this, this long-playing record, a thing we made in the midst of communal mess, raising dogs and children. eyes up and filled with dreadful joy – we aimed for wrong notes that explode, a quiet muttering amplified heavenward. we recorded it all in a burning motorboat.
这张专辑,这张冗长的专辑,完成于我们令人心累的,养育着宠物狗和孩子们的集体生活中。看向前方的眼睛里充斥着忧郁的喜悦 — 我们尝试着寻找那些暴烈的错音,一种不断放大的,通向天国的低语呢喃。我们是在一艘燃烧的摩托艇上完成了所有的录音。
(context as follows:)
1. UNDOING A LUCIFERIAN TOWERS – look at that fucking skyline! big lazy money writ in dull marble obelisks! imagine all those buildings much later on, hollowed out and stripped bare of wires and glass, listen- the wind is whistling through all 3,000 of its burning window-holes!
1 . 拆除路西法之塔 - 看看那操蛋的城市天际线!在苍白大理石丰碑上的,写满了纸醉金迷的令状!想象一下过了很久以后,这些所有的建筑物都只会留下空洞的内核,窗户和线路都剥离脱落,听 — 那阵风在3000扇燃烧的窗洞中呼啸而过!
2. BOSSES HANG – labor, alienated from the wealth it creates, so that holy cow, most of us live precariously! kicking at it, but barely hanging on! also – the proud illuminations of our shortened lives! also – more of us than them! also – what we need now is shovels, wells, and barricades!
2. 老板绞杀 — 工人们,被他们所创造的财富疏远着,如此他妈这般,我们之中的绝大多数人就得每天生活在岌岌可危中!不断努力,却总是无法彻底摆脱贫困!还有 — 我们被缩短的寿命,被骄傲地展示着!还有 — 我们的数量比他们多得多!还有 — 我们现在需要的,是军铲,是水井,是路障设施!
3. FAM / FAMINE – how they kill us = absentee landlord, burning high-rise. the loud panics of child-policemen and their exploding trigger-hands. with the dull edge of an arbitrary meritocracy. neglect, cancer maps, drone strike, famine. the forest is burning and soon they’ll hunt us like wolves.
3. 家 / 荒 — 他们搞死我们的方式 = 缺席的房主,燃烧的高楼。童子军警察高喊的惊慌声和他们握在扳机上不受控制的手。肆意的精英治国下被磨平的棱角。忽视,癌症,空袭,饥荒。森林在燃烧着,而不久以后他们会像野狼一样猎杀我们。
4. ANTHEM FOR NO STATE – kanada, emptied of its minerals and dirty oil. emptied of its trees and water. a crippled thing, drowning in a puddle, covered in ants. the ocean doesn’t give a shit because it knows it’s dying too.
4. 无国的国歌 — 茄拿大,一个内部的矿产和肮脏的石油被掏空的地方。一个树木和水源被掏空的地方。一个残废的玩意,溺没在一个水坑里,浑身被蚂蚁侵蚀。连海洋也懒得去管因为海洋也明白自己也在死。
finally and in conclusion;
the “luciferian towers” L.P. was informed by the following grand demands:
+ an end to foreign invasions+ an end to borders
+ the total dismantling of the prison-industrial complex
+ healthcare, housing, food and water acknowledged as an inalienable human right
+ the expert fuckers who broke this world never get to speak again
+ 终结所有的对外侵略
+ 终结所有的国境边界
+ 把监狱工业综合体完全彻底地拆除
+ 把医疗,住房,食物和水认可为不可被剥夺的基本人权
+ 让那些毁掉这个世界的职业傻逼们绝不能再有机会说哪怕一句话
much love to all the other lost and wondering ones,
xoxoxox god’s pee / montréal / 4 juillet, 2017
xoxoxox 黑帝 / 蒙特利尔 / 2017年七月四日 *
*注:god’s pee是乐队对自己的戏称。签名部分的地区和日期为法文。七月四日为美国独立日。