解读The Beautiful People

每次看见光鲜的人物,我的脑子里都想起曼森的“the beautiful people, the beautiful people...”。终于有一天我上网好好查了查。发现了一篇解读。翻译并记录一下。(为啥爱听本土音乐,也是因为我这能力英语语境解读起来那个费劲。。听歌就剩听个响,别的都好难懂)
Lyrically this is a relatively-complex song, to say the least. For instance, the name of this trackwas derived froman influential 1960s book by American author Marylin Bender whose title is“The Beautiful People”.This tune was alsoinfluenced by the teaching ofFriedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900). Nietzsche was a 19thcentury philosopher who had many deep things to say concerning just about everything.
But more specifically in that regard, it concerns a semi-complex philosophy he put forth calledÜbermensch which more or less reads like a classic case of social Darwinism.Marilyn also brings up “capitalism” and “old-fashioned fascism” in the lyrics.And all of these combined come together to form sort of a protest song being relayed by the band.
但更具体地说,在这方面,它涉及到他提出的一种半复杂的哲学,叫做"伯门施",它或多或少读起来就像是社会达尔文主义的经典案例。玛丽莲还在歌词中提到了"资本主义"和"老式法西斯主义"。所有这些组合在一起, 组成了一种抗议式的歌曲。
And for the sake of readability, we will term what it is they are confronting, as Marilyn has, simply as“the culture of beauty”. But by the end of this post, after further analyzing all of the above, it shall be revealed that the main idea whichthis songis putting forth is a rather-simple one.
简单地说,我们将他们谈论的主题归纳为"美的文化"。 但经过本文的分析,你可能会发现这首歌的主要思想其实也没多复杂。
Within the context of the song (and the book it was derived from), what the titular term refers to, put as simply as possible, is American culture’s obsession with beauty.Or stated differently, let’s say that even everyday people are under a considerable amount of pressure to be physically attractive.And if they don’t live up to that ideology, their self-esteem is most often negatively affected.And this entire state of affairs has Marilyn Manson pissed off.
So the singer commences by artistically taking on the role of culture’s rulers.He does so as a roundabout way of highlighting how the privileged oftentimes view themselves superior to those who are “weak”.Or rather let’s postulate that at this particular point, the overall impression being put forth is that being “beautiful” isn’t so much about your looks as it is the class you belong to.Or rather the American/Western concept of beauty is intermingled with wealth/materialism.
So for the most part, this particular passage can be read as a criticism of capitalist ideology.And while they’re at it, the band concludes the verse by also apparently taking a couple of jabs at organized religion (i.e. Christianity). It is worth stating that organized religion is another system which Manson has been known not to be too particularly fond of (i.e. the title of the album this song is featured on).
因此,在大多数情况下,这段话可以被解读为对资本主义意识形态的批评。乐队显然也通过抨击一些有组织的宗教 (比如基督教)来传达这个意思 。值得指出的是,有组织的宗教也是曼森一直不怎么待见的事物(比如这首歌所属专辑的标题)。
Second Verse
The second verse is a bit more-challenging to decipher. But going a bit out on a limb, we’ll say the first half of it may be alluding to the notion that no matter how someone may appear externally, internally we’re all defiled. And the second half is when Marilyn brings up the aforementioned references to “capitalism” and “fascism”. And the vocalist comes off as if he is espousing the latter over the former.
However, all things considered, such will logically be a symbolic as opposed to literal statement. And it appears that what he is actually saying, in layman’s terms so to speak, is that ultimately the culture of beauty will, or maybe can only be overcome by a culture of ruthlessness. Or perhaps he’s just fantasizing about something like that.
The Chorus
Meanwhile the chorus(es) appears to be based on two different concepts. First would be one hinting at the oppressive nature of the culture of beauty. Or stated differently, it would seem that Marilyn Manson equates the pressure for one to always appear beautiful as being akin to some type of captivity or imprisonment. And considering that such a thought process is once again dominant in American/Western society, then by extension the entire culture in and of itself is oppressive.
In Conclusion
And secondly, which we can confidently conclude is the thesis statement of “The Beautiful People”, is the assertion that the culture of beauty is vain. That’s the concept which all of the metaphors and philosophical backgrounds and even the imagery on the music video, where Marilyn Manson appears as distastefully as possible, is ultimately meant to lead the audience back to. And it can be further said, taking the content of the intro into consideration for instance, that that vocalist actually hates individuals who operate under said mode of thinking.