
伽蓝 Mar.24, 2008 11:25 于深圳景田
一个朋友在说我的照片,说我很忧伤,说:in this one you try to look happy , but your eyes tell me that you hurt inside,说you can paint a smile on your face to look happy , but your eyes will always tell the truth,我说我以为我的照片是很快乐了,但他说you can for get it , but you can not hide it。
如果是这样的朋友,你是否愿意交往?但其他人看不到,他说they look , but they do not see 。呵呵,这是个很有意思的朋友。
另一个朋友说: 你的照片总是给人那种感觉 姿势柔弱而眼神刚毅。
今天休息,在家做图。好像现在只能在这个时间写点东西了,其他时间都填得满满的并且无法同时并作。昨晚我从崔健换到joplin,当我再次反复到她清唱的《Mercedes Benz》时,妈妈过来问我,你觉得这个好听么?到底哪里好听了?
mercedes benz
歌手:joplin janis 专辑:pearl
Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?
My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends.
Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends,
So Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?
Oh Lord, won't you buy me a color TV ?
Dialing For Dollars is trying to find me.
I wait for delivery each day until three,
So oh Lord, won't you buy me a color TV ?
Oh Lord, won't you buy me a night on the town ?
I'm counting on you Lord, please don't let me down,
Prove that you love me and buy the next round,
Oh Lord, won't you buy me a night on the town ?
Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?
My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends,
Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends,
So oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?
That it!
“ 女性特有的敏感、纤弱在Janis Joplin的音乐里被无限扩大,并逐渐衍化成一种过于外倾的抗争。女性最需要的是爱以及几倍于自己爱的认同。Janis Joplin仿佛生来就失去了爱,而疯狂地争夺永远不属于她的爱。”——我出生没几天joplin就死了。很多时候,我在听或者看这些很多年前的人的东西时,在想,我怎么理解他们?间隔了这么远,时间,空间,世事的变迁,我怎么去寻找他们?
但有时候也会忘了这个,听到,心被撞击,然后就……。《pearl》这张碟已经不在我这儿,不过我记得它怎么来怎么走。还是阿陈,——在我的回忆中,这个名字将经常出现,我想当年在他手上买过碟的人,也都会记得,因为对我们来说,阿陈不仅仅是阿陈,他代表当年那种稀少的能满足心灵渴求的一些东西。从阿陈那里来,从罗湖到福田的搬迁,一直到最后流出了这间房子。和其他的人, indigogirls 也这么走了。我记得那天晚上回来,突然发现indigogirls不在了,突然意识到真正走的是什么的时候,我跌坐在地板上,开始哭。
伽蓝 Mar.24, 2008 11:25 于深圳景田
一个朋友在说我的照片,说我很忧伤,说:in this one you try to look happy , but your eyes tell me that you hurt inside,说you can paint a smile on your face to look happy , but your eyes will always tell the truth,我说我以为我的照片是很快乐了,但他说you can for get it , but you can not hide it。
如果是这样的朋友,你是否愿意交往?但其他人看不到,他说they look , but they do not see 。呵呵,这是个很有意思的朋友。
另一个朋友说: 你的照片总是给人那种感觉 姿势柔弱而眼神刚毅。
今天休息,在家做图。好像现在只能在这个时间写点东西了,其他时间都填得满满的并且无法同时并作。昨晚我从崔健换到joplin,当我再次反复到她清唱的《Mercedes Benz》时,妈妈过来问我,你觉得这个好听么?到底哪里好听了?
mercedes benz
歌手:joplin janis 专辑:pearl
Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?
My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends.
Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends,
So Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?
Oh Lord, won't you buy me a color TV ?
Dialing For Dollars is trying to find me.
I wait for delivery each day until three,
So oh Lord, won't you buy me a color TV ?
Oh Lord, won't you buy me a night on the town ?
I'm counting on you Lord, please don't let me down,
Prove that you love me and buy the next round,
Oh Lord, won't you buy me a night on the town ?
Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?
My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends,
Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends,
So oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?
That it!
“ 女性特有的敏感、纤弱在Janis Joplin的音乐里被无限扩大,并逐渐衍化成一种过于外倾的抗争。女性最需要的是爱以及几倍于自己爱的认同。Janis Joplin仿佛生来就失去了爱,而疯狂地争夺永远不属于她的爱。”——我出生没几天joplin就死了。很多时候,我在听或者看这些很多年前的人的东西时,在想,我怎么理解他们?间隔了这么远,时间,空间,世事的变迁,我怎么去寻找他们?
但有时候也会忘了这个,听到,心被撞击,然后就……。《pearl》这张碟已经不在我这儿,不过我记得它怎么来怎么走。还是阿陈,——在我的回忆中,这个名字将经常出现,我想当年在他手上买过碟的人,也都会记得,因为对我们来说,阿陈不仅仅是阿陈,他代表当年那种稀少的能满足心灵渴求的一些东西。从阿陈那里来,从罗湖到福田的搬迁,一直到最后流出了这间房子。和其他的人, indigogirls 也这么走了。我记得那天晚上回来,突然发现indigogirls不在了,突然意识到真正走的是什么的时候,我跌坐在地板上,开始哭。