如果笼统地回顾一下这一年听下来的感受,能跟“The Radio Dept.”站到同一台阶上的,也只有去年表现得无比风光的“Sambassadeur”了。说到这里肯定有很多“Labrador”的死忠FANS要站出来向我扔臭蛋了。是的,首先我自己也得承认,“Acid House Kings”很优秀,“Airliner”也没得话说,但“Tribeca”跟“Lasse Lindh”之类的还是靠边站吧,阴柔要有个限度,否则在我看来就是过犹不及而可能走向非常理的另一面。况且,只从我个人的角度来讲,我是一个坚定的大男子主义者,一个富含饱满激情的无比感性的热血青年(不是无比性感),因此寻找着属于常规意义上的年轻人的音乐。于是尽管有点哀而不伤的低落的情绪蕴涵其中,我找准了“The Radio Dept.”是这个季节里最大的精神依托:梦幻的质感涂满了我的精神世界,有趣的鼓点与舒滑的小电营造的舒适和安然不住地在我的心间流淌,来回流转。
天知道怎么会到现在才接触到他们的。要不是那张《Are you scared to get happy》,我很难说我要到什么时候才会主动去了解他们,更别说把他们的两张专辑听了一道又一道。还是个习惯的问题,尽管对当今独立乐界的厂牌还算有所了解的,可我就是很少主动去它们主页上扒选自己尚未接触到的音乐人/乐队及他们的音乐。其实我也是个懒惰的家伙,只在耳朵饥饿的时候才会出去“觅食”,于是乎到如今听的东西繁杂无比,乱七八糟,整个地可以用五花八门来形容了。幸运的是在误打误撞中也会摸清套路,于是也会小有所得,其得意虽不会洋洋洒洒,却也着实会让自己深感欣慰,也会让一些人相当羡慕。
跟随着“The Radio Dept.”,我发现我清醒了,我也怅惘失落了。我恬然解颐了,我也微笑着流泪了...
"I never knew that good experiences could cause a pain like this. I want something I can't have". "though I'm happier now".
The Radio Dept. was formed by Elin Almered and Johan Duncanson in 1995 who were in the school together in their early teenage. The name was taken from a gas station/radio repairer in Lund {Sweden} which had a large sign with the name "Radioavdelningen"(The Radio Department in Swedish...) hanging outside their shop. Just like today Elin and Johan hung out with people who, if they didn't play music, were into photo, film, art and the likes. The Radio Deptartment was a suiting name as it became a department of it's own among their friends' activities.
Since 1995 members has been coming and going and at some points there has never really been a Radio Department at all. Martin Larsson and Johan Duncanson started playing together in 1998 and decided to use the name The Radio Dept. Since then the band has done lots of gigs and lots recordings. The Radio Dept. has recorded on 4-tracks in friends' living rooms or at home, in smelly wharehouse, in demo studios with blinking fluorecent lightning and at schools.
In the autumn of 2001 Lisa Carlberg, bass player and the love of Martin, and Per Blomgren, drums, joined the band and they started rehearsing in the way bands so often do. The latest recordings were sent to the music magazine Sonic and got a nice review. They were also on the free CD sampler that comes with the magazine. That's where Labrador Records discovered and learned to love the band. Now they're a part of Sweden's finest indie label.
