WHY!--Champagne Problem 歌曲解读谜题,她为何拒绝他?
看到歌曲champagne problem 我的评论(其实挺……,能清醒拒绝理智离开其实是件好事。美好的遗憾总比糊涂的沉浮要触感更真巧。岁月拉长后,来来去去的你我不过是别人人生中的香槟问题) 下的回复讨论之一,“...而且这首歌肯定了男主是个修养品性极佳的绅士,女生也喜欢他,但可能是出于自卑所以没有接受。(男主点石成金的手为她推开雪佛兰车门,大概暗喻了两人经济地位有差距)而且从结尾也能看出,女生也向往这样甜蜜的爱情,肯定男主的爱,只是自己还很懵懂 ",在初听时,对女生为何要拒绝相处已久的完美男友放弃美好爱情,我也有点困惑感伤。大概很多人也和我一样,为这种神秘而让人感伤的留白而沉迷,为这种无疾而终的爱情感到悲伤,那么到底为什么Champagne problem里的主人公拒绝了求婚呢?由于我比较喜欢Taylorfolklore和evermore两专,并且极为喜欢里边的storytelling和lyrics,也喜欢歌曲描绘的画面感和背景故事,以及歌曲里流露出的忧郁气质和留白神秘,所以我想看看大家对这首歌有什么想法,对一个女孩因为什么原因而拒绝男朋友求婚都有什么样的讨论和解读。当然现实生活中可能有很多理由,条件不适合,家庭原因,爱情消弭,时间不合适,有更重要的生活选择...非常多,但是Taylor是不一样的,这首歌也是特殊的,大家对爱情婚姻的看法也是千人千面。我也只摘抄了一下部分。大家也可以尽情在评论或者歌曲下面讨论。
1.songwriter网站 https://americansongwriter.com/the-meaning-of-champagne-problems-by-taylor-swift/ 香槟问题,不仅是对男孩而言,也是对女生而言, 都是当前明显巨大的创伤,但对于爱情的流逝,对于拒绝男孩所造成的痛苦,女孩是无法给出原因的。其次,男孩在求婚前是否有已经想到有可能会被女友拒绝。最重要的是,女孩拒绝求婚的理由是什么。
The Meaning of “Champagne Problems” by Taylor Swift
The title of Taylor Swift’s song “Champagne Problems” seemingly alludes暗示 to someone whose troubles are not all that dire严重. Yet Swift is not making a commentary about the seriousness of the problems discussed in the song. According to Swift, It’s a story song about a man who is about to propose to his college sweetheart, not knowing that she is about to break up with him.
So “Champagne Problems” is a play on the expression. The champagne that the man is left with is a reminder of how his hopes for a life together were rejected by the woman he wanted to share it with. Swift doesn’t have much to say about why her character broke off the relationship. She does, however, delve into how the breakup affected her ex-boyfriend and how the people around them responded to it.
A Celebration That Never Came
Swift begins her telling of the story, not with the proposal or rejection, but with the aftermath. She shows us the ex-boyfriend on a train, distraught and not knowing what to do with himself.歌词略.....
Then Swift flashes back to the moment of rejection. She describes it through a variety of metaphors. Swift also includes a couple of details that show how he was already seeing his girlfriend as an integrated and permanent part of his family.歌词略.....
Swift picks up on the theme of the boyfriend’s family—and the girlfriend’s forfeited 放弃place in it—in the second verse.歌词略.....
More Details, But With Questions Still Unanswered
Then in the second chorus, Swift widens out the circle around the former couple to include friends and townspeople. And, for the first time, she raises the issue of why the girlfriend ended the relationship.
By this point in the song, Swift paints some parts of the picture in sharp relief安慰,缓解while leaving others murky模糊. We know that the boyfriend is devastated. We also get a sense that people who were a part of their circle, from family to friends to people in town, are sympathetic to him. They may even be siding with him. For all of the distress the girlfriend’s rejection has caused, she doesn’t even have an explanation.
This perspective is coming from the girlfriend as a first-person narrator. Swift’s character continues to throw herself under the bus as the song progresses. In the song’s bridge, Swift questions her character’s soundness, when she sings,“This dorm was once a madhouse” / I made a joke, “Well, it’s made for me.”Swift brings in the townspeople once again to support her unsympathetic self-assessment:“ She would’ve made such a lovely bride / What a shame she’s f—d in the head,” they said.
Swift’s story is fascinating for what it leaves in and what it leaves out. We are left to wonder why her character wasn’t ready to say “yes” to the proposal. We can also consider whether the boyfriend could have had reasons to think his girlfriend might have said “no,” but he ignored them. Swift also challenges us to think about whether we accept the narrative of her character being “f—ed in the head” Perhaps the girlfriend had her reasons but didn’t want to face them—or didn’t want the rest of us to know what they were.
