翻译 忧郁之舞 第一章 第四章
忧郁之舞:第一章 枯叶败落,被深渊所吞藏。 被遗弃的悲悼的平原,在阴沉的睡梦中躺下。 正如往日记忆中之景象,苍茫暮色席卷了天空。 在秋天的旋律中,鸟的歌声在低语的微风中弥漫开来。 月那苍白冷峻的形体,在夜色中渐趋明亮。 这是无声的哀诉,缓解了抑郁的思绪。 在前方所走过的路途中,我听到唱诗班的落寞歌声。 生命中每一天,我都在悲泣中蔑视。 我向天空欢呼和珍爱你——惬意的苦难。 我斩除深渊里的荆棘,只为守护你——神秘的和谐。 惬意的夜晚渐渐来临,遮住我那暴露的荒凉目光。 夜影告诉我,悲痛将在薄雾的缭绕中得以宽慰。 在这惬意的夜空下,为什么你要痴痴地期待——那还未曾到来的、使你精疲力竭的、别人也听不到的恸哭? 假使夜幕落下,那欢乐还会遥远吗? Estatic Fear-Chapter I The feeble leafs decline, Enshrined in downing deep The mourn abandoned plains, Laid down in sombre sleep Misty shades engulf the sky Like past, worn memories The bird's song fills the whispering breeze With autumns melody The lunar pale grim shape At evening's sight renews It's silented wail relieves Repressed thoughts anew I hear the lonesome choir Of fortunes past my way Disdained in fiery weeps Throughout my every day These skies I hail and treasure thee, Most pleasant misery Not pittes thorn I shelter thine Mysterious harmony Draw on most pleasant night Shade my lorn exposed sight For my grief's when shadows told Shall be eased in mist enfold Why should the foolish's hope Thy unborn passioned cry Exhaust unheard Beneath this pleasent sky? For if the dusking day declined Could delight be far behind? 忧郁之舞:第四章 落叶萦绕我,翩跹飞舞,而我却不敢玷污这空虚的喜悦。 这落叶拥抱我们在倏忽而逝的黄昏漫步,就像朝圣者渴望拥有圣光的庇护。 我探问你,用爱的夜晚来平息我内心的喜悦,因此我不像那疲惫的落叶,撒满一地。 我臣服于你幽独的优雅,犹如盎然的生命屈服于严冬的凝视。 梦境中,我看到少女在舞蹈,她坐在皎皎溪涧边,把脚丫伸进那浅浅水浪中。 雾气袭衣,吻住了她,然后溜走了,一切显得那么突然,又是那么美妙。 但是如水晶碎片般摔碎的雨露,滴滴是一声哭泣?一朵泪花?还是一段梦境? 绝不沉沦,永不逃离。 愤怒燃起了我寻求救赎的灵魂。 孤独感强烈地攫住了我。 我断定这场战争是永不歇止的,掐灭你蛊惑别人的绝望火苗,焚烧你身下的柴堆,但这依然毒噬着我厌倦的心。 当叉裂的火舌高高舔舐,我将不会为你的阵亡而哀恸,但怒吼驱使我在焚起的树枝旁狂舞,我不再是你低贱的奴隶,而是你的国王。 撒落在贫瘠之地的梦想,在灌注了庄严的希望之后,展开了翅膀,登上星夜的阶梯,进入平凡而又高贵的庇护所。 Estatic Fear-Chapter IV The leafs and I entangled dance a harmonie I dare not stain with vain delight And thus embraced we roam the passing eve like a pilgrim who craves a shelters guiding light I question thee, beloved night to calm my joy so that I not like the weary leaves be strewed For I submit to thy solitary grace (as) even springs life is by winters gaze subdued Lost in a dream I beheld a maiden dance And when she sat down by a silver stream Plunging her feet in the shallow waves A mist descended, kissed her and fled And all that's before been just and fair Shattered in a rain of crystal shards Each of them a cry, a dream, a tear Nunquam submergiove aut diffugo Ira inflammata mea vita ad salutem nominarit Et solitudo meurn robur Everlasting be the war that I declare Extinguished thy bewitched spark despair Torched the pile upon which you Are gathered (still) poisoning my weary heart And as the forked fires tongue licks high I won't lament thy fall But dance around the burning branches urged by furys call And I again shall not be humble slaves but king to thee Dreams on the barren field did lay strewed Spread their wings rise up with solemn hope imbued Ascend the stary stairs into a plain but dear refuge