounge (w/Ben Taylor)
July 16, Arcata, CA - Humboldt Brews (w/Ben Taylor)
July 17, San Francisco, CA – Bimbos (w/Ben Taylor)
July 19, Santa Barbara, CA - Soho (W/Ben Taylor)
July 20, Los Angeles, CA – Largo (w/BenTaylor)
July 27, Arlington, VA - IOTA Club & Café
July 29, New York, NY - Joe's Pub
July 30, Londonderry, NH, Tupelo Music Hall
July 31, Fairfield, CT - Fairfield Theatre–Stage One
August 1, Philadelphia, PA - World Cafe Live *rescheduled from July 28
August 5, Decatur, GA - Eddie's Attic
August 6, Nashville, TN - The Rutledge
August 7, Louisville, KY - The 930 Listening Room
August 13, Milwaukee, WI - Miramar Theatre
August 14, Chicago, IL - Schubas
August 15, St. Louis, MO - The Old Rock House
September 10, Chattanooga, TN - Miller Plaza
European Tour With Brandi Carlile
October 19, Birmingham, UK - Glee Club
October 20, Gateshead, UK - Sage Theater
October 21, London, UK - Koko
October 22, Manchester, UK - Academy
October 24, Glasgow, UK - Classic Grand
October 25, Belfast, UK - Spring & Airbrake
October 26, Dublin, UK- Academy
October 29, Paris, FR - Divan Du Monde
October 31, Amsterdam, Netherlands - Melkweg Sugar Factory
November 1, Berlin, GmbH - Magnet Club
November 2, Copenhagen, Denmark - Vega
November 3, Oslo, Norway - John Dee
November 4, Stockholm, Sweden - Debaser
November 6, Cologne, Germany - Underground
November 7, Vienna, Austria - Szene Wien
November 8, Zurich, Switzerland - Harterei Club
November 9, Solothurn, Switzerland - Kofmehl
November 10, Milan, Italy - La Salumeria Della Musica
一定会有人觉得奇怪,为什么我老是喜欢找这些冷门的音乐来听。可是,真的对我而言,我觉得我听的音乐很普通。可能有些比较不能跟流行挂钩,可是它也不是什么极端歌曲——可能跟不喜欢摇滚的人觉得为什么会有人喜欢摇滚一样,有时候喜欢音乐跟谈恋爱一样,没有道理。前面三位歌手的歌声都彻底打进了我的心底(也许又是我隐藏的感性基因在作怪),相比较下,曹方跟Katie Herzig的曲风已经偏流行,偶尔会听到轻摇滚,Sophie Zelmani则是爵士味重一点,三个都是清新的民谣风格。基本上三位所有的歌都推荐,入门的话曹方可以听听看她两张专辑的同名主打:《遇见我》和《比天空还远》,Sophie Zelmani则是《GOING HOME》比较有名(我也是因为这首歌认识她,后来知道王菲有翻唱成《乘客》),Katie Herzig则是《wish you well》。以上歌曲酷狗都有得下载,除了曹方是大陆本地歌手,能够买到内地版的正版专辑(基本上也很难买),Sophie Zelmani05年出的一张精选终于迟于5年引进中国大陆。
Hey Hey!
Katie here, hoping this finds you well, enjoying the beginnings of summer.
I've been home in Nashville recording my next record the past few months. For those that don't know -- I absolutely LOVE making records!!! And this one is no exception.
What a wonderful undertaking -- creating music that will be recreated for years to come. I've loved hearing from you all over the last few years what the songs from Apple Tree meant to you, so I find myself thinking of you guys as I write and record these new ones!
These summer/fall tours will be the last of the tours we'll do supporting Apple Tree. Claire and Jordan and I are really looking forward to these shows. If you find yourself in one of these cities, please come say hi and we will do our best to not suck. If you wanna keep up with our shenanigans on the road come follow me on twitter!
much love,
Updated Summer/Fall Tourdates
Use ticket links below to reserve your tickets in advance.
July7, Lafayette, CO - Nissi's
July 8, Denver, CO - The Walnut Room
July 9, Fort Collins, CO - Everyday Joe's
July 10, Colorado Springs, CO - The Loft
July 11, Salt Lake City, UT - Red Butte Garden (w/Brandi Carlile)
July 13, Seattle, WA - Triple Door (w/ Ben Taylor)
July 15, Portland, OR - Doug Fir Lounge (w/Ben Taylor)
July 16, Arcata, CA - Humboldt Brews (w/Ben Taylor)
July 17, San Francisco, CA – Bimbos (w/Ben Taylor)
July 19, Santa Barbara, CA - Soho (W/Ben Taylor)
July 20, Los Angeles, CA – Largo (w/BenTaylor)
July 27, Arlington, VA - IOTA Club & Café
July 29, New York, NY - Joe's Pub
July 30, Londonderry, NH, Tupelo Music Hall
July 31, Fairfield, CT - Fairfield Theatre–Stage One
August 1, Philadelphia, PA - World Cafe Live *rescheduled from July 28
August 5, Decatur, GA - Eddie's Attic
August 6, Nashville, TN - The Rutledge
August 7, Louisville, KY - The 930 Listening Room
August 13, Milwaukee, WI - Miramar Theatre
August 14, Chicago, IL - Schubas
August 15, St. Louis, MO - The Old Rock House
September 10, Chattanooga, TN - Miller Plaza
European Tour With Brandi Carlile
October 19, Birmingham, UK - Glee Club
October 20, Gateshead, UK - Sage Theater
October 21, London, UK - Koko
October 22, Manchester, UK - Academy
October 24, Glasgow, UK - Classic Grand
October 25, Belfast, UK - Spring & Airbrake
October 26, Dublin, UK- Academy
October 29, Paris, FR - Divan Du Monde
October 31, Amsterdam, Netherlands - Melkweg Sugar Factory
November 1, Berlin, GmbH - Magnet Club
November 2, Copenhagen, Denmark - Vega
November 3, Oslo, Norway - John Dee
November 4, Stockholm, Sweden - Debaser
November 6, Cologne, Germany - Underground
November 7, Vienna, Austria - Szene Wien
November 8, Zurich, Switzerland - Harterei Club
November 9, Solothurn, Switzerland - Kofmehl
November 10, Milan, Italy - La Salumeria Della Musica