The Smile 名字由来

Thom Yorke 表示,新乐队的名字 The Smile 取自英国诗人 Ted Hughes 的一首诗,诗名即 The Smile (全文已贴在末尾)。
一首长诗,非常致郁,读起来仿佛是 Radiohead 一首很长的歌的歌词,符合乐队的音乐风格,值得留着慢慢品味。爱他们,便很难不爱这首诗。
Yorke 补充,这里的 smile, is "not the smile as in 'ahh', more the smile as in the guy who lies to you every day". 了解他们,自然明白,它不可能是扑哧一笑,我只看得到一抹五味杂陈的假笑 ;)
The Smile
by Ted Hughes
Began under the groan of the oldest forest
It ran though the clouds, a third light
And it ran through the skin of the earth
It came circling the earth
Like the lifted bow
Of a wave's submarine running
Tossing the willows, and swelling the elm-tops
Looking for its occasion
But people were prepared
They met it
With visor smiles, mirrors of ricochet
With smiles that stole a bone
And smiles that went off with a mouthful of blood
And smiles that left poison in a numb place
Or doubled up
Covering a getaway
But the smile was too vast, it outflanked all
It was too tiny it slipped between the atoms
So that the steel screeched open
Like a gutted rabbit, the skin was nothing
Then the pavement and the air and the light
Confined all the jumping blood
No better than a paper bag
People were running with bandages
But the world was a draughty
The whole creation
Was just a broken gutter pipe
And there was the unlucky person's eye
Pinned under its brow
Widening for the darkness behind it
Which kept right on getting wider, darker
As if the soul were not working
And at that very moment the smile arrived
And the crowd, shoving to get a glimpse of a man's soul
Stripped to its last shame,
Met this smile
That rose through his torn roots
Touching his lips, altering his eyes
And for a moment
Mending everything
Before it swept out and away across the earth.
纪念 2022.8.27,伦敦现场,站在很前排,看 The Smile 演唱整部新专辑,外加一首新的创作。离Thom 和 Jonny 那么近,太过玄妙,如同一场幻觉,仿佛下一秒天上就会有成群的青蛙劈里啪啦掉下来...