Al Green-Lay It Down 2008-倾听我心
Since i got That Shaolin Soul VA Vol.1.
I Am so in to it
So im going to get all the artists albums,infos,etc
Now its Al Green.cause i luv that Lets stay together song,smooth,chill.all Soulful.
我现在从Al Green先生开始吧,因为我觉得那首 让我们腻味在一起 实在是太有爱了,温柔,诙谐,灵魂满溢。
Im sure there got more old schools albums to listen first.But id like to start from the last album.
Thats right- Lay it down. Flow the info i knew.He got company with the cool guys,such as John Legend, Anthony Hamilton - RnB singer and Ahmir Khalib Thompson aka ?uestlove.
对了,就是这张,Lay it down-我想中文名字 直译会是 放下吧,其实更合适的名字也会于这个相近,因为专辑整个给人的感觉就是放松,舒缓,所以我想我会给他起一个这样的名字:卸下心锁 或者 倾听我心,whatever啦~因为这张砖的合作者名单很抢眼的,有这个时代音乐很有格调的旋律男 酱.勒紧德、安同尼.哈米里蹲。还有就是根的鼓手,很酷的问号先生。
?usetlove said: “Even today, nobody has range like him.”
As Green explains: ”They didn’t want to get too far out from the foundation that [Hi Records producer] Willie Mitchell and I built— Call Me, I’m Still In Love With You, Let’s Stay Together.” That’s all good, they said, but we want to play what we hear you being about in 2008. We want to keep all of the aura, but we would like to have freedom enough to spread our wings and express ourselves. The Roots, all the guys from Philly who came up to do this stuff with us—they were incredible. I could relax because I knew the people were capable. Everyone was coming up with ideas, everybody was pitching in, everybody was helping.”
问号男说道:时至今日,仍然无人能及格林先生在艺术上的高度。格林先生自己也谈到:在弄这张转的时候,他们并不希望这张砖的风格与我之前的作品像 扣我、让我们腻味在一起、我已然那么的爱你这些我在HI Records 时于Willie Mitchell先生一起创造的歌曲的风格走的太远。这些都是无敌的,他们希望这张专辑能够仍以这样的风格作为基调。但是他们也提出了,他们还想尝试一些东西,能够体现今天的格林,“我们会保持您一贯的经典风格,但我们也会运用一些我们自己的新的东西,新的风格来融入进去”他在接下来的话里,对这些后生给与了十足的赞扬和中肯的评价,这真是太有爱了。
It all began in 2006.I think it is really was wroth for waittin for 2 years.
“That was such a session. We sketched out eight songs and really started the project.”"That date provided basic tracks for nine out of eleven tunes."
Now Lets Talk about the songz,Of course the first one its : Lay it Down,I think this one just Great as the Lets stay together,Its all about Love,I think you gonna make your girl cry when you play this one for her,Ture Love、deepfeeling、And respect for you lover.Here its the Lyric
来谈谈专辑中的歌曲吧,首先当然是爱的主打歌:Lay it Down了,我觉得这首足以和Lets stay together媲美的,听这歌可以感受到无限的爱意,对爱人的迷恋,我想当你播放这首歌给你的宝贝儿听的时候,它甚至可以使你的宝贝儿流泪,幸福的泪。我觉得男女皆宜的。真爱,尊敬彼此。有爱的不行了。歌词请点这里Lyric
Just for me.keep taking to the girl follow the first one.your love is just for me,no one eles,and he remind her our love its for each other,not just for living,and i can find the country style at the front-Lyric
and i think the next one You've Got The Love I Need its more like that.this one Ft by Anthony-Lyric can not found第二首是 Just 4 me-你爱只为我存在,是第一首的延续,我觉得美妙的音乐都是相通的,我感受到了乡村的味道在这首歌的一些不分-Lyric .当然下面的You've Got The Love I Need-你的爱正是我的需要(妈妈的,名字都差不多咯)就更甚了吧,这首是于安同尼合作的-Lyric can not found
next one its No one like you:"therez no one in life quite like you,you baby"as this one ues "smile"angin,thats so ture.when people full in love.they do like it-you will laughin and smilin for no reason,just like people sighin for no reason when they in a bad mood or sad feelin.check the lyric
No one like you-无人与你一样:"therez no one in life quite like you,you baby"在这首歌当中,格林先生再次用了很多次微笑这个词,我觉得这个是非常真实的,当人坠入爱河的时候,经常会不经意的就笑出声或者每每都是面带笑意的,正像当人伤心或者坏心情的时候也会莫名的就唉声叹气是一样的道理吧。我觉得这样的歌词源自生活。歌词点这里:lyric
What More Do You Want Form Me:this one i cant find the lyric,so i could not understand very well for what Al i guess this is the diffrent way to appreciate the girl that did a lot work for the man,could you do more for me? really did a lot for me already.i love you soo much,and im gonna do more for you too.But maybe i got the wrong idea?cause when i listen to the next one: Take your time,i think this one may try to tellin that the couple havin some lil problerm there.Boy said what do you want from me.we belong to each other.but life have alot other things to do.maybe cause time.they got lil tired or someting?i listen to that song angin,but got confused more...any body help me to get out here?And BTW,The female singer got the nice voice,i got the wrong thought think she was Alica Keys.hehe.anyway,This one mix up very good~
