哇😭那么多蒙太奇式美好回忆,与他的母亲聊天,和他在厨房翩翩起舞…甚至“You told me about your past thinking your future was me”,后来都be ruined。不得不说这首歌真的是真情实感一层一层的宣泄与爆发。高潮部分的“Maybe we got lost in translation. Maybe I ask for too much. Maybe this thing was a masterpiece till you tore it all up.”这一大串排比,像诘责,像质疑,像歇斯底里,我们永远不敢相信那样美好的感情,那样牢不可破,为什么会破碎,永远无法愈合。“And you call me up again just to break me like a promise. So casually cool in the name of being honest.”真的太心碎了,有没有相似经历都会直接自行代入,很难过。