King of R&B, or... (续)

许多人说"All You Need" got Donell Jones vibes。谁是Donell Jones?他可能已经是上个时代的人物,不过去年DJ Mustard和Roddy Ricch的热单"Ballin"大家应该都听过;它开头的唱段是从九十年代R&B经典"Get It Together"移植过来,而这首"Get It Together"就是出自Donell Jones之手。

顺滑流畅的旋律、每句歌词之间无缝衔接,就是Donell Jones最大的特点。"All You Need"中Quavo的段落暂且不提,Jacquees真是将Donell的“滑”体现到了极致,"Girl I just wanna lift your spirits, for anyone who's ever hurt your feelings",这与"I don't really wanna stay, I don't really wanna go"太神似了,梦回九十年代。
主打"Your Peace"节奏感极强的beat来自R. Kelly的"If I'm With You"。虽然现在R. Kelly身败名裂,但他的音乐从头到尾都值得借鉴,是真正意义上的"King of R&B"。那些永远被人们记住的歌词:My mind's telling me no, but my body's telling me yes; Age ain't nothing but a number; You remind me of my Jeep; Let's keep it down low, nobody has to know; I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky; This is the remix to ignition, hot and fresh out the kitchen; Do what I want do what I want with your body, no invitations it's a private party...

专辑里还有无数经典R&B元素:"Out of the Ordinary"中的蓝调吉他,"Superstar"类似Usher / Alicia "My Boo"的男女对唱,"EEeee"转音炫技,"Good Lovin"化用Jodeci "My Heart Belongs To U"旋律(类似Ciara "Promise", August Alsina "Would You Know"),不一而足。Jacquees的专业水平是从前辈处学来的,这也意味着他的音乐有很深的怀旧性质,与当下其他R&B歌手明显不同——虽然Bryson Tiller也说自己是“soul”,但他的trap煤气灶从头敲到尾。如果你有兴趣把90和00年代的R&B音乐刷一遍,也许会明白Jacquees在2019年发行这些歌曲的妙处。