从单亲妈妈到云雨都市里的女ROCKER:F AND RUN

LIZ PHAIR对于性爱的喜爱没有随着抚养儿子的时间增长而减少.
Spanish Doors写的是一个离婚的朋友的故事,which是在影射liz自己那一段失败的婚姻. I’m slowly disappearing behind our Spanish doors. The ghost I see in the mirror doesn’t smile anymore. Liz没有很释怀--这股悲伤和愤懑被背景里像是排水管道源源不断流出的细流概括的明明白白. 副歌开始的雷鸣音效是对Don't wanna think about it的直接描写. Where do i go? What do i do? We will see.
The Game 是写儿子的一首歌. 儿子不过在想:今天要去上学了,明天去找工作了,早上要离开家了;而妈妈的心里will be like:&*(&(*……¥##@@#. “But oh if you would give me your protection. Instead of giving me so much space”是我听过最美好的母亲的抱怨.
Hey Lou 里面Liz代入了偶像Laurie Anderson的视角,去写Lou Reed. Liz可能还是很喜欢那种怪异的感情. “Who is that fool in the den? I’m not running a zoo here, tell me now”. 而第五大道超人飞行表演秀则给专辑的都市调调又抹上了一笔. "How did that work out for u?" 你仿佛能感受到回声在纽约的高楼中间循环往复.
In There 在追忆房事的过程中高潮. 雾气氛围十足. “Somehow you got in there; Like smoke under the door; Or cold coming in through the floor” Liz在回忆这段感情的时候Hands to herself;背景的啪啪啪声音是对房事的回忆. "You gotta get in there":饥渴的命令.
Good Side 是雨后天晴的一首,where liz精虫下脑,更理性的去面对一段感情的结束. “If we say goodbye now and that's how we parted. We'll never be sad and we'll finish what we started. And we won't have regrets” 在bridge和最后一段副歌里,潜意识里的liz在大叫“come on!!”
Sheridan Road 里面Liz和一位炮友在雨天开车看密歇根夜色. "You show me your places I show you mine" 表明这是一段sex后的故事. "We notice the new but the old is still there; Merging, converging"表明liz要在作品中revamp旧作风格的决心,“I play you a song called 'Our Darks Days Behind Us';As lightning is exciting, as it lights up Lake Michigan”是liz和自己的对话. 清醒的liz思索的是自己的现在和过去,this is Sober ish,对应着歌曲最后的雨过天晴.
Ba Ba Ba 是一夜情的浪漫. “We're gonna go on up to my hotel room;Sneaking past the maid”,之后是一段高潮. 接下来短暂的清醒追忆过去后,又是一段高潮. 歌曲最后对这段只有几个小时的一夜二次情做了总结“But you flew in and fell asleep at your face. As I walked in the door into your Garden of Eden. All the sunflowers faces bow down because they're grieving. For the sun of the end of us”不仅是这段感情见光死了,这位男性的下面也是(该吃壮阳药了).
Soberish 里liz的两个人格在争吵,看到“Everyone's got a maze inside their heart. The best we can do is pick a place to start. Meet me in the lounge of the St. Regis at 5. I'll be sitting by the window, wearing white” 这么精彩的描写不放声大笑很难收场. Liz还是那个对世俗看不惯的叛逆少女,她的愤世嫉俗从没有减少. “I meant to be sober. But thе bar's so inviting” 就是完事后的我们了.
Soul Sucker 里Liz在强势的daddy面前“迷失”了自我,但实际上还是乐在其中. liz phair实际上不在意自己的灵魂被吸走,她也许更在意的是:“ You're not the boss of me. I'm sitting in good company. Where the drinks are free. Why can't you just let me be? ”男人看了我都谄媚的很,你干嘛要轰走他们?Bridge部分具有壮丽的都市吸力,是soul sucker的具象.
Lonely Street “'I've been missing you boy like a son”,又一次点明:自我和儿子是晴朗的要素.
Dosage 里面的Drug也许是Drug,也许是Sex. "Thanks for the drink but I think you're overserved。 I'd rather roll you a joint. With weed the bartender sold me (Wo-hoo-hoo)"你喝多了,来一管吧.
Bad Kitty:“我的逼有九条命” arguably funniest line of the year. 恰好这首逼的赞歌的编曲也是最有guyville nostalgia的. 结尾的Skit回扣降雨的场景,暗示了下一段一夜情的开始.
以前的LIZ是以旁观者的身份出现. 而将近30年后,她发现自己当年F*ck and Run的谶言居然实现了. 这张专辑里LIZ仅是观察家,还是实践者--进而产生Soberish的概念. Soberish蕴含在每一次的从"约炮"到"约炮后", "亲手爱儿子“到“看儿子走"; 宏观上看Soberish是从“单亲妈妈的悲痛”到“对F*ck N Run的彻底接受”:前半段或多或少还有对所谓婚姻的追求,后半段的歌就彻底没有了.
当然无论心态和身份发生怎样的变化,LIZ PHAIR的幽默,愤世嫉俗和对SEX Shameless的喜爱是没有改变的--这也是我们喜欢她的原因. She is still a ROCKER.