
这是最好的“胜利者”姿态。A meditation on human pride, an art of war, where human dignity and ego finally point towards self-discovery (自省)。不然就只是虚妄的pride and ego that only seeks to dominate others 最终却暴露了自己已然孱弱的肉体和腐朽的灵魂,是的,我指Eminem。“I deserve it all,” not you should give me all—not a demand, but a quiet acknowledgment that this is my right, not to be handed, but earned。松弛、自省、痛苦、骄傲,王者姿态啊。Lamar并不是结算I am top one now,而是I’m top one, and you better expect my next move, because I’m expecting it too。Follow him
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