Burka band是阿富汗第一个女性摇滚乐乐团。她们有着一种不畏权威的精神。 “in times then of the virus, 在流感的季节, Where I had to hide my mouth, 我带上口罩, i wore the healthy Burka, 穿着我崭新的布卡, and you were so astound, 这让你非常惊讶, The freedom now is over, 自由不复存在, My prison is my room, 卧室是我的囹圄, My life is on computer, 我的生活, with nothing else to do, 如同一台闲置的电脑, OOHH IT IS TRUE, 哦,是真的, THE BURKA STILL IS BLUE, 布卡依然是蓝色的, BECAUSE I CARE FOR YOU, 就像我依然牵挂着你, YOU CAN ONLY SEE MY SHOE, 而你却只能看见我的鞋。”