Not for want of trying...So just do it

师夷长技以制夷。用在Maybeshewill身上并不是那么贴切,不过表明了我对于这支过去默默无闻乐队的信心。向他人学习借鉴技术和经验而据为己用并不是坏事,关键在于借鉴过来之后怎么运用。简单的堆砌拼凑和深思熟虑后的重组再创造当然不可混为一谈。很幸运在他们刚发行debut的不久就听到这张专辑,起初的随便听听倒是成为了今年到目前为止的最大惊喜。2006年的65daysofstatic换成了如今的Maybeshewill。你看,连名字都有这样的相似,也难怪我的联想。你要是告诉我这是一张65days两年前偷偷录制没有发行的专辑,我一定深信无疑。一切都是那么的相似,动听的吉他,流畅的钢琴,跳动的电音,紧凑的构架,一个被冠予post-post-rock虚名的genre。有趣的是两支乐队所在的Sheffield 和Leicester 距离非常近,但是在Maybeshewill列出的influence名单里并没有看到65days的名字。后摇需要时间的铺陈才能显现高潮的澎湃,但总会有人跳出这个框框。说实话我还是喜欢传统后摇的风格,因为那是其一切精髓所在。Maybeshewill和65days无疑是改革的成功者,虽然他们并不成熟而且前路并不平坦。
‘Not For Want Of Trying’, 10首曲目一气呵成,短短的30多分钟无疑是一次精神的洗礼。总觉得骨子里Maybeshewill带着点悲情忧郁,也许是后摇一贯的气质所致。但我的听觉感受总是充满动力的,激动人心的;即使在他们常用的film quote里,一个激动的声音倾诉着,‘everybody knows things are too bad. It’s depression. Everybody’s out work or scared of losing their job. Dollar buyers are getting millions of worth…Banks are going bust. Shopkeeper keeps a gun under the counter. Punks are running wildly on the street. There’s nobody anywhere seems to know what to do and there’s no end to it. We know, the air is unfit to breath; our food is unfit to eat. We are sick to watch our TV…If that’s the things they are supposed to be. We know things perhaps are worse than bad. They’re crazy. It’s like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don’t go out anymore……’ 末世悲情?倒也未必。只是他们也想用自己的方式对这个近乎疯狂的世界进行审视。Credit crunch, market turmoil, oil and food price increase, inflation, earthquake, is there an end to it?
师夷长技以制夷。用在Maybeshewill身上并不是那么贴切,不过表明了我对于这支过去默默无闻乐队的信心。向他人学习借鉴技术和经验而据为己用并不是坏事,关键在于借鉴过来之后怎么运用。简单的堆砌拼凑和深思熟虑后的重组再创造当然不可混为一谈。很幸运在他们刚发行debut的不久就听到这张专辑,起初的随便听听倒是成为了今年到目前为止的最大惊喜。2006年的65daysofstatic换成了如今的Maybeshewill。你看,连名字都有这样的相似,也难怪我的联想。你要是告诉我这是一张65days两年前偷偷录制没有发行的专辑,我一定深信无疑。一切都是那么的相似,动听的吉他,流畅的钢琴,跳动的电音,紧凑的构架,一个被冠予post-post-rock虚名的genre。有趣的是两支乐队所在的Sheffield 和Leicester 距离非常近,但是在Maybeshewill列出的influence名单里并没有看到65days的名字。后摇需要时间的铺陈才能显现高潮的澎湃,但总会有人跳出这个框框。说实话我还是喜欢传统后摇的风格,因为那是其一切精髓所在。Maybeshewill和65days无疑是改革的成功者,虽然他们并不成熟而且前路并不平坦。
‘Not For Want Of Trying’, 10首曲目一气呵成,短短的30多分钟无疑是一次精神的洗礼。总觉得骨子里Maybeshewill带着点悲情忧郁,也许是后摇一贯的气质所致。但我的听觉感受总是充满动力的,激动人心的;即使在他们常用的film quote里,一个激动的声音倾诉着,‘everybody knows things are too bad. It’s depression. Everybody’s out work or scared of losing their job. Dollar buyers are getting millions of worth…Banks are going bust. Shopkeeper keeps a gun under the counter. Punks are running wildly on the street. There’s nobody anywhere seems to know what to do and there’s no end to it. We know, the air is unfit to breath; our food is unfit to eat. We are sick to watch our TV…If that’s the things they are supposed to be. We know things perhaps are worse than bad. They’re crazy. It’s like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don’t go out anymore……’ 末世悲情?倒也未必。只是他们也想用自己的方式对这个近乎疯狂的世界进行审视。Credit crunch, market turmoil, oil and food price increase, inflation, earthquake, is there an end to it?