soldier of love,两步舞的韵律,小军鼓的衬底,bass line厚重迷人,sade音乐里的美是华丽到奢靡的。 假如全世界只能有一个人的音乐可以用“mellow”去形容,我会毫不犹豫地将这一票投给sade。这位尼日利亚裔英国女歌手在人们的视线中已经消失了整整十年,十年前的《lovers rock》专辑,从每一曲的编配到每一次开嗓发声再到albumart,那种渗入骨髓的性感曼妙倾倒众生,一向擅长鸡蛋里挑骨头的乐评人们为了这个女人齐齐地唱了一次赞歌。 将时光再往前拨差不多十来年,还是这群乐评人们,生造了一个名词叫“Sophisti-Pop”,(soul、smooth jazz里派生出的流行音乐),挂在这个标签下的乐队和歌手当年也是一时盛况,但是时至今日,我们今天再去回顾这段流行音乐史时,辨识度最高的、最有特色的唯sade一人而已,这个音乐尤物差不多以一己之力命名了一种音乐风格。 可惜了,simply red们。 低头数一数那飞逝的时光年轮吧,我们恐怕都不曾想起,这位不世出的女伶已经,已经51岁了。 Soldier Of Love Sade I’ve lost the use of my heart But I’m still alive Still looking for the life The endless pool on the other side It’s a wild wild west I’m doing my best I’m at the borderline of my faith I’m at the hinterland of my devotion In the frontline of this battle of mine But I’m still alive I’m a soldier of love Every day and night I’m soldier of love All the days of my life I’ve been torn up inside I’ve been left behind Tall I ride I have the will to survive In the wild wild west Trying my hardest Doing my best to stay alive I am love’s soldier I wait for the sound I know that love will come I know that love will come Turn it all around I’m a soldier of love (soldier of love) Every day and night I’m a soldier of love All the days of my life I am lost but I don’t doubt Tall I ride I have the will to survive In the wild wild west Trying my hardest Doing my best to stay alive I am love’s soldier I wait for the sound I know that love will come I know that love will come Turn it all around I’m a soldier of love I’m a soldier Still waiting for love to come Turn it all around Still waiting for love to come Turn it all around Still waiting for love to come Turn it all around Still waiting for love to come