What More Do You Want Form Me-你还想从我这要啥:我没有找到这首的歌词,所以不能很好的理解这首的意思,但是我猜的话这首是以一种不同的方式来表示对爱人的感想吧,爱人无微不至的呵护,为自己付出了很多,你还能为我做什么呢?因为你已经做的这么好了,我亦是爱你很深,也会为你做的更多。但是哩,当我在听了接下来这首Take your time-拿出你的时间之后呢,我觉得会不会是我搞错了呢,Al一直唱着你还想我做什么,我爱你那么多,也为你付出了我的一切,我爱你胜过一切,而且你也是同样对我,什么都不能影响到我们的,可是矛盾是从什么时候开始的?让我们开诚布公的摆在桌面上谈,或者就干脆不去想它,因为我们的爱可以战胜一切!我又听了一遍,可是越听越糊涂,谁来帮我解释一下啊。还有就是take your time中的女伶的声音我还以为是AK呢,很美的声音,也和Al搭调的~
Too Much-So now i think my second guess was the right one,Now the boi sayin her love its too much,it is ture lifestyle angin,in the real life.when the couple be together a while.there must will one of two have this thought-isnt she(or he) love me too much?every day messages full out of my inbox,and call at the maintime,have to go shopping with her at the weekend.bla bla bla.i know thiss all because love.but what i need its more room,i have some own stuff love to do,you love just too much for me..Here is Lyric
Too much-有点过了:顺着听下来,我觉得我对What More Do You Want Form Me-你还想从我这要啥的第二个猜想可能正确的几率大点,Al词下的男人开始觉得爱人对自己的爱有点让自己承受不了,我觉得这样的歌曲又是非常的生活,我相信我们身边这样的事就是时刻在发生的,当一对情侣在一起相爱、同居、甚至结婚一段时间之后,当中肯定会有一方会起这样的心理变化:他或者她是不是爱的有点过头了?每天都发短信发的我的收件箱成满的,还有打好几通电话,等到了周末,还要陪她去逛街,每天谈论她在公司的事情,聊家常(这些在热恋期间,是很甜蜜的事情,但是过了那个时间就...)可是,我需要自己的一些空间啊,我也有一些我自己喜欢的事情想要去做的,好比打打游戏,在互联网上和人骚喷...我觉得有些承受不了你的这份情啊,我觉得你有点过了...Lyric
Stay With Me-But..that is just.Just a lil have no idea thats how lucky you got true love in your dont be a fool,stick with her!do what she do to not so late.shes still love in you.take her back.Lyric
Stay With Me-留在我左右:呵呵,然而,仅仅是然而,如果你不是个沙比的话,你不会打算做出愚蠢的事来影响你的感情的,在当今这世上,不仅仅当今,有一个如此深爱自己,珍惜自己,赏识自己的人,那是多么大的荣幸啊,所以,回她的短信,在电话里给她讲俏皮话,黄笑话,周末去陪她买蕾丝内衣..给她当初的感觉,你会再次赢得她的心的。Lyric
ALL i Need-This one i dont even need to listen or read the lyric,the answer its just come out at the Straight way,Yes.All i need its:you.Lyric
All i Need-我要的全部-这样的一个名字,再根据上面的歌,不看歌词,甚至不用听歌已经知晓答案了,是的,我要的全部就是:你!Lyric
I'm Wild About You-Now whos the creay guy.uh?haha,yap.things gonna change on this too,first you was the one who feels that your lover was "Too Much",But now,becomes to you.this thing make Love so special.and remind you how important that you care about the other one,when you feel down、weak、sick、lonly,whos gonna be there with you?yes,shes always there for lyric
I'm Wild About You-我为你疯狂-这回又是谁陷得深了?哈哈,爱情就是这样让人说不清道不明的,起先你觉得对方爱得太过让你不舒服,可是你不会知道什么时候你自己就会不自禁的成为那个疯狂的角色,因为当你陷入困境,感到无力,孤独,身体或者心灵上受伤的时候,在你身边的总是你的爱人,这让你不自觉的对她会有更多的依赖,学会享受这种感觉吧,感觉到自己或者对方的重要。没找到歌词。
The last one-Standing in the rain-the great isnt every will have to work,that make you have other feelinz of the world,i dont know the reference of this song,but i think it may singing about the poors,all day work,feed famliy,when the rain come at the noon time,standing in the rain,makes feels relief
The last one-Standing in the rain-在雨中:由于上一首对整个的热恋中的种种阶段和情况做了一个总结,这首歌唱得是爱情之外的事情,工作,这是人生中又一个比重很大的部分,我也没有找到歌词,也不知道Al所唱的有么有什么引申含义,我觉得可能是描写的穷人们或者是尼各们艰苦的日夜劳作,养家糊口,当午后大雨来至,屹立在风中,感觉是种解脱吧。
At the end,Keep listenin this album 3 times already,feel real good,And teach me sumthing about:learn to listen,speak to your girl,give the best support you can do when your girl need you-these works with your homies too,and famliys first.
在找这张砖的时候,我百度 谷歌 并没有找到下载地址,最后是通过了独特的rapidshare搜索引擎而一击中的,这里有详细的介绍。
And here is the downlink for this great Al's Album: Kiss me
好了,this is the real end.Hope you guys like this album like i do.
btw.I think Blogger's save system its real aresum
Since i got That Shaolin Soul VA Vol.1.
