pack of cigarettes

Пачка сигарет 好好听 ಥ_ಥ 迷茫的青年人啊,还好还有一包烟和音乐
I sit down and look out another's window at another strange sky
And I don't see even one familiar star,
I've travelled along all roads, I've been here and I've been there,
And when I turned back, my own footprints were gone...
But if I've got a pack of cigarettes in my pocket,
Then today won't be so bad after all,
And a ticket for the plane with silver wings,
Which flies away, leaving only a shadow on the ground
And no one wants to be guilty for a crime they didn't commit,
And no one wants to do someone else's dirty work,
And without music, even company in distress won't make trouble less,
And without music, I don't want to fall...