When You And I Were Young, Maggie

谱曲:James Butterfield 作词:George Johnson 翻译:信而好古
I wandered today to the hill, Maggie 今日漫步山间, To watch the scene below 俯瞰如画美景, The creek and the rusty old mill, Maggie (The creek and the creaking old mill, Maggie) 但见溪流潺潺、磨坊斑驳, Where we sat in the long, long ago. (As we used to, long ago) 忆昔曾几何时,于此游涉(或译“在此憩坐”), The green grove is gone from the hill, Maggie 萋萋青丛今何觅, Where first the daisies sprung 粲粲雏菊曾绽放, The old rusty mill is still, Maggie (The creaking old mill is still, Maggie) 只有旧时磨坊仍如故, Since you and I were young. 一如你我芳华正茂时。
They say I am feeble with age, Maggie 众人皆言我已老弱, My steps are less sprightly than then 步履矫健不如昨日, My face is a well written page, Maggie 时间洗礼,风霜满脸, But time alone was the pen. 岁月之笔,写下沧桑。 They say we are aged and grey, Maggie 众人皆说我俩鬓发苍然, As spray by the white breakers flung 仿似涛涛白浪喷染霜颜, But to me you're as fair as you were, Maggie 但你在我眸里花容依旧, When you and I were young. 一如你我芳华正茂时。
And now we are aged and grey, Maggie 现今我俩桑榆暮景, The trials of life nearly done 惊涛骇浪经历殆尽, Let us sing of the days that are gone, Maggie 齐歌颂过往美好岁月, When you and I were young. 一如你我芳华正茂时。