Legs And Arms的背景

This song is from the lovers’ perspective again but it had a weird beginning. I had a stalker in New York who kept peeking through my dorm window but the school was never able to catch him, and they were asking, how come you’re the only person telling us about this person? No one else is complaining. It was #MeToo long before#MeToo existed. It happens to so many women and so many people in life in general. But he was there and he made sure that I was aware that he was there. He knew exactly what time I went to class every day and what time I got out of the shower and I didn’t see him at night, only in the morning. He wasn’t shy until I got ready to take a picture of him and then he went away.
So instead of getting angry or frustrated I took this messed up situation and turned it into a story of a man who is in love with this woman and she’s not giving him the time of day and he commits suicide, which is what “hiding behind the rainbow in the sky” is about: “I can’t take it, I don’t want to be in this life if she’s not going to be with me.” I know it’s grim but that’s how I was able to deal with him always there, always watching. The song is about alchemy, how to make a bad thing good when you face some real obstacles in life. That’s what you do—you don’t allow that to belittle you. He went away and I got a song.
per Jazzmeia herself,记录之。
“But since she keeps
Holding her beauty underneath, I'll try
To hold my feelings
As these tears fall from my eyes
I don't even feel the light
So I'll hide behind a rainbow in the sky”
So beautiful so sad