
Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels)
And if the snow buries my, my neighborhood. And if my parents are crying then I’ll dig a tunnel from my window to yours, yeah a tunnel from my window to yours.
You climb out the chimney and meet me in the middle, the middle of town. And since there’s no one else around, we let our hair grow long and forget all we used to know, then our skin gets thicker from living out in the snow.
You change all the lead sleepin’ in my head, as the day grows dim I hear you sing a golden hymn. Then we tried to name our babies, but we forgot all the names that, the names we used to know. But sometimes, we remember our bedrooms, and our parent’s bedrooms, and the bedrooms of our friends. Then we think of our parents, well what ever happened to them?
You change all the lead sleepin’ in my head to gold, as the day grows dim, I hear you sing a golden hymn, the song I’ve been trying to say. Purify the colors, purify my mind. Purify the colors, purify my mind, and spread the ashes of the colors over this heart of mine!
他们的父母,则因为越南战争、肯尼迪遇刺、以及“性、毒品和摇滚(sex, drug and rock n roll)”运动而心烦意乱,“在房间哭泣”,因为这些新事物对他们来说,是陌生的,是寒冷的。歌词用“雪”这个意象去指代这些。
然而,随着嬉皮士们长大,在人生的某一个时刻,你会意识到,尽管我们的上一代犯过许多错误,但他们依然有许多宝贵的经验,值得我们学习。可惜,这种觉悟总是来得太迟,在反叛精神中长大的我们,已经脱离了自己的根源,完全忘记了抚养自己长大的传统——“Then we tried to name our babies/ But we forgot all the names that/ The names we used to know”这里要给孩子起的“名字”,所指代的,就是被遗失了的传统价值。
而此时此刻,你没有了年轻时候的理想,衰老,疲惫。你想起了你的父母,你的朋友,你童年的记忆,所有这些你已经失去的东西,你不禁惊呼:“what ever happened to them?”
到这里,或许你就逐渐明白了,为什么Arcade Fire为什么被认为是一个不那么“酷”的乐队。因为他们演奏的,并不是反抗权威,颠覆传统,追逐潮流。相反,他们看到了传统的价值,并为传统价值在当代的丧失而感到深深的惋惜。
Neighborhood #2 (Laika)
Alexander, our older brother, set out for a great adventure. He tore our images out of his pictures, he scratched our names out of all his letters.
Our mother shoulda just named you Laika!
Come on Alex, you can do it. Come on Alex, there’s nothin’ to it. If you want somethin’ don’t ask for nothin, if you want nothin’ don’t ask for somethin’!
Our mother shoulda just named you Laika! It’s for your own good, it’s for the neighborhood!
Our older brother bit by a Vampire! For a year we caught his tears in a cup. And now we’re gonna make him drink it. Come on Alex don’t die or dry up!
Our mother shoulda just named you Laika! It’s for your own good, it’s for the neighborhood!
When daddy comes home you always start a fight, so the neighbors can dance in the police disco lights. The police disco lights. Now the neighbors can dance! Look at ‘em dance.
如果说Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels)的故事背景是20世纪60年代的反文化运动,那么Neighborhood #2 (Laika)便更加清晰地指向美苏冷战时期。
Neighborhood #3 (Power Out)
I woke up with the power out, not really something to shout about. Ice has covered up my parents hands don’t have any dreams don’t have any plans.
I went out into the night, I went out to find some light. Kids are swingin’ from the power lines, nobody’s home, so nobody minds.
I woke up on the darkest night, neighbors all were shoutin’ that they found the light. (”We found the light”) Shadows jumpin’ all over my walls some of them big, some of them small.
I went out into the night. I went out to pick a fight with anyone. Light a candle for the kids, Jesus Christ don’t keep it hid!
Ice has covered up my parents hands don’t have any dreams don’t have any plans. Growin’ up in some strange storm, nobody’s cold, nobody’s warm.
I went out into the night, I went out to find some light. Kids are dyin’ out in the snow, look at them go, look at them go!
And the power’s out in the heart of man, take it from your heart put in your hand.
What’s the plan?
Is it a dream? Is it a lie? I think I’ll let you decide. Just light a candle for the kids, Jesus Christ don’t keep it hid!
Cause nothin’s hid, from us kids! You ain’t foolin’ nobody with the lights out!
And the power’s out in the heart of man, take it from your heart put in your hand. And there’s something wrong in the heart of man, you take it from your heart and put it in your hand!
Where’d you go?
