距离上一张专辑的时间实在有点久,这次看Pierre Bouvier越来越成熟有味道了。之前心里还是有怀疑的,会不会变味,或者有了新的什么尝试让人接受不了。开始听When I am gone,不确定,可听到Take my hand,立刻意识到SP回来了。对于里面的歌,每一首都很喜欢,让我惊喜的是I Can Wait Forever,完全被Pierre Bouvier的声音迷住了,他对这种慢歌处理我很喜欢。
在YouTube上看SP的OFFICIAL youtube channel(http://www.youtube.com/user/SimplePlan)发现style里给的是Power pop,跟我一直以为的pop-punk有区别
下面是Wikipedia给Power pop的解释
Power pop(or powerpop) is a popular musical genre that draws its inspiration from 1960s British and American pop and rock music. It typically incorporates a combination of musical devices such as strong melodies, crisp vocal harmonies, economical arrangements, and prominent guitar riffs. Instrumental solos are usually kept to a minimum, and blues elements are largely downplayed. Recordings tend to display production values that lean toward compression and a forceful drum beat. Instruments usually include one or more electric guitars, an electric bass guitar, a drum kit, and sometimes electric keyboards or synthesizers. While its cultural impact has waxed and waned over the decades, it's among rock's most enduring subgenres.
可是Wikipedia上对SP解释的时候Genre(s)是Pop punk
相比较,我觉得Power pop的成分多一点,SP身上现在似乎没有太多anti-establishment的影子了,当然了,没必要较真,关键的是歌和以前一样好听。
在YouTube上看SP的OFFICIAL youtube channel(http://www.youtube.com/user/SimplePlan)发现style里给的是Power pop,跟我一直以为的pop-punk有区别
下面是Wikipedia给Power pop的解释
Power pop(or powerpop) is a popular musical genre that draws its inspiration from 1960s British and American pop and rock music. It typically incorporates a combination of musical devices such as strong melodies, crisp vocal harmonies, economical arrangements, and prominent guitar riffs. Instrumental solos are usually kept to a minimum, and blues elements are largely downplayed. Recordings tend to display production values that lean toward compression and a forceful drum beat. Instruments usually include one or more electric guitars, an electric bass guitar, a drum kit, and sometimes electric keyboards or synthesizers. While its cultural impact has waxed and waned over the decades, it's among rock's most enduring subgenres.
可是Wikipedia上对SP解释的时候Genre(s)是Pop punk
相比较,我觉得Power pop的成分多一点,SP身上现在似乎没有太多anti-establishment的影子了,当然了,没必要较真,关键的是歌和以前一样好听。