整張專輯充滿了令人心神蕩漾的和諧,吉他與鼓之間,合成器與人聲呢喃之間(只在第2首Contrail中段出現少量,唱片預告中也選取了這一段"everything was on such a high gear…"),以及提琴與揚琴(聲音脆脆的像冰化的那玩意兒)之間,構成了后搖多樂器合作固有的參差多態的和諧之美,它蘊藏于流淌的聲響之中,與自然合奏,與心神共鳴,從未有異軍突起之感,直搗人身上最柔軟之處(腳板心什麽的)。炎炎夏日之中,glowworm帶來了一泓解暑的清泉。選在5月4日發行,正好用於解暑。
樂曲的處理顯出Kevin Davis 和 Jesse Robert的成熟:除開和諧之外,曲式也蠻規範。雖無甚大起大落,亦有跌宕起伏,抑揚頓挫,從啼音初試直接進入到嗡然轟鳴的階段,其過程大有銀瓶乍破水漿迸,鉄騎突出刀槍鳴的勢頭,卻又含蓄節制,爆而不裂,靜而有聲,不像mogwai ,gybe一溜大牌一般陰鬱詭異情緒化,一會兒振得人的小心肝兒怦怦亂跳,一會兒又直接擱段空白,叫你中場休息。glowworm好孩子,雖然少了些此時無聲勝有聲的意境,卻也大大增強了清熱排毒的功效。
最後說幾句into the woods, 很有些各類微量元素,冷清,清冷,詭異,神秘,恐懼,自由,孤獨,壓迫之類,音樂語言非常豐富。。算是情緒最偏離自然和諧的了。
In late 2006, Portland musicians Kevin Davis and Jesse Robert W. packed a Uhaul full of guitars, drums, a fender Rhodes, and some modest recording equipment, driving over 1000 miles to reach a secluded cabin in the desert of southern Utah. The idea was to remove themselves from any familiar reality while recording an album, letting their efforts become saturated by the surrounding atmosphere. This was not without incident (running out of gas on a long stretch of barren highway, their vehicle being pelted by droves of deer and jackrabbits in the night), but they arrived as intended and began recording nonstop over the next 9 days.
After exiting the desert with the core of the album complete, Davis then went on to mix and refine it throughout the following year at such places as Portland's Jackpot! studios, and with the help of engineering wizard and drummer Jeremy Sherrer (The Village Green, The Dandy Warhols). The result is a music that seems affected by a sort of lost time and place, infused with hints of grandeur that reflect the desert's sweeping horizons, blood red plateaus, and ancient, hollow canyons.
Glowworm's sound is that of carefully crafted orchestral and atmospheric rock, supported by minimalistic electronica. Their debut album ranges from explosive feedback-driven guitar passages to intelligent, emotive neo-classical string arrangements. It is a reverb laden struggle through uncharted territory, offering a unique take on style in a genre too often filled with copycats.
Glowworm shares current members of the shoegaze band Pacific UV (having also released a new LP on WARM records this year), and has released a split "7 on Other Electricities records. The Coachlight Woods is Glowworm's first full length LP, and was released on March 4th of 2008.
