
《Song For》是 Joseph Jarman的第一张专辑。其中《Non-CognitiveAspectsoftheCity》将他的诗歌和爵士乐融合,两者成为同一维度、同个天平上的同类语言,思想和声音交汇,诗歌念白成为一种新音乐,乐器演奏成为一种新诗歌,二者共同创造出的是极具感染力的表达。
Non-cognitive aspects of the City where Roy J's prophecies become the causes of children once quiet black blocks of stone encasements/of regularity sweet now intellectual dada of vain landscapes the city long history upheaval the heath valueless in its norm now/gravestone or gingercakes the frail feel of winter's wanting crying to leaves they wander seeing the capital vision dada new word out of the twenties of chaos returned in the suntan jar fruits of education/with others non-cognitive--these motions embracing sidewalk heroes the city each his own where no one is more alone than any other moan, it's the hip plea for see me, see me, i exist exit the tenderness for power/black or white no differences now/the power/city
Could have spirits among stones uppity the force of becoming what art was made to return the vainness of our pipes, smoking near fountains, the church pronouncing the hell/ of where we are Could have spirits among stones uppity the force of becoming what art was made to return the vainness of our pipes, smoking near fountains, the church pronouncing the hell/of where we are couldhavespiritsamongstonesuppitytheforceof becomingwhatartwasmadetoreturnthevainnessof ourpipes,smokingnearfountains,thechurchpro nouncing the hell of where we are
quiet city wanting each to stop the/pain it must be done--expresso old fashioned sheet about boy thighs war--their homeliness common tools the knife and gun castration in store the tarred spotlight against what hope we have non-cognitive these elements of how no more shall it be better the passion of other saints ungodly shall poison drinking hoodlum talk to describe the callousness of these penny fares among/my friends they say they are the hair torches eggs for these deaths internal zones of where they go where they--come from (in the language of the street) internal these states on planes farout as what these lives become thoughts final last work there spots for treason last word non-cognitive doom