2. From Quora----
a.关于这个歌,关于champagne problem----This problem, that the lover broke the person's heart might not be a nationwide issue or that big of a deal to most people, because soon everyone will move on and forget all about it. The person and lover included. But at the moment, it does seem like a big problem. Taylor is a literary genius♥
b. champagne problem--- It’s a phrase, equivalent to “first world problems” or “rich people’s problems.”
c.The need to make a decision between alternatives that are both desirable.--from wiktionary
d.https://www.quora.com/search?q=champagne%20problem%20 两人恋爱,在一起分享快乐共同经历,和灵魂交流,深层恋爱是有区别的。陷入爱情和做出承诺是有距离的。
I havent thought about the song but it looks on the surface like the alternative to Katy Perry’s Champagne Problems. In that song, they get married so all we got now is champagne problems. In this song, it’s that he proposed and she said no, so the champagne is for a celebration that wont occur. Plans fail. But more importantly, like the lyrics say, you may be going along in a relationship and it’s at the moment when it has to become real that you cant take that step. But is that bad? We dont know anything about this relationship except that it was one, of some kind, and that she’s not in love with him. That’s how I hear it: she’s not in love with him that way. That doesnt mean she doesnt love him, but that she doesnt love him that way. And where does that happen: it’s the difference between friends, between fun and experiences together, and fitting together at the deeper levels inside yourself. And the clear implication is she knew this all along: ‘One for the money, two for the show’, instead of three to get ready it’s ‘I was never ready so I watch you go’. This explains the lovely first verse, which deserves to be quoted: ‘You booked the night train for a reason / so you could sit there in this hurt / Bustling crowds or silent sleepers / You’re not sure which is worse.’ That perfectly encapsulates the feeling of being rejected: you are alone whether you are alone or in a crowd until the sadness passes.
So, what this says to me is there are two kinds of champagne problems, the ones that occur when there’s a celebration and the ones that occur when there is none. When you achieve your hopes, that doesnt end the story. Katy’s version says the worst part is over, and Taylor’s version reinforces that as: make the right match, find your true mate, meld your souls, and the one champagne problem becomes the other.
It really is nice to see Taylor responding to Katy artistically. We forget that this is how artists have always done it. When I was a kid, the Beatles drove the Stones and Brian Wilson to higher achievement, and they’d respond to each other’s achievements. This occurs in art, in music, in poetry, in novels, in plays. It’s great to see artists engage. If you read or hear the songs in your head, you see how they fit.That fit is why I ‘triangulate’ to the explanation above: that idea, that point crosses the difference from rejection to acceptance. So, I read this as I dont love him that way, I’m waiting for the one.
This is a big part of Taylor’s repertoire: like in Wildest Dreams where she imagines burning if she gives in to temptation, except now it isnt a short term fling but the wrong life commitment. The reason is, again, because in Taylor imagery or Taylor speak, the connection of the soul is what matters. This goes back to the earliest song and found massive popular success in the younger person’s version of this, You Belong With Me.That was off the top of my head. The album is what I call wonderful wonderfull because it is full of wonderful wonders.
3. From Reddit------
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a. Midas touch on the Chevy door?
'Your Midas touch on the Chevy door' -> a Chevy is (generally) a fairly cheap car (they have pricier models, but those would usually be referred to by the model name, or at least as a Chevrolet rather than a Chevy!). When she says 'your Midas touch on the Chevy door', it doesn't actually have anything to do with money itself; she's saying 'you took this very small, basic moment and made it priceless, just by being you; we were in a Chevy but we might as well have been in a Rolls Royce, because you made it special'. (There's also the double-meaning that the Midas touch isn't, in the end, actually a good thing; it turns things into gold, but that's a curse...)'November flush and your flannel cure' -> the flush isn't because she's hot, it's because she's cold. Her cheeks are turning red from the wind and the chill, and he gives her his jacket to keep her warm.
“雪佛兰车门上的点石成金”-> 雪佛兰(通常)是一种相当便宜的汽车(他们有更贵的车型,但通常会用车型名称来称呼,或者至少是Chevrolet而不是Chevy!)。当她说“雪佛兰车门上的点石成金”时,实际上与金钱本身没有任何关系;她说“你抓住了这个非常小、基本的时刻,并让它变得无价,只因为那是你;我们坐的是雪佛兰,但我们感觉好像是坐劳斯莱斯,因为你让它变得很特别。(还有双重含义,点石成金最终并不是一件好事;它能把东西变成金子,但那是一种诅咒……)
b. Why the marriage proposal in champagne problems was rejec
In my view, she rejects him because they are fundamentally different people, and she doesn’t feel supported by him, nor his entourage. I think they’re both struggling with mental health issues – or champagne problems – but they couldn’t be more different in the way they address those.
