重譯「Fire Loop」
「Fire Loop」 Materials start to be meaningless 存在之物開始變得毫無意義 How soon will time bring awakeness 時間何時予我以甦醒 40 inches TV with a big sofa 目極空曠的TV,相伴著偌大的沙發 Mind filled with unconsciousness 無意識的想法就充斥整片腦海 Yeah, we gotta make a decision 是的兄弟,是時候做出抉擇了 Self-esteem or PS4 囿於自尊,或是聲色犬馬 Be an artist, or make some money 去賺一大筆錢,或成為一個藝術家 Dignity, or lose your soul 孤高自恃,或是拋掉個性 We’ve got these somewhat better days 日子不管怎樣,多多少少也會好 They say we gotta seize the day 他們叫我們抓住易逝的須彌時光 But we’ve got nothing to lose 但我們無可失去 We still have nothing to lose 正如我們仍舊失無所失 And we’ve got nothing to do 我們於是什麼也沒有做 So I’m just another brick that’s in the wall 但你不過是這圍牆破爛磚頭中的一塊 Just like circus monkey defined by the show 正如馬戲場上跳梁演出的小丑猴 Fed by applause and scream, sarcastically 無病呻吟,卻又苟活在掌聲與尖叫 Through the fire loop but we can find no hope 穿過熊熊燃燒的「Fire Loop」,湮滅希望之火 So I sing a song, make you realize 所以我放聲高歌,想讓你幡然醒悟 Just a little time, I will make it right 我將引你歸來,只一會兒就好 Make it right or not, just a little try 至於成功與否,儘管放手去搏 We’ve got these somewhat better days 如今的日子多多少少也好過一點 They say we gotta seize the day 他們叫我們把握機會 But we’ve got nothing to lose 可我們失無所失 We still have nothing to lose 我們仍舊無物可失 And we’ve got nothing to do 我們因而無事可做 They say that we’ve got the better days 他們說我們已經有了美好的前程 Seems perfect on the chosen way 在天選之日盛大登场 But we’ve got nothing to lose 可我們仍舊沒有得到那些不願失去的東西 I say that we’ve got the better days 我知道無數盛大登場的日子即將到來 Step by step on the tragic way 因循悲劇的方式,英雄也將落幕 How pathetic will this become 而那天到來時,又會有多少人替我惋惜 Yeah, we gotta make a decision 是的兄弟,是時候做出抉擇了 Self-esteem or PS4 囿於自尊,或是聲色犬馬 Be an artist, or make some money 賺一大筆錢,或成為一個藝術家 Dignity, or lose your soul 一錢不值的靈魂,抑或是淺薄如斯的自尊