
"Nazi Girlfriend"
I want to fuck her on the floor
Among my books of ancient lore
So I will make a full report
I got a Nazi Girlfriend
It's not the four-inch heels she wears
It's not her baby-fine blond hair
It's more the desert in her stare
I've got a Nazi Girlfriend
She's not the colt
That she once was
She's elegant
But youth is lost
Still she has ways to make me talk
I love you Nazi Girl
Her French is perfect
So's her butt
She wears two crosses
Tangled up
She's independent
She's not dumb
Tough little Nazi Girl
So now I've fucked her on the floor
Among my books of ancient lore
And I have made a full report
About a Nazi Girl
来单位,本想加班,不过在youtube上找到了david bowie 1973年的live show片段。就一发不可收拾起来。
iggy pop也是一位奇人。他们俩还一起合作过歌。
看到年轻的肌肉男iggy pop在台上光了膀子挣了命似的狂喊"I wanna be your dog"
又想起他的那首年老色衰的Nazi Girlfriend来
谁知道。也许还是David Bowie年轻的时候看得准:Love is not loving。
I want to fuck her on the floor
Among my books of ancient lore
So I will make a full report
I got a Nazi Girlfriend
It's not the four-inch heels she wears
It's not her baby-fine blond hair
It's more the desert in her stare
I've got a Nazi Girlfriend
She's not the colt
That she once was
She's elegant
But youth is lost
Still she has ways to make me talk
I love you Nazi Girl
Her French is perfect
So's her butt
She wears two crosses
Tangled up
She's independent
She's not dumb
Tough little Nazi Girl
So now I've fucked her on the floor
Among my books of ancient lore
And I have made a full report
About a Nazi Girl
来单位,本想加班,不过在youtube上找到了david bowie 1973年的live show片段。就一发不可收拾起来。
iggy pop也是一位奇人。他们俩还一起合作过歌。
看到年轻的肌肉男iggy pop在台上光了膀子挣了命似的狂喊"I wanna be your dog"
又想起他的那首年老色衰的Nazi Girlfriend来
谁知道。也许还是David Bowie年轻的时候看得准:Love is not loving。