这首曲子创作时间是 1988年一月到八月,写了大半年啊。半个小时的曲子,竟然花费了作曲家大半年的时间。而且是因为这首曲子是作曲家对二战时期犹太人的同情的展现,我才知道steve reich 是犹太人。我喜欢的作曲家好多都是犹太人哦。
三首曲子,第一首曲子因为讲的是美国的火车,所以使用了作曲家自己身边的人的录音;第二首曲子和第三首使用的都是战争幸存者的录音。我第一次听第二首曲子的时候,整个人的心都揪起来了。作曲家选择的录音内容真的很好,把整个紧张的情境都描绘了出来,文本和音乐相得益彰。“Quick, go! Don't breathe!” 这两句话还时不时地出现在我脑子里。而且美国火车声音还跟欧洲不一样,所以在第二首曲子里,使用的是更尖锐的欧洲火车声。
i. America - before the war
from chicago to new york
one of the fastest trains
the crack train from new york
from new york to los angeles
different trains every time
from chicago to new york
in 1939
1941 i guess it must've been
ii. Europe - during the war
on my birthday
the germans walked in
walked into Holland
Germans invaded Hungary
I was in second grade
i had teacher
a very tall man, his hair was concretely plasterd smooth
he said, 'Black Crows invaded our country many years ago.'
and he pointed right at me
nomore school
you must go away
and she said 'Quick, go!'
and he said, 'Don't breathe!'
into those cattle wagons
for 4 days and 4 nights
and then we went through these strange sounding names
Polish names
lots of cattles wagons there
they were loaded with people
they shaved us
they tatooed a number on our arm
flames going up to the sky - it was smoking
iii. after the war
and the war was over
are you sure?
the war is over
going to America
to los angeles
to new york
from new york to los angeles
one of the fastest trains
but today, they're all gone
there was one girl, who had a beatiful voice
and they loved to listen to the singing, the Germans
and when she stopped singing, they said, 'more, more' and they applauded
crack in the older sense of best
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