2013年,16岁,首专《Pure Heroine /天生英雌》- 举成名,震撼流行乐坛2017年,20岁,二专《Melodrama /狂想曲》口碑佳作,乐评一致好评2021年,24岁,三专《Solar Power /太阳能》自省沉淀,续写崭新传奇
专辑简介如是写道,八年三专,积蓄沉淀的写作能量化作一个个光怪陆离的世界。16岁,渴望成为女英雄,佯作成熟,对阶级对财富阐述自己的“政论”。黑白的专辑世界里装着- -个两米高的小女孩,大评论家应运而生。Don't you think that it's boring howpeople talk.
20岁,她似乎走下了政坛,真正的当了一回teenager,在五光十色的合成器里打造出了如电影质感般的melodrama,歌里的每- -个小设计,每次舞台的做法现场,甚至几.根廉价的树枝,都加深了她的神婆色彩。我们跟着她走了这一趟,第一次真正感受她的感受,也倾听到了自己内心的低语。狂放如green light,苦痛如liability, loveless till we found the perfect places
24岁,她又化身陶渊明,化身太阳女神,back to nature,seem to change a lot
But only in changing can we still stay the same.简单的乐器,简单的吟唱,似乎返璞归真才是唯一答案。 但又有多少人有她这样throw my cellular device in the water的觉悟。每当歌手宣扬所谓的回归本心,多多少少会遇到滑铁卢,摒弃商业束缚的Ella在充满阳光的一张专辑中几乎首首都含有金句,blink 3 times when you feel it kickingin. But the sun has to rise,when it does we'll divide up the papers. The whole world isletting me down,don't you think the early 2000s seem so far away.文本的输出总比堆砌所谓高端的制作来的生动,脱掉了电子的外衣,我们随她走进了自然的没有手机和喧嚣的世界。
If Iwon't read the comments,if there is no such electronic thing.
. | rather be alone for a while
Cut:mood ring,California, stoned at the nail salon,the path,oceanic feeling