Charlie Parker 查理帕克 Charlie Parker With Strings: The Master Takes 查理帕克与弦乐:大师需要 Verve, recorded 1949-52, released 1995 Verve,1949-52年录制,1995年发行
Parker's recordings with strings have received bad press over the years. But Parker loved them, and the nay sayers need to lighten up. The arrangements (by orchestra leaders Jimmy Carroll and Joe Lippman) do, admittedly, tend towards the saccharine, but that is irrelevant—they provide sumptuous frameworks for Parker to channel his balladic side (as do others on the Verve compilation The Cole Porter Songbook, recorded 1950-54). The 24 tunes are top drawer treasures of the Great American Songbook including "April In Paris," "If I Should Lose You," "Autumn In New York," "They Can't Take That Away From Me," "Stella By Starlight" and "East Of The Sun (West Of The Moon)." Parker's motivation for working with strings was complex and almost certainly included a desire for approval from the musical establishment. Strange, given that his life was lived in defiance of establishment rules. But anyway, the results speak for themselves. 帕克的弦乐录音多年来一直受到负面报道。但是帕克喜欢他们,反对者需要放松。不可否认,这些编曲(由管弦乐队指挥吉米·卡罗尔(Jimmy Carroll)和乔·李普曼(Joe Lippman)改编)确实倾向于糖精,但这是不相关的--它们为帕克提供了华丽的框架来引导他的民谣方面(就像1950-54年录制的神韵汇编《科尔·波特歌集》中的其他人一样)。这24首曲子是《伟大的美国歌曲集》的顶级珍品,包括《巴黎的四月》、《如果我失去了你》、《纽约的秋天》、《他们不能把它从我身边带走》、《星光下的斯特拉》和《太阳之东(月亮之西)》。“帕克与弦乐合作的动机是复杂的,几乎可以肯定的是,他希望得到音乐界的认可。奇怪的是,考虑到他的生活是在蔑视建立规则。但无论如何,结果不言自明。