20世纪90年代,美国赢得美苏冷战的胜利,美国成为了绝对的世界霸主;而互联网产业蒸蒸日上,也使得美国经济持续繁荣。然而,20世纪末21世纪初,互联网泡沫破灭,911恐怖攻击,失业率和破产数量大幅上升,美国经济疲软。经济衰退地很突然,对于刚成年地一代人来说,他们根本没准备好面对这一切。而在这里,我会尝试在这个时代背景下去理解Power Out这首歌。
闪烁的灯光下,你会想到什么?或许是昌盛,繁荣;而停电之后,四周寂静无光,你会想到什么?或许是衰退,萎靡。成长于繁荣的1990s,一切都是欣欣向荣的,但当你成年之后,睁开眼睛,却发现,世界变了,那个无限繁荣的世界不再了。萧条的经济现状和政治气候,让你感到幻灭,抱负受挫,所以,“Don't have any dreams, don't have any plans”,不要有任何梦想,不要有任何计划。
在这个时代成年的孩子们,父母工作时间太长,陪孩子的时间太短。在孩子的成长过程中,父母是一个遥远的存在,“冰覆盖了父母的双手(Ice has covered up my parents hands)”,而孩子们是经济繁荣的祭坛上的牺牲品,却在成年后没有享受到经济增长的福利。这首歌用“孩子们在电线上荡秋千(Kids are swingin' from the power lines)”来比喻“无人在家,无人在意(Nobody's home, so nobody minds)”的孩子。
从更广泛的意义上,Power Out讲述的,是在这个互联网时代,大家庭的消失和社区的冷落,以及随之而来的人与人之间的疏离。我们对周围的世界越来越麻木,“无人感到寒冷,也无人感到温暖(Nobody's cold, nobody's warm)”,因为“电在人的心中熄灭了(And the power's out in the heart of man)”。在这样的时代,好似每个人都找到了光,“邻居们呐喊着他们找到光了(Neighbors all were shoutin' that they found the light)”,但是就像《理想国》洞穴隐喻中的人们一样,我们所看到的只是洞穴上的阴影,“Shadows jumpin' all over my walls/ Some of them big, some of them small”,但是,真实的世界并不被我们了解。失去了面对面交流能力的人们,在停电之后,遇到他人之后,马上投入战争的状态,“我深入黑夜,随便找个人打一架(I went out into the night/ I went out to pick a fight with anyone)”。
这个世界是一场梦,还是一个谎言?在残酷的世界面前,人们重提基督教教义,渴望通过祈祷为孩子祈福,“为孩子点一支蜡烛,耶稣基督别让它熄灭(Light a candle for the kids/ Jesus Christ don't keep it hid)”
歌曲用一句“你去哪里了?(Where'd you go?)”结尾,既是对抛弃了孩子们的社会的问责,也是对迷失了的年轻一代的挽歌。或许,要像破局,我们需要做的,就是把心中的东西,剖开,捧在手上,真正地反思。
Neighborhood #4 (7 Kettles)
I am waitin’ ’til I don’t know when, cause I’m sure it’s gonna happen then. Time keeps creepin’ through the neighborhood, killing old folks, wakin’ up babies just like we knew it would.
All the neighbors are startin’ up a fire, burning all the old folks the witches and the liars. My eyes are covered by the hands of my unborn kids, but my heart keeps watchin’ through the skin of my eyelids.
They say a watched pot won’t ever boil, well I closed my eyes and nothin’ changed, just some water getting hotter in the flames.
It’s not a lover I want no more, and it’s not heaven I’m pining for, but there’s some spirit I used to know, that’s been drowned out by the radio!
They say a watched pot won’t ever boil, you can’t raise a baby on motor oil, just like a seed down in the soil you gotta give it time.
在邻居四部曲的前三部,我们经历了反文化运动、美苏冷战以及美国经济衰退,继续跟着时间不断走,那么,Neighborhood #4 (7 Kettles)这首歌就不可避免地指向了这张专辑发行的时刻。
“所有的邻居们一起聚起一团火,烧死所有的老人、女巫和骗子。(All the neighbors are startin' up a fire/ Burning all the old folks the witches and the liars)”这句歌词很容易让人想起中世纪的火刑场面,它所揭示的,正是基督教原教旨主义在当代的重生。
“有一些我曾经了解的精神,但他们被收音机的声音遮挡了。(But there's some spirit I used to know/ That's been drowned out by the radio)”这句歌词,则是批评许多美好的人文价值被现代机器所遮盖甚至摧毁。
“你不能用机油来哺育婴儿。(You can't raise a baby on motor oil)”这句歌词既提及了环境危机,也批评了美国在中东问题上的态度和做法。
“They say a watched pot won't ever boil/ Well I closed my eyes and nothin' changed/ Just some water getting hotter in the flames”这句话则是表达了自己在时代面前深深的无力感——无论看与不看,事情都没有什么改变。他知道,他也即将成为“上一代”,而将对未来做出改变的,是遮住他眼睛的未出生的小孩(My eyes are covered by the hands of my unborn kids),但即使如此,他依然会深情地注视(But my heart keeps watchin'/ Through the skin of my eyelids),因为他知道,种子播到土壤里,我们需要时间去等待他成长。