I Am so in to it
So im going to get all the artists albums,infos,etc
Now its Al Green.cause i luv that Lets stay together song,smooth,chill.all Soulful.
我现在从Al Green先生开始吧,因为我觉得那首 让我们腻味在一起 实在是太有爱了,温柔,诙谐,灵魂满溢。
Im sure there got more old schools albums to listen first.But id like to start from the last album.
Thats right- Lay it down. Flow the info i knew.He got company with the cool guys,such as John Legend, Anthony Hamilton - RnB singer and Ahmir Khalib Thompson aka ?uestlove.
对了,就是这张,Lay it down-我想中文名字 直译会是 放下吧,其实更合适的名字也会于这个相近,因为专辑整个给人的感觉就是放松,舒缓,所以我想我会给他起一个这样的名字:卸下心锁 或者 倾听我心,whatever啦~因为这张砖的合作者名单很抢眼的,有这个时代音乐很有格调的旋律男 酱.勒紧德、安同尼.哈米里蹲。还有就是根的鼓手,很酷的问号先生。
?usetlove said: “Even today, nobody has range like him.”
As Green explains: ”They didn’t want to get too far out from the foundation that [Hi Records producer] Willie Mitchell and I built— Call Me, I’m Still In Love With You, Let’s Stay Together.” That’s all good, they said, but we want to play what we hear you being about in 2008. We want to keep all of the aura, but we would like to have freedom enough to spread our wings and express ourselves. The Roots, all the guys from Philly who came up to do this stuff with us—they were incredible. I could relax because I knew the people were capable. Everyone was coming up with ideas, everybody was pitching in, everybody was helping.”
问号男说道:时至今日,仍然无人能及格林先生在艺术上的高度。格林先生自己也谈到:在弄这张转的时候,他们并不希望这张砖的风格与我之前的作品像 扣我、让我们腻味在一起、我已然那么的爱你这些我在HI Records 时于Willie Mitchell先生一起创造的歌曲的风格走的太远。这些都是无敌的,他们希望这张专辑能够仍以这样的风格作为基调。但是他们也提出了,他们还想尝试一些东西,能够体现今天的格林,“我们会保持您一贯的经典风格,但我们也会运用一些我们自己的新的东西,新的风格来融入进去”他在接下来的话里,对这些后生给与了十足的赞扬和中肯的评价,这真是太有爱了。
It all began in 2006.I think it is really was wroth for waittin for 2 years.
“That was such a session. We sketched out eight songs and really started the project.”"That date provided basic tracks for nine out of eleven tunes."
Now Lets Talk about the songz,Of course the first one its : Lay it Down,I think this one just Great as the Lets stay together,Its all about Love,I think you gonna make your girl cry when you play this one for her,Ture Love、deepfeeling、And respect for you lover.Here its the Lyric
来谈谈专辑中的歌曲吧,首先当然是爱的主打歌:Lay it Down了,我觉得这首足以和Lets stay together媲美的,听这歌可以感受到无限的爱意,对爱人的迷恋,我想当你播放这首歌给你的宝贝儿听的时候,它甚至可以使你的宝贝儿流泪,幸福的泪。我觉得男女皆宜的。真爱,尊敬彼此。有爱的不行了。歌词请点这里Lyric
Just for me.keep taking to the girl follow the first one.your love is just for me,no one eles,and he remind her our love its for each other,not just for living,and i can find the country style at the front-Lyric
and i think the next one You've Got The Love I Need its more like that.this one Ft by Anthony-Lyric can not found第二首是 Just 4 me-你爱只为我存在,是第一首的延续,我觉得美妙的音乐都是相通的,我感受到了乡村的味道在这首歌的一些不分-Lyric .当然下面的You've Got The Love I Need-你的爱正是我的需要(妈妈的,名字都差不多咯)就更甚了吧,这首是于安同尼合作的-Lyric can not found
next one its No one like you:"therez no one in life quite like you,you baby"as this one ues "smile"angin,thats so ture.when people full in love.they do like it-you will laughin and smilin for no reason,just like people sighin for no reason when they in a bad mood or sad feelin.check the lyric
No one like you-无人与你一样:"therez no one in life quite like you,you baby"在这首歌当中,格林先生再次用了很多次微笑这个词,我觉得这个是非常真实的,当人坠入爱河的时候,经常会不经意的就笑出声或者每每都是面带笑意的,正像当人伤心或者坏心情的时候也会莫名的就唉声叹气是一样的道理吧。我觉得这样的歌词源自生活。歌词点这里:lyric
What More Do You Want Form Me:this one i cant find the lyric,so i could not understand very well for what Al i guess this is the diffrent way to appreciate the girl that did a lot work for the man,could you do more for me? really did a lot for me already.i love you soo much,and im gonna do more for you too.But maybe i got the wrong idea?cause when i listen to the next one: Take your time,i think this one may try to tellin that the couple havin some lil problerm there.Boy said what do you want from me.we belong to each other.but life have alot other things to do.maybe cause time.they got lil tired or someting?i listen to that song angin,but got confused more...any body help me to get out here?And BTW,The female singer got the nice voice,i got the wrong thought think she was Alica Keys.hehe.anyway,This one mix up very good~
