
呼吸不止,鼓点的流动不止。法老的哼唱、绵羊音化的次中音萨克斯、倍低音单簧管、芦笛、卡林巴琴、管钟和一大堆搞不清名字的奇怪打击乐器,从走火入魔的状态开始过渡到炉火纯青,Lonnie Liston Smith初出茅庐,钢琴听起来滚烫而圣洁。
Peace is a united effort for co-ordinated control Peace is the will of the people and the will of the land With peace we can move ahead together We want you to join us this evening in this universal prayer This universal prayer for peace for every man All you got to do is clap your hands One two three One two three One two three One two three
Hum-Allah, hey Hum-Allah, hey Hum-Allah, hey Hum-Allah
Prince of peace won't you hear our pleas And ring your bells of peace Let loving never cease Prince of peace won't you hear our pleas And ring your bells of peace Let loving never cease
Hum-Allah, hey Hum-Allah, yeah Hum-Allah, hey Hum-Allah
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