
Oil of Every Pearl's Un-Insides
昨晚还在和男友聊听音乐是否应该以专辑为基数与个体来欣赏,我提到SOPHIE的这张于我而言唯一的方式就是从头听到尾,or else it‘d be a disrespect。他还说2019 during our first date how many points he had added to me by bringing up the fact that he was super into SOPHIE, along with the sparks in my eyes at that moment, as if we clicked immediately and violently. 依稀还记得去年冬天在从Montreal回纽约的路上,车里放起了SOPHIE,听到infatuation时留下的眼泪,随之而来的是not okay所带来的巨大轰鸣。我永远爱这个女人,今天走在纽约的街头,越想越难过的是去年冬天她来basement表演,因为朋友underage而错失了唯一一次&最后一次见她的机会,我感到非常遗憾。但是仔细想想在SOPHIE最后的时间里,在月光之下,不禁会去想像忧郁症中Justine在月光下的沐浴,坦然接受与拥抱末日的来临,that simply makes me feel better, for i know she will be greatly remembered and missed.