What More Do You Want Form Me-你还想从我这要啥:我没有找到这首的歌词,所以不能很好的理解这首的意思,但是我猜的话这首是以一种不同的方式来表示对爱人的感想吧,爱人无微不至的呵护,为自己付出了很多,你还能为我做什么呢?因为你已经做的这么好了,我亦是爱你很深,也会为你做的更多。但是哩,当我在听了接下来这首Take your time-拿出你的时间之后呢,我觉得会不会是我搞错了呢,Al一直唱着你还想我做什么,我爱你那么多,也为你付出了我的一切,我爱你胜过一切,而且你也是同样对我,什么都不能影响到我们的,可是矛盾是从什么时候开始的?让我们开诚布公的摆在桌面上谈,或者就干脆不去想它,因为我们的爱可以战胜一切!我又听了一遍,可是越听越糊涂,谁来帮我解释一下啊。还有就是take your time中的女伶的声音我还以为是AK呢,很美的声音,也和Al搭调的~
Too Much-So now i think my second guess was the right one,Now the boi sayin her love its too much,it is ture lifestyle angin,in the real life.when the couple be together a while.there must will one of two have this thought-isnt she(or he) love me too much?every day messages full out of my inbox,and call at the maintime,have to go shopping with her at the weekend.bla bla bla.i know thiss all because love.but what i need its more room,i have some own stuff love to do,you love just too much for me..Here is Lyric
Too much-有点过了:顺着听下来,我觉得我对What More Do You Want Form Me-你还想从我这要啥的第二个猜想可能正确的几率大点,Al词下的男人开始觉得爱人对自己的爱有点让自己承受不了,我觉得这样的歌曲又是非常的生活,我相信我们身边这样的事就是时刻在发生的,当一对情侣在一起相爱、同居、甚至结婚一段时间之后,当中肯定会有一方会起这样的心理变化:他或者她是不是爱的有点过头了?每天都发短信发的我的收件箱成满的,还有打好几通电话,等到了周末,还要陪她去逛街,每天谈论她在公司的事情,聊家常(这些在热恋期间,是很甜蜜的事情,但是过了那个时间就...)可是,我需要自己的一些空间啊,我也有一些我自己喜欢的事情想要去做的,好比打打游戏,在互联网上和人骚喷...我觉得有些承受不了你的这份情啊,我觉得你有点过了...Lyric
Stay With Me-But..that is just.Just a lil have no idea thats how lucky you got true love in your dont be a fool,stick with her!do what she do to not so late.shes still love in you.take her back.Lyric
Stay With Me-留在我左右:呵呵,然而,仅仅是然而,如果你不是个沙比的话,你不会打算做出愚蠢的事来影响你的感情的,在当今这世上,不仅仅当今,有一个如此深爱自己,珍惜自己,赏识自己的人,那是多么大的荣幸啊,所以,回她的短信,在电话里给她讲俏皮话,黄笑话,周末去陪她买蕾丝内衣..给她当初的感觉,你会再次赢得她的心的。Lyric
ALL i Need-This one i dont even need to listen or read the lyric,the answer its just come out at the Straight way,Yes.All i need its:you.Lyric
All i Need-我要的全部-这样的一个名字,再根据上面的歌,不看歌词,甚至不用听歌已经知晓答案了,是的,我要的全部就是:你!Lyric
I'm Wild About You-Now whos the creay guy.uh?haha,yap.things gonna change on this too,first you was the one who feels that your lover was "Too Much",But now,becomes to you.this thing make Love so special.and remind you how important that you care about the other one,when you feel down、weak、sick、lonly,whos gonna be there with you?yes,shes always there for lyric
I'm Wild About You-我为你疯狂-这回又是谁陷得深了?哈哈,爱情就是这样让人说不清道不明的,起先你觉得对方爱得太过让你不舒服,可是你不会知道什么时候你自己就会不自禁的成为那个疯狂的角色,因为当你陷入困境,感到无力,孤独,身体或者心灵上受伤的时候,在你身边的总是你的爱人,这让你不自觉的对她会有更多的依赖,学会享受这种感觉吧,感觉到自己或者对方的重要。没找到歌词。
The last one-Standing in the rain-the great isnt every will have to work,that make you have other feelinz of the world,i dont know the reference of this song,but i think it may singing about the poors,all day work,feed famliy,when the rain come at the noon time,standing in the rain,makes feels relief
The last one-Standing in the rain-在雨中:由于上一首对整个的热恋中的种种阶段和情况做了一个总结,这首歌唱得是爱情之外的事情,工作,这是人生中又一个比重很大的部分,我也没有找到歌词,也不知道Al所唱的有么有什么引申含义,我觉得可能是描写的穷人们或者是尼各们艰苦的日夜劳作,养家糊口,当午后大雨来至,屹立在风中,感觉是种解脱吧。
At the end,Keep listenin this album 3 times already,feel real good,And teach me sumthing about:learn to listen,speak to your girl,give the best support you can do when your girl need you-these works with your homies too,and famliys first.
在找这张砖的时候,我百度 谷歌 并没有找到下载地址,最后是通过了独特的rapidshare搜索引擎而一击中的,这里有详细的介绍。
And here is the downlink for this great Al's Album: Kiss me
好了,this is the real end.Hope you guys like this album like i do.
btw.I think Blogger's save system its real aresum
Hezelusen's Blackhood
I Am so in to it
So im going to get all the artists albums,infos,etc
Now its Al Green.cause i luv that Lets stay together song,smooth,chill.all Soulful.
