
Release “Piano Works” by Philip Glass; V...
总之就是Olafsson是格拉斯钦定的钢琴家之一 以前和格合作过弹全套练习曲 排练完所有人都很累但格拉斯坚持他几十年如一日的每天五小时的作曲 作到凌晨六点才睡 当天还是他77岁生日 我反正信了
O表示演奏格拉斯的作品有种在即兴的感觉 虽然重复很多但每次重复都有新体验
O很喜欢练习曲20 问格为什么练习曲20和其他的都不一样 格说他也不知道
Presto: This is a tribute to the master of minimal music, legendary Philip Glass, who turns 80 on 31.01.2017. A year ago Philip Glass handpicked some pianists to perform all of his Etudes together at the Barbican in London. Víkingur Ólafsson was one of them and according to the press he was “the highlight of the evening” (Sean and Heard International). The Financial Times claimed: “Best of all was Ólafsson in the supersensitive stillness of Etude 5”. Víkingur Ólafsson is an up-and-coming visionary pianist not only of technical sublimity but also of remarkable entrepreneurial abilities. Besides his growing career as a traditional concert pianist Víkingur Ólafsson has also collaborated with a range of contemporary composers and artists like Olafur Arnalds and Björk.
采访:Víkingur Ólafsson on Philip Glass 油管还有