周末听的专辑,属于“误入藕花深处”,虽然也算自己喜欢的类型,但与最初的期待不同。干活时让Windows Media Player随机播放,权当背景音乐来提神。突然“Don't let the sun / Don't let the sun / Don't let the sun go down on me / Don't let the sun / Don't let the sun / Don't let the sun go down on me",一唱三叹,就入了耳,就入了心,切换窗口,在媒体库中找,是ATB专辑《No Silence》中的《Sun Goes Down》,以前从来没听过也未闻其大名,赶紧把整张专辑拷贝到随身听中。一首一首听下来,哦,竟然是电子音乐中的舞曲类型,Dance/Techo,随便怎么叫吧,电子音乐+丰富音色+强劲节奏+Cool(冷+酷)人声,在迪厅听在激烈运动时听在乏的时候提神听合适,但郑重其事地坐下来想把整张专辑听到心里去就难了,因为它本来就不大属于心灵的范畴。制作者是DJ哦。
美国电影《Music and Lyrics》中有这样一段对白,深得我心:
Alex Fletcher: It doesn't have to be perfect. Just spit it out. They're just lyrics. (不必那么苛求完美,随便说出来就可以,它们仅仅是歌词。)
Sophie Fisher: "Just lyrics"? (”仅仅是歌词“?)
Alex Fletcher: Lyrics are important. They're just not as important as melody.(歌词是重要,但没有音乐那么重要。)
Sophie Fisher: I really don't think you get it.(我真的认为你不明白。)
Alex Fletcher: Oh. You look angry. Click your pen. (哦,你看起来生气了,又在咳嗒咳嗒地鼓捣你的笔。)
Sophie Fisher: A melody is like seeing someone for the first time. The physical attraction. Sex. (音乐像初次看到一个人时觉得重要的东西。身体上的吸引力。性感。)
Alex Fletcher: I so get that. (这样我就明白了。)
Sophie Fisher: But then, as you get to know the person, that's the lyrics. Their story. Who they are underneath. It's the combination of the two that makes it magical. (但是,当你随后逐渐了解这个人时,那就是歌词部分了。他们的故事。外表之下,他们是什么样的人。两者的结合才使之有了魅力。)
翻译完之后,又觉得把这一段对白引用到这里并不十分贴切。说ATB的《No Silence》整张专辑不怎么入心,并非主要是因为歌词一般。某些类型的歌曲或音乐本来就无需入心,让耳朵有了新体验让身体有了新刺激就已完成使命。
美国电影《Music and Lyrics》中有这样一段对白,深得我心:
Alex Fletcher: It doesn't have to be perfect. Just spit it out. They're just lyrics. (不必那么苛求完美,随便说出来就可以,它们仅仅是歌词。)
Sophie Fisher: "Just lyrics"? (”仅仅是歌词“?)
Alex Fletcher: Lyrics are important. They're just not as important as melody.(歌词是重要,但没有音乐那么重要。)
Sophie Fisher: I really don't think you get it.(我真的认为你不明白。)
Alex Fletcher: Oh. You look angry. Click your pen. (哦,你看起来生气了,又在咳嗒咳嗒地鼓捣你的笔。)
Sophie Fisher: A melody is like seeing someone for the first time. The physical attraction. Sex. (音乐像初次看到一个人时觉得重要的东西。身体上的吸引力。性感。)
Alex Fletcher: I so get that. (这样我就明白了。)
Sophie Fisher: But then, as you get to know the person, that's the lyrics. Their story. Who they are underneath. It's the combination of the two that makes it magical. (但是,当你随后逐渐了解这个人时,那就是歌词部分了。他们的故事。外表之下,他们是什么样的人。两者的结合才使之有了魅力。)
翻译完之后,又觉得把这一段对白引用到这里并不十分贴切。说ATB的《No Silence》整张专辑不怎么入心,并非主要是因为歌词一般。某些类型的歌曲或音乐本来就无需入心,让耳朵有了新体验让身体有了新刺激就已完成使命。