2006年晚些时候,波特兰音乐人Kevin Davis 和 Jesse Robert W. 把一辆Uhaul装满了吉他,鼓,一架Fender Rhodes舞台钢琴和适量的录音设备,行驶一千多英里,去到了一个尤他州南部沙漠中与世隔绝的小屋子裏。他們的想法是要在錄唱片的時候把自己從熟悉的現實中移除,讓他們的成果被周圍的環境所浸透。其間也不是沒出問題(他們在開完一長段荒蕪的高速公路之後耗完了汽油,晚上卡車被成群的鹿和长耳大野兔撞擊拍打。)但是他們還是按計劃到了那兒並在接下來的9天裏開始了不間斷的錄音。
等到唱片的核心完成,離開了那個沙漠,接下來的一整年Davis便在諸如Portland's Jackpot! studios之類的地方,靠着混音工程師wizard和Jeremy Sherrer (village green,the dandy warhols的鼓手)幫忙混音並且雕琢這張專輯。 最後的結果像是被一種迷失的時空所影響的音樂,注入了反射着對沙漠一覽無餘的地平綫、血紅色高原以及遠古的空心峽谷之莊嚴偉大的暗示。
整張專輯充滿了令人心神蕩漾的和諧,吉他與鼓之間,合成器與人聲呢喃之間(只在第2首Contrail中段出現少量,唱片預告中也選取了這一段"everything was on such a high gear…"),以及提琴與揚琴(聲音脆脆的像冰化的那玩意兒)之間,構成了后搖多樂器合作固有的參差多態的和諧之美,它蘊藏于流淌的聲響之中,與自然合奏,與心神共鳴,從未有異軍突起之感,直搗人身上最柔軟之處(腳板心什麽的)。炎炎夏日之中,glowworm帶來了一泓解暑的清泉。選在5月4日發行,正好用於解暑。
樂曲的處理顯出Kevin Davis 和 Jesse Robert的成熟:除開和諧之外,曲式也蠻規範。雖無甚大起大落,亦有跌宕起伏,抑揚頓挫,從啼音初試直接進入到嗡然轟鳴的階段,其過程大有銀瓶乍破水漿迸,鉄騎突出刀槍鳴的勢頭,卻又含蓄節制,爆而不裂,靜而有聲,不像mogwai ,gybe一溜大牌一般陰鬱詭異情緒化,一會兒振得人的小心肝兒怦怦亂跳,一會兒又直接擱段空白,叫你中場休息。glowworm好孩子,雖然少了些此時無聲勝有聲的意境,卻也大大增強了清熱排毒的功效。
最後說幾句into the woods, 很有些各類微量元素,冷清,清冷,詭異,神秘,恐懼,自由,孤獨,壓迫之類,音樂語言非常豐富。。算是情緒最偏離自然和諧的了。
In late 2006, Portland musicians Kevin Davis and Jesse Robert W. packed a Uhaul full of guitars, drums, a fender Rhodes, and some modest recording equipment, driving over 1000 miles to reach a secluded cabin in the desert of southern Utah. The idea was to remove themselves from any familiar reality while recording an album, letting their efforts become saturated by the surrounding atmosphere. This was not without incident (running out of gas on a long stretch of barren highway, their vehicle being pelted by droves of deer and jackrabbits in the night), but they arrived as intended and began recording nonstop over the next 9 days.
After exiting the desert with the core of the album complete, Davis then went on to mix and refine it throughout the following year at such places as Portland's Jackpot! studios, and with the help of engineering wizard and drummer Jeremy Sherrer (The Village Green, The Dandy Warhols). The result is a music that seems affected by a sort of lost time and place, infused with hints of grandeur that reflect the desert's sweeping horizons, blood red plateaus, and ancient, hollow canyons.
Glowworm's sound is that of carefully crafted orchestral and atmospheric rock, supported by minimalistic electronica. Their debut album ranges from explosive feedback-driven guitar passages to intelligent, emotive neo-classical string arrangements. It is a reverb laden struggle through uncharted territory, offering a unique take on style in a genre too often filled with copycats.
Glowworm shares current members of the shoegaze band Pacific UV (having also released a new LP on WARM records this year), and has released a split "7 on Other Electricities records. The Coachlight Woods is Glowworm's first full length LP, and was released on March 4th of 2008.
2006年晚些时候,波特兰音乐人Kevin Davis 和 Jesse Robert W. 把一辆Uhaul装满了吉他,鼓,一架Fender Rhodes舞台钢琴和适量的录音设备,行驶一千多英里,去到了一个尤他州南部沙漠中与世隔绝的小屋子裏。他們的想法是要在錄唱片的時候把自己從熟悉的現實中移除,讓他們的成果被周圍的環境所浸透。其間也不是沒出問題(他們在開完一長段荒蕪的高速公路之後耗完了汽油,晚上卡車被成群的鹿和长耳大野兔撞擊拍打。)但是他們還是按計劃到了那兒並在接下來的9天裏開始了不間斷的錄音。
等到唱片的核心完成,離開了那個沙漠,接下來的一整年Davis便在諸如Portland's Jackpot! studios之類的地方,靠着混音工程師wizard和Jeremy Sherrer (village green,the dandy warhols的鼓手)幫忙混音並且雕琢這張專輯。 最後的結果像是被一種迷失的時空所影響的音樂,注入了反射着對沙漠一覽無餘的地平綫、血紅色高原以及遠古的空心峽谷之莊嚴偉大的暗示。