我现在从Al Green先生开始吧,因为我觉得那首 让我们腻味在一起 实在是太有爱了,温柔,诙谐,灵魂满溢。
Im sure there got more old schools albums to listen first.But id like to start from the last album.
Thats right- Lay it down. Flow the info i knew.He got company with the cool guys,such as John Legend, Anthony Hamilton - RnB singer and Ahmir Khalib Thompson aka ?uestlove.
对了,就是这张,Lay it down-我想中文名字 直译会是 放下吧,其实更合适的名字也会于这个相近,因为专辑整个给人的感觉就是放松,舒缓,所以我想我会给他起一个这样的名字:卸下心锁 或者 倾听我心,whatever啦~因为这张砖的合作者名单很抢眼的,有这个时代音乐很有格调的旋律男 酱.勒紧德、安同尼.哈米里蹲。还有就是根的鼓手,很酷的问号先生。
?usetlove said: “Even today, nobody has range like him.”
As Green explains: ”They didn’t want to get too far out from the foundation that [Hi Records producer] Willie Mitchell and I built— Call Me, I’m Still In Love With You, Let’s Stay Together.” That’s all good, they said, but we want to play what we hear you being about in 2008. We want to keep all of the aura, but we would like to have freedom enough to spread our wings and express ourselves. The Roots, all the guys from Philly who came up to do this stuff with us—they were incredible. I could relax because I knew the people were capable. Everyone was coming up with ideas, everybody was pitching in, everybody was helping.”
问号男说道:时至今日,仍然无人能及格林先生在艺术上的高度。格林先生自己也谈到:在弄这张转的时候,他们并不希望这张砖的风格与我之前的作品像 扣我、让我们腻味在一起、我已然那么的爱你这些我在HI Records 时于Willie Mitchell先生一起创造的歌曲的风格走的太远。这些都是无敌的,他们希望这张专辑能够仍以这样的风格作为基调。但是他们也提出了,他们还想尝试一些东西,能够体现今天的格林,“我们会保持您一贯的经典风格,但我们也会运用一些我们自己的新的东西,新的风格来融入进去”他在接下来的话里,对这些后生给与了十足的赞扬和中肯的评价,这真是太有爱了。
It all began in 2006.I think it is really was wroth for waittin for 2 years.
“That was such a session. We sketched out eight songs and really started the project.”"That date provided basic tracks for nine out of eleven tunes."
Now Lets Talk about the songz,Of course the first one its : Lay it Down,I think this one just Great as the Lets stay together,Its all about Love,I think you gonna make your girl cry when you play this one for her,Ture Love、deepfeeling、And respect for you lover.Here its the Lyric
来谈谈专辑中的歌曲吧,首先当然是爱的主打歌:Lay it Down了,我觉得这首足以和Lets stay together媲美的,听这歌可以感受到无限的爱意,对爱人的迷恋,我想当你播放这首歌给你的宝贝儿听的时候,它甚至可以使你的宝贝儿流泪,幸福的泪。我觉得男女皆宜的。真爱,尊敬彼此。有爱的不行了。歌词请点这里Lyric
Just for me.keep taking to the girl follow the first one.your love is just for me,no one eles,and he remind her our love its for each other,not just for living,and i can find the country style at the front-Lyric
and i think the next one You've Got The Love I Need its more like that.this one Ft by Anthony-Lyric can not found第二首是 Just 4 me-你爱只为我存在,是第一首的延续,我觉得美妙的音乐都是相通的,我感受到了乡村的味道在这首歌的一些不分-Lyric .当然下面的You've Got The Love I Need-你的爱正是我的需要(妈妈的,名字都差不多咯)就更甚了吧,这首是于安同尼合作的-Lyric can not found
next one its No one like you:"therez no one in life quite like you,you baby"as this one ues "smile"angin,thats so ture.when people full in love.they do like it-you will laughin and smilin for no reason,just like people sighin for no reason when they in a bad mood or sad feelin.check the lyric
No one like you-无人与你一样:"therez no one in life quite like you,you baby"在这首歌当中,格林先生再次用了很多次微笑这个词,我觉得这个是非常真实的,当人坠入爱河的时候,经常会不经意的就笑出声或者每每都是面带笑意的,正像当人伤心或者坏心情的时候也会莫名的就唉声叹气是一样的道理吧。我觉得这样的歌词源自生活。歌词点这里:lyric
What More Do You Want Form Me:this one i cant find the lyric,so i could not understand very well for what Al i guess this is the diffrent way to appreciate the girl that did a lot work for the man,could you do more for me? really did a lot for me already.i love you soo much,and im gonna do more for you too.But maybe i got the wrong idea?cause when i listen to the next one: Take your time,i think this one may try to tellin that the couple havin some lil problerm there.Boy said what do you want from me.we belong to each other.but life have alot other things to do.maybe cause time.they got lil tired or someting?i listen to that song angin,but got confused more...any body help me to get out here?And BTW,The female singer got the nice voice,i got the wrong thought think she was Alica Keys.hehe.anyway,This one mix up very good~
