something Cosmic

Quote from Wikipedia:
According to Ben Ratliff, Interstellar Space was "minimally planned", and "happened on what seemed for Ali to be a routine visit to Rudz Van Gelder's studio. Ali arrived with his friend Jimmy Vass, expecting to find the other band members, and saw no one else there."
Ratliff related the following exchange: "Ain't nobody coming?" [Ali] said to Vass. Soon Coltrane arrived. / "Ain't nobody coming?" he said to Coltrane. / "No, it's just you and me." / "What are we playing? Is it fast? Is it slow?" / "Whatever you want it to be. Come on. I'm going to ring some bells. You can do an 8-bar intro."
重听时候意识到在这张专辑中,Coltrane和Ali用最精简的saxo-drum Duo形式所创造的场域就好像35亿年前地球上的原始汤,那些存在于海洋和大气中漫无目的漂游中的氢/氧/氨/甲烷这些简单的无机元素在闪电的催化下经过化学反应形成了有序的有机分子,再经过长期积累和互相作用,形成了蛋白质和核算这些高分子物质,进而演化形成了生命。从这个意义上讲,Coltrane在他生命的最后六个月所开拓和突进的一系列Free Jazz录音,毫无疑问是something Cosmic了。
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