五年的沉淀,全新的Kendrick Lamar

《Mr.Morale & The Big Steppers》Kendrick Lamar 经过五年的等待,Kendrick Lamar发布了新的专辑,经过五年的沉淀,Kendrick的风格再次发生变化,从前几专的爵士编曲转为更多弦乐甚至钢琴编曲,从音乐性来看是一个完美的说唱专辑。 但是在音乐性的前提下,听众们更多关注的是Kendrick的歌词思想,作为《时代》评选的年度100大最有影响力的人之一,kendrick用着他巨大的影响力,在前几专用着愤怒,仇恨的态度对待对黑人群体的歧视,对着黑人群体的思考,使得他成为了最伟大的黑人平权运动者之一。而这张专辑可以看出Kendrick的转变,这五年间,他去看了心理医生,对待自己的童年,身边的人,甚至宗教进行思考,例如《Auntie Diaries》中的“Back when it was comedic relief to say "Faggot".I sat in the pew, you had stronger faith.More spiritual when these dudes were living life straight.Which I found ironic 'cause the pastor didn't see him the same.He said my cousin was going through some things.He promised the world we living in was an act on abomination,And Demetrius was to blame.I knew you was conflicted by the feelings a preacher made.Wondering if God still call you a decent man.Still you found the courage to be subservient just to anoint." “Church, his auntie is a man now, it hurt.He the most 'cause his belief was close to his words.Forcing me to stand now.I said "Mr. Preacher man, should we love thy neighbor?The laws of the land or the heart, what's greater?" Church, his auntie is a man now, it hurt,He the most 'cause his belief was close to his words,Forcing me to stand now,I said "Mr. Preacher man, should we love thy neighbor?The laws of the land or the heart, what's greater?" “To truly understand love, switch position.'Faggot, faggot, faggot,' we can say it together.But only if you let a white girl say 'Nigga'".” 这首歌Kendrick对自己进行反思,姑妈是个跨性别者,一直受到周围黑人,甚至是自己家人的歧视,甚至Kendrick也叫着Faggot,虽然他却不知道这个词的真实含义。在讲述自己的表哥,他是一个男同性恋者,却同时是一个忠实的基督教信徒(传统基督教认为LGBTQ群体是罪恶的),以至于牧师批判他时,他总是很悔恨,可是《圣经》里的宽容思想相违和,所以身为基督教徒的Kendrick重新对宗教进行思考,“宗教和人性,我选择后者”他在歌词中唱道。并且在最后对几年前的一个事件进行反思:当时一个白人女粉丝和Kendrick合唱,粉丝唱出了歌词中的几个N-word,而被kendrick召集力量网暴。几年后Kendrick重新反思,含蓄的点明整首歌的思想:想要不被歧视,首先不能歧视其他群体,平等有爱的对待他们。在《Father Time》中,kendrick对黑人社会的“无父”现象进行批判(“无父”:黑人父亲被毒品,烟酒或其他不良风气干扰,导致没时间教导自己的孩子,而母亲又无力扶养并教导这么多的孩子,,导致孩子也会被不良风气干扰,形成恶性循环)。在《Mother I Sober》中重新揭开童年时使Kendrick绝望气愤的事:母亲被性侵害。而几十年过去,Kendrick最终释怀,伴随他对此事的绝望气愤而去的,是他前几年对待黑人歧视的仇恨。揭示了他的心境他回归了爱与家庭。他唱道“As I set free all you abusers, this is transformation.” 而在结尾曲中,他反复唱道“I choose me, I'm sorry.”,与上一首中,采样的歌词“I wish I was somebody,anybody but myself”相呼应,揭示了Kendrick的心境:前几年Kendrick的反黑人歧视引起了白人等的批判仇视,对于黑人的现状与未来也让Kendrick深深抑郁,他是极为不愿意处于这个状态的。但他同时也是那个缺之不可的人物。正如他唱道:“我不能取悦所有人”他深知人们对他有多敬爱,最后就会使他跌得多惨,但是弱势群体包括他他自己选择了他自己,便会一直走下去。