What More Do You Want Form Me-你还想从我这要啥:我没有找到这首的歌词,所以不能很好的理解这首的意思,但是我猜的话这首是以一种不同的方式来表示对爱人的感想吧,爱人无微不至的呵护,为自己付出了很多,你还能为我做什么呢?因为你已经做的这么好了,我亦是爱你很深,也会为你做的更多。但是哩,当我在听了接下来这首Take your time-拿出你的时间之后呢,我觉得会不会是我搞错了呢,Al一直唱着你还想我做什么,我爱你那么多,也为你付出了我的一切,我爱你胜过一切,而且你也是同样对我,什么都不能影响到我们的,可是矛盾是从什么时候开始的?让我们开诚布公的摆在桌面上谈,或者就干脆不去想它,因为我们的爱可以战胜一切!我又听了一遍,可是越听越糊涂,谁来帮我解释一下啊。还有就是take your time中的女伶的声音我还以为是AK呢,很美的声音,也和Al搭调的~
Too Much-So now i think my second guess was the right one,Now the boi sayin her love its too much,it is ture lifestyle angin,in the real life.when the couple be together a while.there must will one of two have this thought-isnt she(or he) love me too much?every day messages full out of my inbox,and call at the maintime,have to go shopping with her at the weekend.bla bla bla.i know thiss all because love.but what i need its more room,i have some own stuff love to do,you love just too much for me..Here is Lyric
Too much-有点过了:顺着听下来,我觉得我对What More Do You Want Form Me-你还想从我这要啥的第二个猜想可能正确的几率大点,Al词下的男人开始觉得爱人对自己的爱有点让自己承受不了,我觉得这样的歌曲又是非常的生活,我相信我们身边这样的事就是时刻在发生的,当一对情侣在一起相爱、同居、甚至结婚一段时间之后,当中肯定会有一方会起这样的心理变化:他或者她是不是爱的有点过头了?每天都发短信发的我的收件箱成满的,还有打好几通电话,等到了周末,还要陪她去逛街,每天谈论她在公司的事情,聊家常(这些在热恋期间,是很甜蜜的事情,但是过了那个时间就...)可是,我需要自己的一些空间啊,我也有一些我自己喜欢的事情想要去做的,好比打打游戏,在互联网上和人骚喷...我觉得有些承受不了你的这份情啊,我觉得你有点过了...Lyric
Stay With Me-But..that is just.Just a lil have no idea thats how lucky you got true love in your dont be a fool,stick with her!do what she do to not so late.shes still love in you.take her back.Lyric
Stay With Me-留在我左右:呵呵,然而,仅仅是然而,如果你不是个沙比的话,你不会打算做出愚蠢的事来影响你的感情的,在当今这世上,不仅仅当今,有一个如此深爱自己,珍惜自己,赏识自己的人,那是多么大的荣幸啊,所以,回她的短信,在电话里给她讲俏皮话,黄笑话,周末去陪她买蕾丝内衣..给她当初的感觉,你会再次赢得她的心的。Lyric
ALL i Need-This one i dont even need to listen or read the lyric,the answer its just come out at the Straight way,Yes.All i need its:you.Lyric
All i Need-我要的全部-这样的一个名字,再根据上面的歌,不看歌词,甚至不用听歌已经知晓答案了,是的,我要的全部就是:你!Lyric
I'm Wild About You-Now whos the creay guy.uh?haha,yap.things gonna change on this too,first you was the one who feels that your lover was "Too Much",But now,becomes to you.this thing make Love so special.and remind you how important that you care about the other one,when you feel down、weak、sick、lonly,whos gonna be there with you?yes,shes always there for lyric
I'm Wild About You-我为你疯狂-这回又是谁陷得深了?哈哈,爱情就是这样让人说不清道不明的,起先你觉得对方爱得太过让你不舒服,可是你不会知道什么时候你自己就会不自禁的成为那个疯狂的角色,因为当你陷入困境,感到无力,孤独,身体或者心灵上受伤的时候,在你身边的总是你的爱人,这让你不自觉的对她会有更多的依赖,学会享受这种感觉吧,感觉到自己或者对方的重要。没找到歌词。
The last one-Standing in the rain-the great isnt every will have to work,that make you have other feelinz of the world,i dont know the reference of this song,but i think it may singing about the poors,all day work,feed famliy,when the rain come at the noon time,standing in the rain,makes feels relief
The last one-Standing in the rain-在雨中:由于上一首对整个的热恋中的种种阶段和情况做了一个总结,这首歌唱得是爱情之外的事情,工作,这是人生中又一个比重很大的部分,我也没有找到歌词,也不知道Al所唱的有么有什么引申含义,我觉得可能是描写的穷人们或者是尼各们艰苦的日夜劳作,养家糊口,当午后大雨来至,屹立在风中,感觉是种解脱吧。
At the end,Keep listenin this album 3 times already,feel real good,And teach me sumthing about:learn to listen,speak to your girl,give the best support you can do when your girl need you-these works with your homies too,and famliys first.
在找这张砖的时候,我百度 谷歌 并没有找到下载地址,最后是通过了独特的rapidshare搜索引擎而一击中的,这里有详细的介绍。
And here is the downlink for this great Al's Album: Kiss me
好了,this is the real end.Hope you guys like this album like i do.
btw.I think Blogger's save system its real aresum
Since i got That Shaolin Soul VA Vol.1.
