
Avicii - The Nights 艾维奇 - 夜晚
When I was 16 my father said 我16岁的时候,父亲告诉我
You can do anything you want with your life, 你可以用你的生命去做任何事情
You just have to be willing to work hard to get it. 你只需要努力争取就行
That's when I decided when I die, 那时我就决定了,当我死的时候
I ought be remembered for the life I lived, 我应该因为我过的生活而被铭记
Not the money I made. 而不是因为我挣过的钱
Hey, once upon a younger year 嘿 在那年少时代
When all our shadows disappeared 当我们的影子都消失
The animals inside came out to play 心中的野兽仿佛挣脱枷锁开始狂欢
when face to face with all our fears 嘿 当我们和心中的恐惧面对面
Learned our lessons through the tears 从眼泪中学到了无数教训
Made memories we knew would never fade 制造了永远不随时间褪色的回忆
One day my father he told me, 某天 我的父亲告诉我
"Son, don't let it slip away." "儿子 别让青春年华偷偷地从指尖溜走"
He took me in his arms, I heard him say, 他将我抱在怀中 我听着他说
"When you get older "当你长大以后
Your wild heart will live for younger days 你狂野的心只会存留在记忆中
Think of me if ever you're afraid." 当你感到畏惧 请你想起我”
He said, "one day you'll leave this world behind 他说:"有朝一日你也会离开人世
So live a life you will remember." 所以请你活出一点你无法忘怀的人生"
My father told me when I was just a child 当我还是小男孩 我的父亲就告诉我这一切
These are the nights that never die 这些就像是永不消失的夜晚
My father told me 我的父亲这么说着
When thunder clouds start pouring down 当雷雨交加 大雨倾盆而下
Light a fire they can't put out 点燃不被浇熄的热火
Carve your name into those shining stars 在耀眼的星辰刻下你的名字
He said, "go venture far beyond these shores. 他说:"像只小渔船勇敢的航向大洋冒险吧
Don't forsake this life of yours. 别再浪费你的生命了
I'll guide you home no matter where you are." 无论你在天涯海角 我都会指引你回家”
One day my father he told me, 某天 我的父亲告诉我
"Son, don't let it slip away." “儿子 别让青春年华偷偷地从指尖溜走”
When I was just a kid I heard him say, 当我是个小男孩 他就这样告诉我
"When you get older “当你长大以后
Your wild heart will live for younger days 你狂野的心指挥存留在记忆中
Think of me if ever you're afraid." 当你感到畏惧 请你想起我”
He said, "one day you'll leave this world behind 他说:“有朝一日你也会离开人世
So live a life you will remember." 所以请你活出一段你无法忘记的人生”
My father told me when I was just a child 当我还是小男孩 我的父亲就告诉我这一切
These are the nights that never die 这些就像是永不消失的夜晚
My father told me 我的父亲这么说着
These are the nights that never die 这些就像是永不消失的夜晚
My father told me 我的父亲这么说着
My father told me 我的父亲这么说着
个人认为是Avicii最好的一首歌,歌曲中不仅有父亲对孩子的殷殷期盼,也有孩子对未来生活的健康观念,Avicii用自己短暂的一生实践了这一首歌,在YouTube上的官方频道上看到了很多他辛苦工作的片段,当然过份的劳累和重压最终压垮了他,记住他是因为他的歌,而不是他名声与金钱,我想这也是他对自己粉丝的期待吧。 这首The Nights 和 Hey Brother其实都是与父亲有关的歌曲,刚才看了一下Hey Brother的豆瓣上的英文简介,不太准确了。这两首歌无论是父亲还是孩子听,都能从不同的角度品味出更多的意义。非常推荐这首歌!所以将中英文歌词、大尺寸专辑封面一并贴出。