The Radio Dept在1995年由还在学校的好伙伴Elin Almered和Johan Duncanson组成,其后Johan和Martin Larsson弹弹奏奏写写歌,等到所有陆续加入团员一起真正像个乐团排练已是2001年,包括了弹贝斯的Lisa Carlberg、和打鼓的Per Blomgren。经由Sonic杂志附赠CD上的乐团作品,从而获得Labrador Records赏识签入旗下。
网络上有评荐说道:"The Radio Dept."处男专辑《Lesser Matters》不仅有甜美迷人的独家配方,还有鼓声环境一起塑造出低沉又梦幻的音质美感,深深打动听者的心。
如果笼统地回顾一下这一年听下来的感受,能跟“The Radio Dept.”站到同一台阶上的,也只有去年表现得无比风光的“Sambassadeur”了。说到这里肯定有很多“Labrador”的死忠FANS要站出来向我扔臭蛋了。是的,首先我自己也得承认,“Acid House Kings”很优秀,“Airliner”也没得话说,但“Tribeca”跟“Lasse Lindh”之类的还是靠边站吧,阴柔要有个限度,否则在我看来就是过犹不及而可能走向非常理的另一面。况且,只从我个人的角度来讲,我是一个坚定的大男子主义者,一个富含饱满激情的无比感性的热血青年(不是无比性感),因此寻找着属于常规意义上的年轻人的音乐。于是尽管有点哀而不伤的低落的情绪蕴涵其中,我找准了“The Radio Dept.”是这个季节里最大的精神依托:梦幻的质感涂满了我的精神世界,有趣的鼓点与舒滑的小电营造的舒适和安然不住地在我的心间流淌,来回流转。
天知道怎么会到现在才接触到他们的。要不是那张《Are you scared to get happy》,我很难说我要到什么时候才会主动去了解他们,更别说把他们的两张专辑听了一道又一道。还是个习惯的问题,尽管对当今独立乐界的厂牌还算有所了解的,可我就是很少主动去它们主页上扒选自己尚未接触到的音乐人/乐队及他们的音乐。其实我也是个懒惰的家伙,只在耳朵饥饿的时候才会出去“觅食”,于是乎到如今听的东西繁杂无比,乱七八糟,整个地可以用五花八门来形容了。幸运的是在误打误撞中也会摸清套路,于是也会小有所得,其得意虽不会洋洋洒洒,却也着实会让自己深感欣慰,也会让一些人相当羡慕。
跟随着“The Radio Dept.”,我发现我清醒了,我也怅惘失落了。我恬然解颐了,我也微笑着流泪了...
"I never knew that good experiences could cause a pain like this. I want something I can't have". "though I'm happier now".
The Radio Dept. was formed by Elin Almered and Johan Duncanson in 1995 who were in the school together in their early teenage. The name was taken from a gas station/radio repairer in Lund {Sweden} which had a large sign with the name "Radioavdelningen"(The Radio Department in Swedish...) hanging outside their shop. Just like today Elin and Johan hung out with people who, if they didn't play music, were into photo, film, art and the likes. The Radio Deptartment was a suiting name as it became a department of it's own among their friends' activities.
Since 1995 members has been coming and going and at some points there has never really been a Radio Department at all. Martin Larsson and Johan Duncanson started playing together in 1998 and decided to use the name The Radio Dept. Since then the band has done lots of gigs and lots recordings. The Radio Dept. has recorded on 4-tracks in friends' living rooms or at home, in smelly wharehouse, in demo studios with blinking fluorecent lightning and at schools.
In the autumn of 2001 Lisa Carlberg, bass player and the love of Martin, and Per Blomgren, drums, joined the band and they started rehearsing in the way bands so often do. The latest recordings were sent to the music magazine Sonic and got a nice review. They were also on the free CD sampler that comes with the magazine. That's where Labrador Records discovered and learned to love the band. Now they're a part of Sweden's finest indie label.
The Radio Dept在1995年由还在学校的好伙伴Elin Almered和Johan Duncanson组成,其后Johan和Martin Larsson弹弹奏奏写写歌,等到所有陆续加入团员一起真正像个乐团排练已是2001年,包括了弹贝斯的Lisa Carlberg、和打鼓的Per Blomgren。经由Sonic杂志附赠CD上的乐团作品,从而获得Labrador Records赏识签入旗下。
网络上有评荐说道:"The Radio Dept."处男专辑《Lesser Matters》不仅有甜美迷人的独家配方,还有鼓声环境一起塑造出低沉又梦幻的音质美感,深深打动听者的心。