I Am so in to it
So im going to get all the artists albums,infos,etc
Now its Al Green.cause i luv that Lets stay together song,smooth,chill.all Soulful.
我现在从Al Green先生开始吧,因为我觉得那首 让我们腻味在一起 实在是太有爱了,温柔,诙谐,灵魂满溢。
Im sure there got more old schools albums to listen first.But id like to start from the last album.
Thats right- Lay it down. Flow the info i knew.He got company with the cool guys,such as John Legend, Anthony Hamilton - RnB singer and Ahmir Khalib Thompson aka ?uestlove.
对了,就是这张,Lay it down-我想中文名字 直译会是 放下吧,其实更合适的名字也会于这个相近,因为专辑整个给人的感觉就是放松,舒缓,所以我想我会给他起一个这样的名字:卸下心锁 或者 倾听我心,whatever啦~因为这张砖的合作者名单很抢眼的,有这个时代音乐很有格调的旋律男 酱.勒紧德、安同尼.哈米里蹲。还有就是根的鼓手,很酷的问号先生。
?usetlove said: “Even today, nobody has range like him.”
As Green explains: ”They didn’t want to get too far out from the foundation that [Hi Records producer] Willie Mitchell and I built— Call Me, I’m Still In Love With You, Let’s Stay Together.” That’s all good, they said, but we want to play what we hear you being about in 2008. We want to keep all of the aura, but we would like to have freedom enough to spread our wings and express ourselves. The Roots, all the guys from Philly who came up to do this stuff with us—they were incredible. I could relax because I knew the people were capable. Everyone was coming up with ideas, everybody was pitching in, everybody was helping.”
问号男说道:时至今日,仍然无人能及格林先生在艺术上的高度。格林先生自己也谈到:在弄这张转的时候,他们并不希望这张砖的风格与我之前的作品像 扣我、让我们腻味在一起、我已然那么的爱你这些我在HI Records 时于Willie Mitchell先生一起创造的歌曲的风格走的太远。这些都是无敌的,他们希望这张专辑能够仍以这样的风格作为基调。但是他们也提出了,他们还想尝试一些东西,能够体现今天的格林,“我们会保持您一贯的经典风格,但我们也会运用一些我们自己的新的东西,新的风格来融入进去”他在接下来的话里,对这些后生给与了十足的赞扬和中肯的评价,这真是太有爱了。
It all began in 2006.I think it is really was wroth for waittin for 2 years.
“That was such a session. We sketched out eight songs and really started the project.”"That date provided basic tracks for nine out of eleven tunes."
Now Lets Talk about the songz,Of course the first one its : Lay it Down,I think this one just Great as the Lets stay together,Its all about Love,I think you gonna make your girl cry when you play this one for her,Ture Love、deepfeeling、And respect for you lover.Here its the Lyric
来谈谈专辑中的歌曲吧,首先当然是爱的主打歌:Lay it Down了,我觉得这首足以和Lets stay together媲美的,听这歌可以感受到无限的爱意,对爱人的迷恋,我想当你播放这首歌给你的宝贝儿听的时候,它甚至可以使你的宝贝儿流泪,幸福的泪。我觉得男女皆宜的。真爱,尊敬彼此。有爱的不行了。歌词请点这里Lyric
Just for me.keep taking to the girl follow the first one.your love is just for me,no one eles,and he remind her our love its for each other,not just for living,and i can find the country style at the front-Lyric
and i think the next one You've Got The Love I Need its more like that.this one Ft by Anthony-Lyric can not found第二首是 Just 4 me-你爱只为我存在,是第一首的延续,我觉得美妙的音乐都是相通的,我感受到了乡村的味道在这首歌的一些不分-Lyric .当然下面的You've Got The Love I Need-你的爱正是我的需要(妈妈的,名字都差不多咯)就更甚了吧,这首是于安同尼合作的-Lyric can not found
next one its No one like you:"therez no one in life quite like you,you baby"as this one ues "smile"angin,thats so ture.when people full in love.they do like it-you will laughin and smilin for no reason,just like people sighin for no reason when they in a bad mood or sad feelin.check the lyric
No one like you-无人与你一样:"therez no one in life quite like you,you baby"在这首歌当中,格林先生再次用了很多次微笑这个词,我觉得这个是非常真实的,当人坠入爱河的时候,经常会不经意的就笑出声或者每每都是面带笑意的,正像当人伤心或者坏心情的时候也会莫名的就唉声叹气是一样的道理吧。我觉得这样的歌词源自生活。歌词点这里:lyric
What More Do You Want Form Me:this one i cant find the lyric,so i could not understand very well for what Al i guess this is the diffrent way to appreciate the girl that did a lot work for the man,could you do more for me? really did a lot for me already.i love you soo much,and im gonna do more for you too.But maybe i got the wrong idea?cause when i listen to the next one: Take your time,i think this one may try to tellin that the couple havin some lil problerm there.Boy said what do you want from me.we belong to each other.but life have alot other things to do.maybe cause time.they got lil tired or someting?i listen to that song angin,but got confused more...any body help me to get out here?And BTW,The female singer got the nice voice,i got the wrong thought think she was Alica Keys.hehe.anyway,This one mix up very good~
