Fly me to the moon自翻制歌词备份(不敢称歌词翻译)

fly me to the moon 携手太空漫游 and let me play among the stars 尽兴躺于月的背后 let me see what spring is like 看微风细雨拂过 on Jupiter and Mars 宇宙每颗星球 in other words hold my hand 轻轻地说 握紧我手 in other words darling kiss me 这代表着 一吻足够 fill my heart with song 让旋律流淌 and let me sing forever more 银河荡漾融化心墙 you are all I long for 电波传递情歌 all I worship and adore 和我所有恋慕渴望 in other words please be true 轻轻地唱 请珍惜 in other words I love you 这代表着 我的心
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