When I find you, I'll find me...
不知道《Adam》算不算是一部小独立电影。温暖的爱情小品,平淡的调子,是我喜欢的。在电影里听到Joshua Radin的声音感觉特别亲切,尤其是在冬天。喜欢他和Maria Taylor合唱的《When You Find Me》。"When I find you / I'll find me"是反复念唱的一句。言简意赅。意味深长。我最喜欢这样的句子。配着Adam千里迢迢去找Beth的画面,真挚感人。
Christopher Lennertz的配乐也是电影的亮点之一。开篇伴着Rose Byrne的独白,以我最爱的《小王子》故事作为引子。
My favorite children's book is about a little prince who came to Earth from a distant asteroid. He meets a pilot whose plane has crashed in a desert. The little prince teaches the pilot many things but mainly about love. My father always told me I was like the little prince. But after I met Adam, I realized I was the pilot all along.
"Feeling loved is very important, but, loving, my precious girl, that's the necessity. "这是电影中Beth妈妈在电话里开解Beth说的一句话。虽然感觉被爱很重要,但爱才是如同空气般必须的存在。不管是爱家人,爱朋友,还是爱恋人,其实道理都是一样。我总认为父母对孩子的爱是最无私的。他们并不会因为付出了多少而要求孩子日后作相应或更多的回报。“我爱你”有些时候或许难以启齿。那不如先从一个拥抱开始吧。让你心底在乎的人知道他在你心里的位置。
我们都会遇到自己故事里的Adam,他会如小王子一样教懂飞行员的你什么是爱。正如Joshua Radin一直在唱的——When I find you, I'll find me.
Christopher Lennertz的配乐也是电影的亮点之一。开篇伴着Rose Byrne的独白,以我最爱的《小王子》故事作为引子。
My favorite children's book is about a little prince who came to Earth from a distant asteroid. He meets a pilot whose plane has crashed in a desert. The little prince teaches the pilot many things but mainly about love. My father always told me I was like the little prince. But after I met Adam, I realized I was the pilot all along.
"Feeling loved is very important, but, loving, my precious girl, that's the necessity. "这是电影中Beth妈妈在电话里开解Beth说的一句话。虽然感觉被爱很重要,但爱才是如同空气般必须的存在。不管是爱家人,爱朋友,还是爱恋人,其实道理都是一样。我总认为父母对孩子的爱是最无私的。他们并不会因为付出了多少而要求孩子日后作相应或更多的回报。“我爱你”有些时候或许难以启齿。那不如先从一个拥抱开始吧。让你心底在乎的人知道他在你心里的位置。
我们都会遇到自己故事里的Adam,他会如小王子一样教懂飞行员的你什么是爱。正如Joshua Radin一直在唱的——When I find you, I'll find me.