What More Do You Want Form Me-你还想从我这要啥:我没有找到这首的歌词,所以不能很好的理解这首的意思,但是我猜的话这首是以一种不同的方式来表示对爱人的感想吧,爱人无微不至的呵护,为自己付出了很多,你还能为我做什么呢?因为你已经做的这么好了,我亦是爱你很深,也会为你做的更多。但是哩,当我在听了接下来这首Take your time-拿出你的时间之后呢,我觉得会不会是我搞错了呢,Al一直唱着你还想我做什么,我爱你那么多,也为你付出了我的一切,我爱你胜过一切,而且你也是同样对我,什么都不能影响到我们的,可是矛盾是从什么时候开始的?让我们开诚布公的摆在桌面上谈,或者就干脆不去想它,因为我们的爱可以战胜一切!我又听了一遍,可是越听越糊涂,谁来帮我解释一下啊。还有就是take your time中的女伶的声音我还以为是AK呢,很美的声音,也和Al搭调的~
Too Much-So now i think my second guess was the right one,Now the boi sayin her love its too much,it is ture lifestyle angin,in the real life.when the couple be together a while.there must will one of two have this thought-isnt she(or he) love me too much?every day messages full out of my inbox,and call at the maintime,have to go shopping with her at the weekend.bla bla bla.i know thiss all because love.but what i need its more room,i have some own stuff love to do,you love just too much for me..Here is Lyric
Too much-有点过了:顺着听下来,我觉得我对What More Do You Want Form Me-你还想从我这要啥的第二个猜想可能正确的几率大点,Al词下的男人开始觉得爱人对自己的爱有点让自己承受不了,我觉得这样的歌曲又是非常的生活,我相信我们身边这样的事就是时刻在发生的,当一对情侣在一起相爱、同居、甚至结婚一段时间之后,当中肯定会有一方会起这样的心理变化:他或者她是不是爱的有点过头了?每天都发短信发的我的收件箱成满的,还有打好几通电话,等到了周末,还要陪她去逛街,每天谈论她在公司的事情,聊家常(这些在热恋期间,是很甜蜜的事情,但是过了那个时间就...)可是,我需要自己的一些空间啊,我也有一些我自己喜欢的事情想要去做的,好比打打游戏,在互联网上和人骚喷...我觉得有些承受不了你的这份情啊,我觉得你有点过了...Lyric
Stay With Me-But..that is just.Just a lil have no idea thats how lucky you got true love in your dont be a fool,stick with her!do what she do to not so late.shes still love in you.take her back.Lyric
Stay With Me-留在我左右:呵呵,然而,仅仅是然而,如果你不是个沙比的话,你不会打算做出愚蠢的事来影响你的感情的,在当今这世上,不仅仅当今,有一个如此深爱自己,珍惜自己,赏识自己的人,那是多么大的荣幸啊,所以,回她的短信,在电话里给她讲俏皮话,黄笑话,周末去陪她买蕾丝内衣..给她当初的感觉,你会再次赢得她的心的。Lyric
ALL i Need-This one i dont even need to listen or read the lyric,the answer its just come out at the Straight way,Yes.All i need its:you.Lyric
All i Need-我要的全部-这样的一个名字,再根据上面的歌,不看歌词,甚至不用听歌已经知晓答案了,是的,我要的全部就是:你!Lyric
I'm Wild About You-Now whos the creay guy.uh?haha,yap.things gonna change on this too,first you was the one who feels that your lover was "Too Much",But now,becomes to you.this thing make Love so special.and remind you how important that you care about the other one,when you feel down、weak、sick、lonly,whos gonna be there with you?yes,shes always there for lyric
I'm Wild About You-我为你疯狂-这回又是谁陷得深了?哈哈,爱情就是这样让人说不清道不明的,起先你觉得对方爱得太过让你不舒服,可是你不会知道什么时候你自己就会不自禁的成为那个疯狂的角色,因为当你陷入困境,感到无力,孤独,身体或者心灵上受伤的时候,在你身边的总是你的爱人,这让你不自觉的对她会有更多的依赖,学会享受这种感觉吧,感觉到自己或者对方的重要。没找到歌词。
The last one-Standing in the rain-the great isnt every will have to work,that make you have other feelinz of the world,i dont know the reference of this song,but i think it may singing about the poors,all day work,feed famliy,when the rain come at the noon time,standing in the rain,makes feels relief
The last one-Standing in the rain-在雨中:由于上一首对整个的热恋中的种种阶段和情况做了一个总结,这首歌唱得是爱情之外的事情,工作,这是人生中又一个比重很大的部分,我也没有找到歌词,也不知道Al所唱的有么有什么引申含义,我觉得可能是描写的穷人们或者是尼各们艰苦的日夜劳作,养家糊口,当午后大雨来至,屹立在风中,感觉是种解脱吧。
At the end,Keep listenin this album 3 times already,feel real good,And teach me sumthing about:learn to listen,speak to your girl,give the best support you can do when your girl need you-these works with your homies too,and famliys first.
在找这张砖的时候,我百度 谷歌 并没有找到下载地址,最后是通过了独特的rapidshare搜索引擎而一击中的,这里有详细的介绍。
And here is the downlink for this great Al's Album: Kiss me
好了,this is the real end.Hope you guys like this album like i do.
btw.I think Blogger's save system its real aresum
Hezelusen's Blackhood