all the young dudes

在《天鹅绒金矿》电影里,我头一次听到Virginia Plain。轻松花哨的场景中,响起轻松花哨的歌;阴阳怪气的调子,引人发笑的戏谑唱腔,如果不是搭配电影里那些打扮得和这首歌一样夸张花哨的各色人等,而是在别的什么地方偶然听到,恐怕脑子一时半会儿转不过来——哪来的荒唐家伙?很快它变成这张原声碟中的最爱,歌词写得也相当有趣:
Make me a deal and make it straight
All signed and sealed, I'll take it
To Robert E. Lee I'll show it
I hope and pray he don't blow it 'cause
We've been around a long time just try try try tryin' to
Make the big time...
Take me on a roller coaster
Take me for an airplane ride
Take me for a six days wonder but don't you
Don't you throw my pride aside besides
What's real and make believe
Baby Jane's in Acapulco We are flyin' down to Rio
Throw me a line 'm sinking fast
Clutching at straws can't make it
Havana sound we're trying hard edge the hipster jiving
Last picture shows down the drive-in
You';re so sheer you're so chic
Teenage rebel of the week
Flavours of the mountain steamline
Midnight blue casino floors
Dance the cha-cha through till sunrise
Open up exclusive doors oh wow!
Just like flamingos look the same
So me and you, just we two got to search for something new
Far beyond the pale horizon
Some place near the desert strand
Where my Studebaker takes me
That's where I'll make my stand but wait
Can't you see that Holzer mane?
What's her name?Virginia Plain
Velvet Goldmine,这部光听名字就喜欢上的电影,被我看了一遍又一遍。片子谈不上有多高艺术价值,但每看一遍都会对其反映的那个年代、那些人多一点了解,它是以Bowie/Slade为中心画出的放射线:Roxy Music,Brian Eno,Lou Reed,Iggy Pop……影片不只关注Glam摇滚之生,还讲述它的死,以及其他音乐类型与Glam摇滚的联系。在我看来Glam摇滚并不是死了,而是碎了,嵌入后世音乐的方方面面,以至于今日的许多英国乐队风格繁杂,难以分类。比如同样在片中出现的Placebo,该是继承Glam精神比较多的乐队了,虽然通常被划分为brit-pop,在我听来其实风格比较复杂,实验、迷幻的味道也很重——我对音乐类型划分这种事情不在行,还是少说为妙罢。
70年代的英国乐坛究竟是怎样?80后的我无法确切知道。只能热切地听着吸引我的音乐,脑子里旋转着想象中的大幅图景。喜欢David Bowie,但自始至终都是个彻头彻尾的伪歌迷,觉得鲍叔一口冷硬的伦敦音加上阴沉的音色根本称不上glamorous,但那时他是瘦削苍白的美人,穿了长裙扮高贵淑女很相宜,于是一直都围绕着人家早年的脸蛋和装扮打转,却不肯好好把鲍叔的歌听一听。“Rock and Roll's a prostitute,It should be tart up, and performed.(摇滚是个妓女,理应涂脂抹粉)”这是什么?是属于Glam时代的宣言!
几年来不间断在听的其实是QUEEN。每当Freddie Mercury的声音雨一般倾泻而下,心里就咕嘟咕嘟冒出大串和美德、勇气、神话人物相关的褒义词来。Freddie嗓音多变,早年时,或温柔缱绻,或清澈嘹亮。80年代后多了些金属味,仍不失为一把穿云裂帛的好嗓子。但我一厢情愿怀念着的,仍是70年代。那些外表华丽,有点矫揉造作,有点阴阳怪气,有点引人发笑的花花公子,所奏所唱却蕴含了真正的优雅、温柔、激情,和已经无法追回的狂喜与忧伤。
Make me a deal and make it straight
All signed and sealed, I'll take it
To Robert E. Lee I'll show it
I hope and pray he don't blow it 'cause
We've been around a long time just try try try tryin' to
Make the big time...
Take me on a roller coaster
Take me for an airplane ride
Take me for a six days wonder but don't you
Don't you throw my pride aside besides
What's real and make believe
Baby Jane's in Acapulco We are flyin' down to Rio
Throw me a line 'm sinking fast
Clutching at straws can't make it
Havana sound we're trying hard edge the hipster jiving
Last picture shows down the drive-in
You';re so sheer you're so chic
Teenage rebel of the week
Flavours of the mountain steamline
Midnight blue casino floors
Dance the cha-cha through till sunrise
Open up exclusive doors oh wow!
Just like flamingos look the same
So me and you, just we two got to search for something new
Far beyond the pale horizon
Some place near the desert strand
Where my Studebaker takes me
That's where I'll make my stand but wait
Can't you see that Holzer mane?
What's her name?Virginia Plain
Velvet Goldmine,这部光听名字就喜欢上的电影,被我看了一遍又一遍。片子谈不上有多高艺术价值,但每看一遍都会对其反映的那个年代、那些人多一点了解,它是以Bowie/Slade为中心画出的放射线:Roxy Music,Brian Eno,Lou Reed,Iggy Pop……影片不只关注Glam摇滚之生,还讲述它的死,以及其他音乐类型与Glam摇滚的联系。在我看来Glam摇滚并不是死了,而是碎了,嵌入后世音乐的方方面面,以至于今日的许多英国乐队风格繁杂,难以分类。比如同样在片中出现的Placebo,该是继承Glam精神比较多的乐队了,虽然通常被划分为brit-pop,在我听来其实风格比较复杂,实验、迷幻的味道也很重——我对音乐类型划分这种事情不在行,还是少说为妙罢。
70年代的英国乐坛究竟是怎样?80后的我无法确切知道。只能热切地听着吸引我的音乐,脑子里旋转着想象中的大幅图景。喜欢David Bowie,但自始至终都是个彻头彻尾的伪歌迷,觉得鲍叔一口冷硬的伦敦音加上阴沉的音色根本称不上glamorous,但那时他是瘦削苍白的美人,穿了长裙扮高贵淑女很相宜,于是一直都围绕着人家早年的脸蛋和装扮打转,却不肯好好把鲍叔的歌听一听。“Rock and Roll's a prostitute,It should be tart up, and performed.(摇滚是个妓女,理应涂脂抹粉)”这是什么?是属于Glam时代的宣言!
几年来不间断在听的其实是QUEEN。每当Freddie Mercury的声音雨一般倾泻而下,心里就咕嘟咕嘟冒出大串和美德、勇气、神话人物相关的褒义词来。Freddie嗓音多变,早年时,或温柔缱绻,或清澈嘹亮。80年代后多了些金属味,仍不失为一把穿云裂帛的好嗓子。但我一厢情愿怀念着的,仍是70年代。那些外表华丽,有点矫揉造作,有点阴阳怪气,有点引人发笑的花花公子,所奏所唱却蕴含了真正的优雅、温柔、激情,和已经无法追回的狂喜与忧伤。