Walk away!
我一直都好喜欢他们,相比Cocteau Twins 的绮丽,Bell & Sebastian 的俗艳嬉皮,又或者Mojave 3的低沉凄美,Cowboy Junkies绝对是柔中带刚!
不光是创作人的男性视角,连主唱Margo Timmins 的美丽声线也根本不是那种不世出的姣丽欲滴感觉。就跟这张专辑里头我最最中意的一句歌词一样,“I want to walk away, like Judas from the table." 真是叫人震撼的决断,既然已经选择决裂,那么背上正或负的标签与我也没有什么关系了。只是要turn my back and walk away,仿佛犹大离开最后的晚餐!(Michael Timmins真是好重的宗教情节阿,估计跟他天主教家庭出身有关)
然而,Michael Timmins却并不是气盛的少年,紧跟着又听到Margo轻柔地唱"Bow my head ,close my eyes".似乎又暗自明白其实逃离时不存在彻底隔绝的,唯一能做的也无非是片刻的close my eyes而已。
Michael Timmins 这么解构他的歌词暗语"It's about getting to the point where you feel that the only solution to the turmoil in your life is to turn your back and walk away and then coming to the realization that there are reasons to stay all around you. It's those sorts of moments that make you want to bow your head and close your eyes."
2001年的专辑Open,不像Rarities, B-Sides and Slow那样对他们重要,可是于我而言,只是有抒情终曲“Close My Eyes"就足够值得纪念了。虽然日子总是那么多无奈,幻想一次walk away, like Judas from the table的凛然心境又有什么关系呢?背叛或者是决断,随便什么好了,反正我是要跟你从此一刀两断的了!
不光是创作人的男性视角,连主唱Margo Timmins 的美丽声线也根本不是那种不世出的姣丽欲滴感觉。就跟这张专辑里头我最最中意的一句歌词一样,“I want to walk away, like Judas from the table." 真是叫人震撼的决断,既然已经选择决裂,那么背上正或负的标签与我也没有什么关系了。只是要turn my back and walk away,仿佛犹大离开最后的晚餐!(Michael Timmins真是好重的宗教情节阿,估计跟他天主教家庭出身有关)
然而,Michael Timmins却并不是气盛的少年,紧跟着又听到Margo轻柔地唱"Bow my head ,close my eyes".似乎又暗自明白其实逃离时不存在彻底隔绝的,唯一能做的也无非是片刻的close my eyes而已。
Michael Timmins 这么解构他的歌词暗语"It's about getting to the point where you feel that the only solution to the turmoil in your life is to turn your back and walk away and then coming to the realization that there are reasons to stay all around you. It's those sorts of moments that make you want to bow your head and close your eyes."
2001年的专辑Open,不像Rarities, B-Sides and Slow那样对他们重要,可是于我而言,只是有抒情终曲“Close My Eyes"就足够值得纪念了。虽然日子总是那么多无奈,幻想一次walk away, like Judas from the table的凛然心境又有什么关系呢?背叛或者是决断,随便什么好了,反正我是要跟你从此一刀两断的了!