The Ultimate Control and Semi-Same Old Stuff

It's been almost 2 decades since Miss Janet took control of her own life.
When control went into adulthood, it became discipline which can be read in doctrine or sexual.And Janet ,ever since janet. it has always been about S.E.X.
After some less successful intimate albums,janet went out her way and routined back to the first success story,presenting a new concept discipline.
Actually it worked well ,it is both intoxicating and exhilarating but sadly the songs don't hold up.She seems to forget that what made Control incredible is that the full truth not to focus what sells well or what she wants to display.
Feedback is like a semi-work with lame lyrics that needs to be polished.Luv is way half to the speed of fashion but stopped maybe to chase the sanity of love or other things.rollercoaster is total bad and rock with u is also bad choice ,2 nite is overall good but lack of passion.
See,this is the problem with the album,every song is half through.
Well but Greatest X and Never Letchu Go are very great ballads,but janet is a dancer,ballad is good but not her must.