Let’s start with the first lines of the first two verses. You booked the night train for a reason and You told your family for a reason. Her significant other seems to need a reason for everything they do, whereas our narrator cannot provide a reason for rejecting the proposal. I think this points to a fundamental difference between the two – he is clear-headed; she feels deeply. He involves everyone; she keeps to herself. He doesn’t fully recognize those differences between them. So when she stays silent, he believes things to be alright.
Throughout the song, we learn that he has jumped the gun. He brought Dom Pérignon and he prepared a speech, fully expecting her to accept the proposal. However, love slipped beyond his reaches and eventually he’s begging on his knees. The person who believed everything was under control, is completely blindsided, because he never understood how she actually feels. About anything. He’s communicating with everyone – friends, family – but not with her.
Despite ending the song by saying you won't remember all my champagne problems, the narrator leaves plenty of clues that he also suffers from champagne problems. The first chorus describes how vulnerable he is (your heart was glass), the last chorus literally states that his future significant other will not leave him with champagne problems, meaning that he has them now. One could also argue that literally begging someone to stay with you, on both your knees, signals massive separation anxiety as well. It appears that he ignores every red flag in sight and is determined to bulldoze through his problems.他似乎无视眼前的每一个危险信号,决心强行解决问题。
The narrator draws a contrast between his Midas touch on the Chevy door and his flannel cure when November comes around.
I believe the lines about the Midas touch and the flannel cure underscore how he is concerned with optics表面效果,视觉效应. He wants to maintain the illusion that everything is okay, without doing the hard work of communicating that is necessary. He cares that his car is golden, but when times get tough – November signifies a change of the seasons, the cold coming in - he provides only a flannel cure. Genius says: “In keeping with folklore and evermore’s incorporation of folk traditions, wearing red flannel is a folk remedy for back pain – in Victorian times, flannel was worn because it was believed to be protective against colds and during hard winters. The mention of this superstition may imply that the singer’s lover believed in baseless cures for her mental illness that didn’t really work. Swift is also seen wearing a red flannel sweater in the cover and booklet photos for evermore, in reference to this line.”
Many of us subscribe to the belief that the flannel cure is about him handing over his jacket when it’s cold. Nice as it may sound, I don’t believe this to be the case. It doesn’t fit in the song at all; nowhere else does she talk about his redeeming qualities. I actually think she has slowly grown to resent him and she only fully realizes that when he is on his knees, begging her to stay.
Tl;dr - She slowly started to resent him throughout their relationship, due to his inability to communicate and properly address their mental wellbeing. She didn’t feel truly accepted by his friends. He never bothered to ask how she actually felt and learned the hard way.
这条帖子下的部分回复Some Comments:
I LOVED reading this. The only point I quibble异议 with at all is the very last, and only because it seems likely to me that Taylor intends for the double meaning of flannel cure— the excellent reading you and Genius provide, as well as the traditional (heteronormative异性恋传统规范; stereotypical刻板印象) image of a man putting his jacket around his partner when she’s cold. The guy in the song, as you say, is concerned with optics, and seemingly pretty traditional ones at that. Really loved reading this! I have a much deeper appreciation of the song, as a result! Thanks.
Yes! I was that girl - only I accepted the initial proposal because it was a public and I felt pressured. When I finally got up the nerve to break it off he had his family (mainly his mother) have a sort of intervention with me? The family had a higher level of wealth than mine, but I felt that we just weren’t compatible for the long term much less marriage. I had friends who thought I was crazy, lol. So I really felt those lyrics!
Agreed. I think it’s about her not wanting to get married but not having a huge grand reason. That’s why she didn’t know until he was on his knee. She just didn’t want to be married. Didn’t want to lose herself in him.
I see it as maybe theoretically she was ok with marriage and maybe even marrying him. But in the final moment of it becoming real it hit her, no. This isn’t how I want my life to go.
最后最后,看Reddit网有评论说,taylor是在看吉尔莫女孩Gilmore Girls后 ,写的这首champagne problem, 所以对这部剧有点兴趣,看了下讨论区,偶然看到了一个人说“里里外外女权”点开一看,却是戾气很大地在骂这部剧的三观,剧情走向崩坏,角色婊气,本来还不想看的,这下想看下了…..orz. 是讲女孩成长的, 母女关系,小镇生活,大家若有感兴趣也可以看下,不负责任推荐。