《Harbor Song》
《Harbor Song》
I dreamed you were a rich man
and that I had no place to go.
I came to you to see if you would take me in,
through golden curtains you told me you'd let me know.
Well, you drink for ten
and you smoke for twenty,
and your fickle heart will never be true.
But still I feel the wind in from the harbor,
that's when I know the longing for you.
that's when I know the old longing for you.
I saw you in my mind's eye,
you were laid down on your final day.
I stood in mind to see that handsome face once more,
it had been so dear to me, and i kissed you as you lay.
It had been so dear to me, and i kissed you as you lay.
Now, whenever I do travel
if to england, portugal, or spain,
as I do walk by the shipyards and the harbors,
I smell the salt and the bay rum of your ghost again.
I know the salt and the bay rum, you beside me again.
Maybe,sometimes,旧民谣和“清晨牙膏味”的小清新真是不属一脉。《Harbor Song》绝非“爱人肩头痛哭一晚”的抱抱歌。贫富生老病死,时代记忆百味杂陈。听听开头,梦回你富有而我流离…人物细节,drink for ten smoke for twenty…还有情绪,还有气味,知道我仍然渴望你,感觉你再次靠近……
太阴暗太低回,虐得不行。同样是梦,同样是举重若轻的赋比兴,虽说是初听,在我看来,隐约媲美《diamonds and rust》了……
I dreamed you were a rich man
and that I had no place to go.
I came to you to see if you would take me in,
through golden curtains you told me you'd let me know.
Well, you drink for ten
and you smoke for twenty,
and your fickle heart will never be true.
But still I feel the wind in from the harbor,
that's when I know the longing for you.
that's when I know the old longing for you.
I saw you in my mind's eye,
you were laid down on your final day.
I stood in mind to see that handsome face once more,
it had been so dear to me, and i kissed you as you lay.
It had been so dear to me, and i kissed you as you lay.
Now, whenever I do travel
if to england, portugal, or spain,
as I do walk by the shipyards and the harbors,
I smell the salt and the bay rum of your ghost again.
I know the salt and the bay rum, you beside me again.
Maybe,sometimes,旧民谣和“清晨牙膏味”的小清新真是不属一脉。《Harbor Song》绝非“爱人肩头痛哭一晚”的抱抱歌。贫富生老病死,时代记忆百味杂陈。听听开头,梦回你富有而我流离…人物细节,drink for ten smoke for twenty…还有情绪,还有气味,知道我仍然渴望你,感觉你再次靠近……
太阴暗太低回,虐得不行。同样是梦,同样是举重若轻的赋比兴,虽说是初听,在我看来,隐约媲美《diamonds and rust》了……